General Discussion

General DiscussionThis game, makes me wanna pop my eyeballs out.

This game, makes me wanna pop my eyeballs out. in General Discussion
Harry hamburgerryg

    First game of the day The game speaks for itself, look at this team and their HD.

    Second game: lvl 14 pudge 40min lvl 12 disrupter. both feeding like theres no tomorrow.

    Third game: Best carrys ever dealing 9k hd 37min, jugger going mom s&y vs ursa.

    And finally my last game of the day:
    Legendary russian spec buys boots of speed after 22min, feeds like fuck the first 30min of the game, 07 score after 20min, sometimes he ultied early, hit one or two times and could not catch up cus he had no boots, he even ultied sometime got in bad position, and got caught up cus of no boots. Lategame he just uses hes ulti randomly. Oh and then we had a LD, who could not control his bear AT ALL. Seriously ive rarely seen so bad micro.

    Now my conclusion is, how the fuck can you call those games ranked. Those people belong a long way under fucking normal skill.
    The imbalance within ranked is fucking awful, one sided stomp every game. Also 75% of the people i played with in those games were fucking russians, the amount of wierd signs typed in all chat is massive thought the whole game. Its EU-WEST, and 50-75% of the population is fucking russians.

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      Mortimer Smith

        The other team 5 retards, your team 4 retards and you, so u have to have the advantage.


          Advantage, excatly how?. 4 retards ón the team every game. Look at their items, feed , and hero damage. Then træk what fucking advantage i have. I have 4 bots ón my team. If you cant dó simple math , get ur School money back. Also great advice, from a normal skill player.


            says the high skill player


              If you think that every game u get 4 retards that are on average worse than the retards in enemy team, u r either lying to urself or not aware of the basics of probability theory that afar is covered even in school maths.
              If u play better than ur mmr, retards are uniformly spread on the resting 9 slots of your games and ur team has little advantage. There is some dispersion but it is not really consistent in longrun., so u have more than 50% chances to win untill you rise your mmr to your "real" level.


                ^ if ur true mmr is higher than ur system mmr then it will feel like everyone on your team is retarded.


                  A game that goes past 1 hr and spectre isn't fully 6 slotted and stomping them. Really scraping the bottom of the barrel of idiots to find someone who can pull that off.

                  Then again that spec is russian so was to be expected that hes retarded. Blademail on spectre is stupid anyway -.-

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                  casual gamer

                    2k games

                    49% winrate

                    who is the real retard here


                      On average you are just as awful as your teammates are.

                      Harry hamburgerryg

                        winrate doesnt define ur mmr retard. For example this fool 3,14 has 59% winrate but also lower mmr than me. He also doesnt have alot of games in ranked, but in time it will be more spread and closer to 50%. I startet playing dota on this account, and i lost alot when i was new to the game in the beginning.


                          Really, nobody gives a fuck about you and your retarded shit games, go cry somewhere else. And no guys, he doesn't have 4 retards in team, he has 5 because he is one...


                            I agree that win rate doesn't define skill nor MMR. At the same time, it tells you how close you are to your real MMR. My 59% win rate means I'm a bit better than my teammates/opponents so I should gain a bit more MMR before stabilising. You have about 50% win rate, that means you have almost perfect rating for your skill.

                            Harry hamburgerryg

                              Steror go put ur bullshit somewhere else, or give some constructive critism.

                              Almost yeah, i usally play between 3700-3800 about 3800 would be close to 50% . I'm not crying about my mmr, i'm just stating that this game is not just pure skill. It's also a matter of luck. And looking at the simple stats from those 4games, you can't really come and tell me that i'm the worst person on the team...

                              casual gamer

                                If you lose more than 50% of your games when matched with retards, that makes you lower than a retard

                                sorry i had to spell that out for you

                                btw you have 43% winrate this month, so looks like you got WORSE

                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  I have nothing to say here other then this guy dsnt know math 5 retards on enemy is 5 4 retards on ur team is 4 u say ur better then them then ur 1.2 or what ever 5.2 will win more often then 5 and will go up and not down there for ur calling ppl who play better then u as retards and u cant see that they are better then you which makes u the biggest retard not just in dota but in life. No offense kappa. gl m8.

                                  Harry hamburgerryg

                                    "not just in dota but in life" hahhaa jesus fucking christ you are retarded. Also what you just wrote there makes no fucking sense.

                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                      ^makes no sence because ur so retarded that u dont know that 4 retards and 1 good player will win vs 5 retards u must had hard time in school and will have hard time in life,feel sry for u.


                                        Lol Op keep making these kind of threads lots of flame you will get. So much retards in this forum fking all scrubs

                                        Harry hamburgerryg

                                          Actually i'm working as a chef, unlike you who is probably a fat kid playing dota all the day. Just because i aint very good at dota, doesnt mean i'm not good at other things like things in real life, you stupid shit. Get a life and grow a brain. btw 3,2kgames and high skill? are you fucking kidding me.

                                          @kael nothing new in that, the dota 2 community is the most unfriendly ive ever seen in the many years ive been gaming.

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                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                            not good at math too but can cook, nice.
                                            yah looking at my profile i been playing all day every day

                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                              I work for a business so yah i must be fat ...
                                              and its funny how not knowing shit about me u assume i have no job and play dota all day.. been playing 1 to 3 games a week day.

                                              Tiny Airlines

                                                At least you didn't accidentally cracked your monitor screen like I did Jimmymancer... now I have to get a new one.

                                                Nevertheless I'm taking a break from this game until perhaps the New Bloom Festival or after the Dota Asian Championships, because people keep copying those strategies and it's getting really irritating.


                                                This was the game here that made me damage my monitor - Witch Doctor went on a feeding spree (I had the most last hits of 152) while he was also stealing last hits in laning so my GPM wasn't as high. And the cherry on the top of this shitfest was a shadow blade Crystal Maiden spamming freezing field (This was what led to me hitting my monitor, accidently cracking it) while invisible and an axe creep cutting which pissed me off so much. This match put me into a nasty meltdown (Fuck my Autism) and I couldn't control myself hitting the monitor. I was incredibly outraged over this entire match. Valve needs to get off their ass and fucking nerf shadow blade/amulet so you can't use it while channeling spells (This wouldn't happen to heroes with abilities that let them go invisible such as Nyx).

                                                Going to put my Dota 2 MMR climbing on hold for a few weeks until things calm down

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                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                  i would fucking love to play 1 match on zeldas account hahahahahha

                                                  the realm's delight

                                                    monitor breaking while playing dota

                                                    THICC BABY SHUM


                                                      Tiny Airlines

                                                        Lone Druid is complete shit now, he's too hard to control and doesn't do enough damage.


                                                          pop them out


                                                            monitor breaking while playing dota

                                                            you can try this, might help