General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen to use BKB

When to use BKB in General Discussion

    So I was just playing a game, I got bkb and I was Templar Assassin there was a enemy Sand King and invoker, I got my BKB because I was hit by the epicenter in every fight because I had no time to react because the sand king channelled it in the fog and he used shift queue so there was definitely not time to use BKB because I got burrow striked. So when should I BKB in that situation? Before the fight? After the epicenter? Our team had no initiator so eh.


      need to react fast, sandking q takes like.3 sec to hit and may be longer if he dsnt blink too close to u. if u have 10 sec bkb u can use it right as enemy able to use spells on u but in lower bkb should use it in perfect timing.


        He blinks really close to us like right next to our team then burrow strikes...

        Sup m8

          When facing an sk, your team needs good position or wards to not get hit by epicenter. Don't rely on your reactions.

          Dune, the Desert Planet

            When the fight breaks out, don't be in the middle of it. Have your finger ready and be prepared for his jump. Think like SK, know when he'll begin the channeling based on positioning of your team and aggressiveness of the enemies. Never activate it before fight, opponents will just wait it out.
            Also you can blink out of Epicenter, if you have Refraction on before it hits you. I hope you remember: always have Refraction on cooldown!

            One more thing, don't initiate a team fight as TA, or get initiated on, you don't want focus fire. Wait on sidelines ready to strike your target. Wait till dangerous spells are used. You are an assassin after all.

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              Place traps at places where he might blink from. Forgot to say this.

              I see you are interested in TA, check out my last game as Lanaya, you could learn some stuff. I made mistakes, but there are some crazy plays. Watch from player perspective.


                Thanks for the responses, definitely helps. @gg Can I add you? I have a bunch of questions about TA that I think you can answer.


                  I never make bkb, Kappa

                  srsly I only do it if extremely necessary... hurts your item progression and doesn't give you anything good besides the active. if I can get away with Manta/Linkens I'll always go for it


                    btw, you gotta be careful against Invoker because if he hits you with Tornado / Euls and times the Deafening Blast correctly you wont be able to use BKB in time.


                      Its extremely hard to bkb a blink-burrowstrike if the sandking is fast.
                      BKB does help a lot but dont buy it if you have no dmg output as a TA, desolator first is a good rule overall.

                      Sup m8

                        I don't know about you but i'd be pretty pumped if waga replied to my thread.


                          agreed ^^ ta = waga most played hero and he is fantastic with her. he is how i learned to play ta myself... althought with 60+ games that i have played with her i can still learn a lot more. my mid game has improved tremendously thanks to waga and his stream

                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                            Yeah, add me mate.

                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                              And Waga, hilarious game yesterday, when you were Necro. That Tusk made me laugh so hard.


                                If you want to counter SK, why not to buy pipe instead of BKB?

                                P.S. BKB is evil, it makes you to lose more. =)


                                  if u can avoid getting bkb do so

                                  i find bkb is one of the worse items u can get as a carry in pubs

                                  yet in some games its essential for u to even do something

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Vs a good invoker bkb is needed. One eul's, meteor, roar combo and you're dead. Gotta have bkb to avoid that shit sometimes, plus you can't always just run in the middle of a team fight to dodge a tornado or emp.