General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed more tips and advice on Silencer

Need more tips and advice on Silencer in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    At the moment im sitting at 66% WR on Silencer with 18 games. I would like to hear what the pros can say about my skill build


    Maxing Q and E W first.

    Right now, i have a problem with my item progression, i just usually go with arcanes, force staff then aghs.

    When is it viable to rush Aghs? Or is it a must core? Any small items to take other than force staff and TP scroll?

    Эта тема была изменена

      Tranq / PT > arcanes on Silencer

      Miku Plays

        Treads is actaully a good idea, i dont really find myself running low on mana.. mmmm gonna try next game unless team needs arcane holder


          also, you will get more harass on the offlaner from leveling Glaives instead of Curse @lvl 1 (glaives = pure dmg)
          and don't solo support as silencer I think it's kinda bad :P
          edit: if you have a good support in your team like Lion or Earth Spirit to ensure some good early game you can rush Midas (farm all the 3 camps by pulling on radiant)

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          Miku Plays

            oops i made a mistake in my first post..

            I usually run offlane silencer but ill try glaives lvl 1 and yes its quite hard to solo support using silencer.


              I usually don't pick him if I need to solo support, unless their team has a lineup that relys on huge teamfight (Enigma, Void, Earthshaker Earthspirit etc).
              I like glaives or curse lvl 1 depending on their offlaner. If they have centaur or bristle don't harras them with glaives, that's a good way of killing ur self. Last word and after the duration curse, that's the best way to keep these from getting exp . I like Treads and wand on silencer. The switching treads wand synergy is gonna keep u from going base after using ulti/stuff.. After treads and wand i usually go Scepter, refresher, orchid, forcesttaff or rod of atos. Rod of atos and orchid are deadly


                heh dude, you really went arcanes on silencer?
                you said you run offlane silencer? thats some easily killable offlaner, but i guess if they have a weak lane you can dominate it pretty easy also.
                and how do arcane boots help offlane silencer? get tranquil if the lane is hard, or get pt if you are free to dominate the enemy.
                but better don't go silencer offlane, go mid or carry, worst case pos 4, never go 5 silencer, he really benefits from items.
                even as a pos 4 if he participates in fights he can transition to a very strong right clicker with his int steal.

                bum farto

                  If you're supporting glaives is useful to harass without drawing aggro, while Q is annoying it can be quite easily dispelled. In most cases it is better to max the E over the Q but then again it all depends who you're up against.

                  In most cases, cast E to force a spell which in turn will silence, then once silenced cast Q so they can't dispel.


                    Im not pro and used silencer 1-2 times but i think you have to max q when the enemy on your lane has skills with a lot of mana waste (tiny, spectre, windranger...) if u are laned againist (phantom assasin, qop or any hero that can disespell it fast) u should go for your E.

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                      theres no point to skil glaives early

                      unless ur playing support thats zoning the offlaner