General Discussion

General DiscussionMemes, Life and Dota

Memes, Life and Dota in General Discussion
artschool enthusiast

    Hello Dotabuff!
    My life has been minimized to memes, maths, Dota and teenage girl TV shows.

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    bum farto

      BEESA PLZ! On topic, you gonna make a serious team any time soon?

      artschool enthusiast

        Not for TI5, but I'd glady stand-in if anyone needs my help...

        However, I am considering making a team right after TI5 for TI6, because I'd have finished my exams and gotten my degree by then.


          math is life

          artschool enthusiast

            It is also death.

            kanye went to uni

              what do you think pub slarks are doing wrong the most?

              artschool enthusiast

                They can't find a balance between farming and actively looking for kills.
                If my safelane goes well (freefarm) I aim for:
                90-100cs at 10min.
                150ish at 20min.
                250ish at 30min.
                It's not unusual for me to have 250cs and 12 kills / 0-1 deaths at 30min.


                  let me know how that strategy works when all other lanes are feeding

                  artschool enthusiast

                    It worked out well enough to go from 5.3k calibration to 7k rating in only 235 games, 60-80 of which were randoming and I hit 7k at exactly 41 slark games.


                      dude, i watched some of your AM replays, and i learned a thing or two watching them.
                      and btw my life is kinda like that atm ( reaaaaaly need to grind some math MMR fast, lel).

                      artschool enthusiast

                        Thx, he's a good hero with no room for error.

                        kanye went to uni

                          how do you achieve 100 cs at 10 min? just dark pact jungle?

                          artschool enthusiast

                            Dark Pact lane with int treads > Hit creeps with agi > Dark Pact jungle
                            Rinse and repeat
                            (QB helps a lot)


                              What in your opinion is the best replay of yours that is available that would help improve ones skill? Wheather it be for a 2k player, 3k player, 4k player, 5k player. Also why you would pick that replay.

                              artschool enthusiast

                                That's a tough one, I have to go through my match history now, and hope I have a non-expired replay of that game.
                                Will edit for future answer.
                                There's a lot of good games that I dont have replays for, and a few others that I have replays for. Here's a good one, but not the best:
                                I'm not sure what the average mmr in this game was. There weren't any particular flashy plays or anything, but I prefer solid and systematic play to that. Watch how I farm mid lane and ancients really well and hit good item timings and end the game with a good BKB usage. I have no idling time, I'm always doing something, I don't usually happen to find myself somewhere random on the map because I tend to predict and plan all map movement ~2minutes ahead.

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                                  wow you are so good
                                  no joke


                                    I'll look at it and asked some questions about it, if thats ok. mainly to do with decision making. I don't play mid that often since I normally duo Q with a friend who only plays pudge. Then if I don't get carry I just troll hero pick T.T. Regarding the last little bit, can you still gain mmr at higher ranks doing stupid shit like drow jungle/ nerco jungle? Playing your worst heroes? Mine is like CK/LC Or do you have to stick to heroes you know well and can play well?

                                    Edit; thanks for the fast answer to my first question, I still have little to no idea who you are, sorry :\ but I gathered you were 7k and named beeso?

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                                    artschool enthusiast

                                      I think drow/necro jungle and troll picks would work up to 4k... that is if your execution is good enough and makes up for your lineup being disadvantaged.
                                      CK/LC are pretty good heroes, I can see both of them working in 6k bracket. But, if you're bad at them then you'll have to play/train them before you expect to climb in MMR. Usually playing the heroes you are most comfortable with are best for climbing in MMR, and if those heroes happen to be ES/Meepo/Slark/TA/Storm/PL/AM then consider that a godsend.

                                      It's Beesa and I haven't played solo RMM ever since I got my 7k coz there is 'no reward / no treasure' chest at the end of that rainbow?!

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                                        what do u think about rimes constant whining in voice?
                                        i had this game in mind

                                        artschool enthusiast

                                          I am accustomed to it. #UKDota
                                          That was a mildly annoyed everyday Rime, he can get much worse.
                                          What coincidence, a friend just linked me this with a "Nice build" comment.

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                                            HAH ROFLLLLLLLLLLLL wow i had fuckign 3 dinosaurs in the end and won SOLO


                                              ES = Earth spirit? Not earthshaker I assume.
                                              Why would you suggest PL/AM. They work great at the moment ( in current meta, ad against commonly picked heroes ) but why in your opinion are they good? How would you build them, skillwise and item wise. AM is more versatile in my opinion than PL since you can build him both skill wise and item wise differently. What works best in your opinion?

                                              I'll probably look at some of those replays of those heroes in your recent games.

                                              Side question, My pudge friend wants to know is pudge viable? can he get to 6k with only pudge hes sitting at around 4k atm and how can he improve, Thats his profile.

                                              Regarding that TA game. you didn't seem to do any early ganks but that i can only assume since you didnt have rune vision and had a farming pattern which you followed.


                                                1. what do you think of bloodseeker
                                                2. why do you not pick troll anymore (did they fix the glitch lol)?

                                                edit: how do you get to play a core almost every time when you play solo ranked (especially if you change your name a lot so ppl won't recognise u)? I got really annoyed because I think I am a decent #1 but can't play support for shit, but mostly nobody else wants to play supp so I do..I even had to solo offlane with DK in one game and still had to carry our asses because the idiot screaming look at me im top 30 or something with ember didn't do fucking shit

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                                                  :facepalm: Vroksnak

                                                  bum farto


                                                    There were abilities that hadn't been fully tweaked yet on troll but these weren't glitches just things that were eventually patched out he is good with troll, afaik continued to play him. dev, and reddit are always ready to kick up a pitchfork against anyone who doesn't fit in their 50% winrate theories.

                                                    "Since when was 5 man stacking 100% of your game considered a legit way to get high winrate ?"

                                                    !TOP KEK!


                                                      yeah, that is why I am asking because I know he used to play troll heaps and was very good at him. and troll is really strong atm. are you saying that landing ranged bashes is not a glitch?

                                                      artschool enthusiast

                                                        You can look at my AM/PL games to answer those questions.
                                                        I think Pudge is good enough for 6k, but if you're only 4k then thats a pretty far road and you have to generally get better as a player.

                                                        Bloodseeker was borderline broken with Blademail+Bloodrage, but now that that got nerfed I'm not sure what I think of him anymore.
                                                        Coz I got bored of troll.
                                                        I get to play core everytime coz I prefer to first pick a carry and get countered than play support.


                                                          Will do, thanks.

                                                          He wants to know HOW.

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                                                          artschool enthusiast

                                                            I dont have some secret epic tips that will magically give a person +2k MMR. Sorry.


                                                              Was kinda hoping you'd give him item build advice since I feel like he has one way mind mentality, his item build or the highway, never goes bkb. gets pipe when he doesnt need it. etc but his own words "if you're an expert in a field you should be able to give some advice." T.T doesnt matter :D russians for you

                                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                how is tiny at higher lvl dota?

                                                                artschool enthusiast

                                                                  He's completely fine, but people tend to not farm much with him?! and they are bad tossing...
                                                                  Most people sort of Avalanche+Toss for damage without actually thinking.
                                                                  You can do all sorts of stuff with Toss like tossing pounced allies away from Slark, etc...
                                                                  I like Phase+Drums+MoM on him for w.e reason, but I haven't tested him enough to go for a more solid build.

                                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                    Yah, can also instead of camboing 1 person can toss 1 at other 2 and get 3 man stun, or toss enemy wd to cancel ult. my build is
                                                                    I used to spam phase boots on tiny, but then as playing him more and more I realized that I tend to gank too much and get out carryd by enemy, so I transfered into gank couple of times farm entire map end game tiny. QB is like midas on tiny love it. Also sometimes it feels like I have to buy drums if im dying too much and cant buy aghs right away.


                                                                      First time i realize YNIT is backwards tiny

                                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                        ^ omg, one time some guy on enemy team figured my name out rlly fast looked at my profile saw that i picked tiny 5 times in row and picked him before me then flamed me....


                                                                          ITT: The gathering of the best drodobuff plejerz
                                                                          +to jussi xD

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                                                                          artschool enthusiast

                                                                            My jar's never empty.

                                                                            bum farto

                                                                              So many drodos!


                                                                                30 posts and not a single one important..

                                                                                tits or ass?

                                                                                artschool enthusiast

                                                                                  Neither, for me it's all about the face.


                                                                                    Love at first glance :^)

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                                                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                      added top 20 tiny player and he said to basically farm up 8 min blink soulring and gank 24/7.
                                                                                      Im confused, i went from ganking tiny to farming tiny and wtf mbe there is 2 ways of playing him, farming tiny been working for me.

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                                                                                      BIG FAT DUCK

                                                                                        how do u know he's not gay xan

                                                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                          gay ppl dont play dota.


                                                                                            yes they do i mean look at urself

                                                                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                              ^ u just proved me wrong by coming here, forgot u still play dota. And idk y u think im gay with 0 knowledge of me.


                                                                                                F UCKING SHIT PEOPLE GO F UCK YOURSELF
                                                                                                WHAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH G AY PEOPLE? CAN YOU EXPLAIN ME?

                                                                                                I HOPE YOU D IE...

                                                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                                  IKR, i ACTUALLY KNOW BECAUSE HES FRIEND TOLD ME, HE DSNT KNOW SHT BOUT ME SO....


                                                                                                    yes they do

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                                                                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                                      THATS LOL


                                                                                                        thread derailed to gay discussion

                                                                                                        /mission complete.