General Discussion

General DiscussionClimbing to 6k (Mid 5k advice)

Climbing to 6k (Mid 5k advice) in General Discussion

    Ok I'm sure a lot of u have good tips but my 2 cents:

    Queue prime time on whichever region you're most comfortable with (for me it's US East even though I live on the west coast) and then pray ur team doesn't pick retarded shit or random trash heroes. Prime hours are between early afternoon and late evening local standard time.

    Cancel queue at 2 mins so u don't get 4k mmr players (or if u do they won't be below 4800, which is like the bare minimum I can tolerate these days). I heard Swiftending cancelled queue as well on his climb to 7k so he would mostly get 6k and high 5k players instead of having to carry players 1000 mmr below.

    Beesa told me he wished he cancelled queue at 2 min mark as well on his climb to 7k, it would've reduced the # of losses.

    I know Allison and DD are also mid 5k so maybe there's something else I missed.

    Then just pick broken he...err...I mean play good. ^.^

    (Btw Lich is a decent support and also really easy to play, so if u have people on ur team picking troll/jugg u can just pick lich and rape their safelane to cement your victory)

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      why no USW? isnt it easier in USW?
      congrats on 6k


        i'm not 6k, i'm like 5.4

        US West is honestly a garbage server, my friend who's 4.7k got 3.9k teammates queuing at like 1 am, he even has a screenshot: (he's the lion)

        complete trash

        Plus u have people like xcalibur, singsing, and dendi who lost a shit ton of mmr during the ti 4 cuz they played the pubs on that server (contrary to what waga says the games are not easier cuz ur team is super retarded while the other team is just slightly retarded)

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          Do you really think Lich is good enough if it goes late? I mean yeah he seems like an easy hero to play but I feel like he just doesn't offer enough if the game lasts longer than 40 min. This is someone who plays a lot of Lich at the 3.8k level.

          BIG FAT DUCK

            the point with lich is to help at least 1 lane win hard so the fact that he is not that useful late game is offset by that advantage

            i buy ward/courier and then help my offlane win since we will outlevel the opponents. if it's something like solo axe vs solo pa i go help mid instead by denying mid creeps and using nova on their mid hero (remember to secure runes as well if it's safe)

            either way ur offlane or mid should win

            idk how games are at the 3.8k level but hopefully u can ping them to take towers/roshan and end the game before lich becomes useless

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              Do you feel like safelane Lich is a waste compared to offlane Lich? I've heard some people say that since it's more helpful to be denying the enemy carry in the offlane and have an easy way to combat pulls via Lich sac.

              BIG FAT DUCK

                if ur solo supporting then safelane is probably better but people in my bracket pick decently so i haven't had a situation where i waste lich's offlane support potential

                just do what the situation demands


                  what if i like to feed and play like a stupid feeder?

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    wow what a nub 6k mmr not even 5
                    Im 3500 mmr road to 2k then going to be number 1
                    1k mmr hard to get, low % of ppl are there.

                    BIG FAT DUCK

                      help i am stuck at 5400

                      wat do

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                        ynit, do u want me to teach u to get to 1k?

                        MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                          moar jug

                          BIG FAT DUCK

                            moar troll


                              dont cry

                              keep team morale up at all times

                              tell retards what to do if u see that they are bad

                              never flame them

                              if u follow these simple steps games will become much easier


                                There are no tips to climb, you just need luck in the players you get in your team. Pray to not get account buyers, flamers and pro players like Xcalibur in your team and you'll be fine.
                                You just need to have at least 2 guys in your team to be decent and you're good to go.
                                The upper game says everything.


                                  @kumbomaman sorry to break it down for you but youre wrong. if you think you dont have to improve anymore, then youre full of shit dude.

                                  theres so much stuff that you can do to improve at dota. sudden realisation of this fact: EVERYONE SUCKS AT DOTA, but some suck less will grant you the tool that is most important part of climbing mmr: look at yourself.

                                  Giff me Wingman

                                    He never claimed that he didn't have to improve. Also Kumbo is much better than you, i wouldn't try to scold someone who obv. knows the game better.

                                    Not really, just pick TA, Storm, Meepo, Slark or ES and get sum points. You can carry braindead tools without having luck. But yeah, if you get 4k feeding trashteam against a Pro mid player while you don't have the optimal pick, you might as well stay base.


                                      sad thing is that es ta meepo players have very inflated rating because of the broken hero. remove 500 points (or more) off their mmr and u have the real mmr.


                                        Its obvious that one of those smurf guys who is too scared to reveal his real account is so much better than me. I dont care m8, he may be Dendi but that doesnt mean what he says is true. hell, you shouldnt believe everything i say, im full of shit sometimes too.

                                        my point stands though: he said "you just need luck to win" which is not true.

                                        and if you guys think meepo is what you need to play, get rekt:


                                        Giff me Wingman

                                          Ok, then let's show the community how shitty of a player you actually are.

                                          Your Hidden MMR is 3.7kish. I removed every Meepo game from (excluding win and loss from every meepo game the last month)
                                          Here is your Winrate in 3.7k bracket without playing meepo:

                                          Normal Allpick Dravic:
                                          ~3.7k MMR No meepo Winrate:
                                          win Loss
                                          21 34
                                          Winrate: 38.3% winrate.

                                          You are nothing more but one of the very few inflated shittards who can't play anything else but meepo because you know that people can't handle that hero. You are utter trash and can't even hold up in mid 3ks. Shut your trap and piss of these forums, you oppionion is invalid and noone cares what a inflated pile of shit has to say.


                                            amazing analysis of my low priority games.

                                            Giff me Wingman

                                              And that makes it even worse. Low prio games are even more low skilled.

                                              Congratz m8. You can't even compete with low 3ks. Just don't argue with anyone who is superior, you will just look like an idiot.

                                              Another example:

                                              It's people like you who are just trash. You are so bad and useless not even this snowballing slark and waga could carry you. You outfed your support heavily and did nothing the whole game.

                                              Just uninstall already.

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                                                @Great Cornholio
                                                If you pick those heroes doesn't meant that you instantly win the game. No pick will help you with a Vengeful Spirit with 6800 solo MMR that decides to jungle, a roaming Pudge at level 4 in 12 minutes into the game and a Storm Spirit with 27 minutes orchid. We're talking about game from page 1 with 800~ spectators and all players were above 5500 MMR.

                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                  It helps a great deal tho.

                                                  As i said in my post, if you get a 4k trashfeedteamofdoom, you prob lost. But if you as much as just have 2 decent guys you can still win by snowballing.

                                                  You are refering to people like Dravic who have no clue about the game and inflated their MMR heavily. And yes, if you have a couple of dravics you have a really hard time.


                                                    Careful, Dravic!

                                                    Raidboss is back


                                                      You don't realize how much of a retard you are, Blunt?

                                                      Come add me though, stack with me and slahser for some funs, are u up?


                                                        Oh my do you say that going offlane (least played position of mine) with huskar was a bad idea? Shit i wouldnt realise without your help. Besides the fact that it was a feedfest, it was on waga stream and i sinceriously apologized both waga himself and viewers for my performance on offlane. Im not much of offlane player and do not understand it. And i actually admit how shit i am at offlane.

                                                        Great example of me failing for sure.

                                                        You are free to find all of my bad performance games from last month, but first separate the ranked matches where im playing core position from everything else so that you have clear view. I definitely wont surprise you if i tell you that im not a 5kmmr support or offlane material without any practice in those positions.

                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                          This is literally the first non meepo game.

                                                          You are nothing but trash.

                                                 - Feedfest, beyond useless
                                                 - 0 TD as TB
                                                 - Extremely low HD compared to stats (also 4th lowest HD overall), shit farm, carried by Viper
                                                 - Shit items, highest deaths, lowest HD in the game, no farm
                                                 - Highest deaths again, useless, no farm. hilariously enough more HD than your 14 1 void.
                                                 - Again highest deaths, 5,5k HD as potm rofl, Trash items
                                                 - Highest deaths, Extremely low TD for a jakiro, extremely low HD for a jakiro as well.
                                                 - Highest deaths with 2 other guys, extremely low HD for ember @ 1h game 251 CS 53min.
                                                 - Extremely low Farm, at least got 2nd highest HD for once.
                                                 - 3.5k Ranked game, highest Deaths, no farm.
                                                 - 3.5k Ranked Game, FOR ONCE LEAST DEATHS WOOOOOOOOOOO, Tied HD with DS (lol), no farm, no TD.

                                                          Flawless, not a single game where u did good.

                                                          Idk, according to a lot of people i'm spot on, but i'm glad you don't see how much of an idiot you are because it makes things a lot more hilarious. Please go on.

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                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                              Raidboss Blunt rekt little DD creep.

                                                              sad story of his life.


                                                                You think Davic gives a shit about what you're saying? Do you think he doesn't know his own limits?

                                                                Don't you think he knows his Meepo is superior to yours?
                                                                Oh, why do you even spend your time telling someone you dont' give a shit about, how terrible they are?

                                                                Spot on? HAHAHA, are you fucking proud cause some guys thinks you're spot on in the useless shit you're posting?

                                                                AGAIN, can you fucking stop posting bullshit that actually doesn't get you any further in life?
                                                                Come have fun with me instead! :blush: :highfive:

                                                                bum farto

                                                                  TLDR; Two 3k players arguing about inflated winrate with meepo.

                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                    Yes i think he gives a shit since he bothers to reply, also no he clearly doesn't.

                                                                    I'm pretty sure he doesn't since he never saw my meepo, unlike you he has a brain and does realize when he gets insulted etc. Basicially he can comprehend logic unlike you.

                                                                    Because it clearly makes him mad.

                                                                    Yes i am indeed proud. It makes for a good conversation about inflated players.

                                                                    bottom line:
                                                                    DD, you are as stupid as you look on your old avatar.

                                                                    DUURRRRRRRRRR DROOOOOOOOOLLLLL

                                                                    Said low 4k player. Please give us some insight. I've already had a couple of other 4ks ranting because you sucked so much dick that it offended them.

                                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                      you guys know what time it is?

                                                                      indeed you do


                                                                        dude you cant read, how can you call me out of bad support/offlane games if i already said that i realise how bad i am at those positions? and you brought up some team games (if you are so good at analysing you'd actually notice that k2core and tymbark are common players in those games, therefore you can deduct that they are indeed my friends, we sometimes stacked together for fun in ranked matchmaking). i feel offended because im getting flamed by a guy who can't read.

                                                                        "You are free to find all of my bad performance games from last month, but first separate the ranked matches where im playing core position from everything else so that you have clear view."

                                                                        these are the matches:





                                                               - and this is with my <3k mmr friends, ranked matchmaking for fun

                                                                        literally these games are the only ones you posted where i play a core but its fine. i do not need your acknowledgement

                                                                        Trolls these days... so strong.

                                                                        Giff me Wingman

                                                                          @faka u:
                                                                          You missed it dontcha? ;3

                                                                          @ Dravic:
                                                                          It's not fine, i commented why. You suck massive cock. You are barely 3k trash, congratz.

                                                                          Just stop writing here you filthy inflated 3k trash. I pointed out in a lot of examples why you are not even remotely 5k, you can't handle the fact because you are nothing but shit. Go flush yourself down a toilet, thx!

                                                                          Giff me Wingman

                                                                            And he tells me i have to read. And there i thought DD was the slow one, i might have to rethink that statement.

                                                                            Call the ironic police.


                                                                              guys im gonna play 200 more games of meepo, and then talk down on you with my 6-7k mmr.


                                                                                I think i've heard it before. just do it, why not? so easy.

                                                                                i havent talked down on anyone yet, im just pointing out that you should never stop improving because "hurr im in 3k/4k/5k/6k already durr"


                                                                                  you need to win some 'high skill' CM games first
                                                                                  edit: @ C9.VOLKK

                                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                                    But the ironic police caught you being 3k trash that stopped improving and just took meepo to get a rating you do not deserve.

                                                                                    You were sentenced to be a fucking low ass scrub until you start improving.

                                                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                      if only playing meepo vs high skill oponents was that easy

                                                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                                                        get used to micro, rat. Ez pts.

                                                                                        Getting to 5k with meepo is not hard. Getting beyond that point is different tho.