A very good early game nero is dangerous that said hes mostly for ages then ult biggest threat hero=1/2 min spawn timer no buy back. Though rarely does he steal the show but do you job heal, ult right heros, buy neronomnomnom/push. Yea he can git good.
I love necrophos, hes such a versatile hero, you can build him so many different ways and he can pretty much lane everywhere except jungle(just stacking between creepwave until you get sadist+pulse spam).
Early stomp build with a dagon+ult, just get a roamer with you just in case dagon doesnt deal enough dmg, like an ogre.
Mid build with mek rush is super good.
Late tanky build with aghs and bloodstone.
He can't win 1v5 in the way that like a meepo can win 1v5 or a TB can just kill all the towers no matter how much his team feeds, but he can drag his team to victory by dominating early and snowballing much like a dominate storm or qop would.
No hero can 1v5 in a serious game. If you manage to 1v5, the other must have done something wrong.
It's not literally 1v5 but something like this http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/1181728256
Jug crushed our team. A necro won't really do that, his dmg doesn't scale enough into late, and he'll require more contributions from everyone else but he can still snowball into a beast.
Aghs Refresher Necro is the most evil thing in Dota late game.... I've seen pro teams that were losing badly win one fight with Aghs refresher and win the game.
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Any dotabuffs of legendary necro abusers? For build, items etc
I feel like the hero can't make enough impact to atleast try to win 1vs5