General Discussion

General DiscussionDrow mid is imposible

Drow mid is imposible in General Discussion

    When i go safelane with support i hit every lasthit and do a normal game.
    When i go mid they deny every creep that i want to hit and supports allways kill me, i have silence, yeah but its like 1 second for cast that skill, i just can feed as drow mid.
    Then i buy lifesteal and try to go jungle, they know and catch me easy, i try to jungle ancients, they have it allways warded.
    I dont know what to do with drow in mid, can some1 share a game with the mid fucked as drow and how you deal to farm jungle or whatever.

    (Read it is going to be painful, i'm sorry)


      After I read what u wrote I'm imagining a guy that goes to mid and autoattacks 24/7 and then bam he died to a gank

      then you go to jungle just afk attacking, 5 seconds after u killed the camp u go to another camp.

      Am I right?


        C9.blabla no, you have a wrong image of me.


          Ty benao for share


            Drow isnt a strong midlane hero as you already noticed. without supports rotating to help her, constantly. At that point though why not just run tiny Io double mid?

            No waveclear, no way to protect herself from bottlehogging nukespamming typical midlane hero.

            Этот комментарий был изменён

              Thrash will be thrash, nothing to do here.

              Tiny Airlines

                Pudge is really good against Drow. Have you considered picking Clockwerk and trapping her in your power cogs during laning phase?

                Arek Akashi

                  Drow at lvl 6 is Op she can't lose last hit/deny , in radiant she can stack ancients and farm them with a mom (mom op=push /farm) , also if your opponent mid hero decides to gank you can punish him with 1 push = 1 tower


                    i ever heard about wards , positioning , sentries ?

                    1 sentry costs 200 gold per pack

                    1 dewarded ward refunds u with 25% of what u already paid

                    if u use both sentries and remove 2 wards u lose 100 gold and waste enemies 7 minutes of ward time (considering u destroyed wards right after they got placed)

                    Dire Wolf

                      It's like playing sniper mid but with no shrapnel to farm from a distance and less range. What do you expect? If left alone you will farm fast and wreck the tower but she's so gankable.

                      Howard Donald

                        Sorry to be a pedant, but Thrash isn't how you spell Trash. And it's also not how you spell Power Treads. What are Power Threads? Like 70's jeans?


                          ^so much this, like when i spell threads i feel like i want to vomit, its like a sound you make when you are vomiting.