General Discussion

General DiscussionJuggernaut passes Pudge on most played

Juggernaut passes Pudge on most played in General Discussion
Tiny Airlines

    Looks like Pudge didn't get to enjoy his 1st most popular rank on popularity by week for very long - Juggernaut is now the most popular.

    Any thoughts?

    Dire Wolf

      Not surprised, he's extremely op right now, flexible and not especially hard to play/pretty noob friendly. A lot like PA except a stronger pick.

      Tiny Airlines

        I managed to annihilate him with Wraith King last game I played but I can agree - he is way too buffed. I wonder how longer it'll be until Icefrog gives him some disciplinary action.

        Этот комментарий был изменён

          sniper 2.3mil picks in a week

          played like 20+ games this week not a single sniper in my games


            ive seen sniper range my storm mid 3 times the past week.... and im like how the fuck did that happen and reported every storm :D


              Much depends upon a skill Bracket. I rarely meet pudges although he's #1. Dotamax will help a lot more to understand this.
     . Also jugg has the highest win rate in VH bracket, sometimes swaps with omni.

              King of Low Prio

                Farm MoM, find a hero press R, wait til CD resets and repeat.


                  Young princess zelda: wtf like PA needed a nerf, shes so easy to disable, pick cm and lion and she cant do shit. Jugg on the other way has a free bkb and is invulnerable during ult and has that op healing ward.

                  Tiny Airlines

                    Yeah sorry I shouldn't have said that - I never really had problems with PA unlike most poeple.

                    Troll too is starting to get pretty common as well. Haven't seen very many matches in the championship without him.

                    Этот комментарий был изменён
                    Tiny Airlines

                      That was dotamax.

                      Has anyone noticed Troll's been getting really popular lately?


                        Btw, troll wood farm faster than jugg :) especially in dire
                        That bug fix is so sweet on him

                        Этот комментарий был изменён
                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          matrice has an obbession with going jungle on every hero it seems.

                          THICC BABY SHUM

                            who cares dota max or dotabuff, same topic right on same page.


                              Matrice find a way to jungle omni and I send you a random rare

                              King of Low Prio

                                omni is prob really easy to jungle with cuz of his high base stats


                                  The best way to beat troll as a carry is to delay most core items to go fast mkb if you have relativly safe farm yourself, had a game where both my sven and pa would delay bkb/blink for sven to go fast mkb and it reks troll.

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Yeah I don't see tons of snipers in my games, used to see more, I think the changes to shrapnel and headshot were indeed nerfs. I used to spam that guy and I can't stand playing as him right now.

                                    I play troll a ton. Obviously mkb is important but bkb also blocks his whirl axes so I wouldn't say you have to rush mkb, just dont try to man fight him 1v1. The biggest counter I find is a shitload of early game disable and magic dmg cus troll is sorta squishy early, not a lot of hp til he farms some items and needs bkb badly. If you go like ogre, axe and zeus you will shut him down hard. Just don't let up cus he flash farms like crazy so you can't get ahead then back off and let him rotate through woods and lanes.

                                    Gank him too with magic, he's not super hard to gank having on escapes, he'll just spam his axes and his slowing ones and try to run. Qop and storm are good gankers vs him.


                                      hey matrice, im watching this replay of ur troll jungle

                                      can you tell me whats the hack to hit creeps in the fog without having vision on em please?

                                      Этот комментарий был изменён
                                      Dire Wolf

                                        hmm your jungle build is a lot different than mine. What starting items do you get?

                                        I tried a couple variants but in the end I like quelling blade, stout shield, tango. Then I go berserker's rage, whirling axes, fervor, fervor, fervor, ult. I have also gone fervor first, berserker's rage second, whirling axes third, but the extra 15 dmg from berserkers rage seems to clear the first camp better for me and having whirling axes to make the next one miss gives me better up time. First item I get is morbid mask then bassy, then phase boots, aquila, finish dominator then sometimes I rosh, sometimes go yasha next.

                                        I usually like to clear out the small camp first, then if I do it fast enough clear it again otherwise just go to the medium next. I'm wondering why you don't go any whirling axes early when the miss chance is really good vs creeps for keeping your hp up before lifesteal.


                                          my woods build:
                                          2 slipper + quelling blade (no suicide)
                                          rush morbid mask into phase into pms into dominator/yasha
                                          fervor rage fervor rage fervor shit-that-took-the-place-of-rampage rage rage whirling axes fervor

                                          I start with medium camp, followed by medium, followed by medium, then hard -usually i get the 900 gold at this camp- then w/e i want

                                          If i'm radiant, i make medium, hard -i hope for no troll-, medium, medium

                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                            I really don't get why you would get 2 slippers, morbid mask, queling blade and phase boots before picking up the stout shield.

                                            The stout seems to becoming increasingly less relevant the more levels you gain.

                                            I mean... for a jungler... stout is best when you are takings lots of damage at level 1.... if you are going to wait that long to get it, why not just not get it at all and get a aquila.

                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                              I don't need the stout shield, i don't take damage before lvl ~3
                                              I don't need the mana of aquila, and pms give way more tanking against heroes than aquila :)
                                              Not to mention that 2 slipper + quelling blade is the most agressiv lvl 1 build for troll.

                                              Well mb i'd check the circlet slipper quelling start :)

                                              Этот комментарий был изменён
                                              whiskey waters

                                                u didnt answer chains question, how can you hit fogged creeps ?


                                                  he spins?

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    the hero is fine.......

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      I don't know how you kill those first camps without taking dmg, I know you kite them in ranged but they die too slowly for me. I'd much rather go 1,3,2,3,3,4 build with qb, stout, tangos and just fight them in melee. I tried both ways and myself am way better at going rage first.

                                                      Also I go aquila for the mana regen not just stats. If you spam axes a lot to clear waves I find my mana is always low without it.


                                                        Maybe kiting use ranged? He says he starts with fervor lvl 1


                                                          * Juggernaut base armor reduced by 1
                                                          * Omnislash cast range reduced from 450 to 350
                                                          i just found out about ths lol


                                                            i dont think that would affect him that much

                                                            hes agi carry with decent stat gain so 1 armor means nothing to him

                                                            omnislash cast range is minor thing too cuz majority of ppls build race car jugger so max movement speed easy to run in and omnislash or even buy blink and use it always nice tool for initiation


                                                              and the armor, is like the revert of the agi's armor he won last patch.

                                                              Btw i'm using this:

                                                              for my woods, same strat, apart that troll is faster

                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                "Maybe kiting use ranged? He says he starts with fervor lvl 1"

                                                                That's what I said but I tried it but just hitting creeps and running to the edge of their aggro range so they'll reset before they hit you. But it was slower than my melee based build cus they run back and forth a lot and it messes up your fervor stacks.

                                                                I see matrice's thing is actually a nifty path trick, I'll have to try it cus yeah, that would be insanely fast with troll. I might still use my melee strat on radiant though.

                                                                We need to educate the masses though, it's hard to get safelane now on troll cus of all the jugger, void and PA picks so I went jungle yesterday and got absolutely trashed in chat. Some guys told me how much it sucks and I asked if he had ever tried it and he said obviously cus he knows it sucks so I just said then you're doing something wrong. Anyway, long story short I had by far best farm on our team and the guys talking shit lost mid and safelane so badly, couldn't come back (was morph and slark).

                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                  if ur gonna lane troll you may as well put him mid a lot of the time, though it works either way

                                                                  believe the luna thing is done with most agi carries and ranged in general (troll luna morph drow)

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    It depends on matchup. I couldn't zone out a tinker the one time I went mid on troll. March + 100% miss laser means impossible to threaten him. Other mids probably better.


                                                                      You can wood that way with any ranged heroes.
                                                                      work also in radiant, as the middle medium camp has a very very short max aggro range


                                                                        what a stupid fucking hero



                                                                            What is with Support morphling... do you just morph 100% strength and walk around stunning?


                                                                              4.25 sec stun, any retard can kill a target sunned for 4 seconds

                                                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                ^AXAXAXAXAXAX this guy is the best he teach me how to feed with earth spirit +rep

                                                                                Tiny Airlines

                                                                                  Faka U- It has more to do with Omnislash getting nerfed. Either case this fucker deserved it.

                                                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                    1 armor is like being hit with plane. its op, they dont want jugg to do rosh at 10 min in.

                                                                                    Tiny Airlines

                                                                                      I think that picture with the armor reduced by 1 buff please picture is pretty funny.

                                                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                        I find it funny how only ppl who are good at the game and played the game for long time know the power of 1 armor.

                                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                                          "What is with Support morphling... do you just morph 100% strength and walk around stunning?"

                                                                                          I don't know, only seen it in the one game and that morph was awful. It general though I think it probably sucks compared to supports who have more than one disable/nuke. Like sweet he can stun for 4 seconds and has a decent nuke but it throws him forward. Lion can hex for 4 seconds, stun and dmg for 2.5, ulty dmg for 850, and his attack range is nearly double. That really hurts morph. Yeah he's more tanky, but is he a better support than like ogre, also tanky and melee? Cus both have shit ranged for a suppot, ogre has two nukes and ridiculous ulty making him have like ~12 nukes when lucky, a slow and a stun.

                                                                                          I actually think I'd most compare him to mirana cus his cast range is rather long like arrow and his strike is long like mirana's leap into starfall. Thing is mirana's ulty is much cooler and her attack range better and if you use morphs strike to nuke you can't escape. He just seems inferior compared to other supports.