General Discussion

General DiscussionTroll items and built progression

Troll items and built progression in General Discussion

    Anyone can help me with this hero?
    Need advice, he's look quite strong :/


      Get 1 level of each by 5, max your nuke first, then fervor. Item builds are flexible, I like phase>helm>crit>bkb. You can solo smoke rosh when you get crit and it's not as obvious as an ursa. You can get phase/pt>SnY if you need more hp and chase. Pressure towers whenever you can and watch the map to help your allies with battle trance. Switch to meele form whenever getting harassed/last hitting because it gives you more damage, armor and hp. Switch to ranged in a fight if you're getting slowed so that you can still deal damage, but usually you can catch enemies with your own slow + phase + bash. Don't forget to use meele nuke on enemy carry, with your high armor + evasion + bash (and possibly lifesteal) you can man fight almost anyone in the game.


        1 more thing, I think Troll is a really good hero to climb mmr as he has helped me a lot at one point where I rediscovered him. He's really good in laning stage because of his versatility, he can help get kills on the offlaner or stay back and last hit/trade hits in a more dangerous lane. Once you get your core you can farm jungle, push towers when enemies are busy, get rosh and 1v1 most heroes. He pushes like crazy and if enemies make even one mistake it could cost them rax.

        Jorges Sanz

          Max Beserker Rage over fervor after taking one value point in fervor. Mobility is more useful since you can easily clear creep waves and most nc with whirling axes anyway.

          I never liked the idea of early solo rs, its too damn obvious as a troll given how fast he moves around the map for farm and he just doesn't rs as fast as a lycan or ursa. With proper map control, you won't get that free aegis.

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