General Discussion

General DiscussionPlease rate my Invoker and advice to Improve my game skills

Please rate my Invoker and advice to Improve my game skills in General Discussion

    i r8 9/11


      Before benao comes here and see normal skill better get out. Haha just kidding no need to get scared of scrubs. Btw q/e doesn't meant to get drums unless you playing q/w. And follow grimorum's build you will get all the answers. Get a urn for a starting item and combo with cold snap it's really stronk. Or if you wanna play an easy way and get free kills rush eul and do 1 shot combo. I always go blades of attack>iron branch I guess>tango. Then until 9 or 8 min usually I get my Midas and then into phase boots and then you rush eul and this is for q/e not q/w. After eul try get force staff> scyth or aghs and build refresher if you know how to combo. Or instead of refresher you can even go skadi or damage item.

      Try not get magic stick unless you laning against Zeus or puck or someone who repeatedly spam spells and maybe not a blink unless it's situational but force staff is better cuz you can force staff>and ghost walk away. But you do seem to be confused with this hero but it's normal after all hardest hero to master

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        "blades of attack>iron branch I guess>tango. "
        is this starting items to buy?
        what skill should i pick first? q/w/e?
        and about urn snap i never try that before.. thanks xD
        but blades of attack means u don't hv +stats also ._.
        btw i usually pick a blink for initiate (tornado>meteor>blast>blink>ice wall>emp)
        hehe xD

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          Yes they are starting items to buy. And max your q/e leave out w until you have 4 on e and 4 on w. That means total of nine levels including your ulti the use of single point on w lvl 10 for ghost walk or you can put a point earlier on w just in case they have a pudge or another catchy hero you know you need ghost walk to escape. I mention 4 points on q and e because you get double forge spirits and that makes it easier to take towers and gank.

          That urn thing is separte when you don't rush Midas. So instead of Midas you get urn and then phase>eul etc. follow guide ', o into the guide tab and click grimorum's universal build 4-1-4

          AND DO Not BUY DRUMS

          Oh I see why you buy blink to combo and easy iniation for ice wall? I guess that's fine since you new. And can skip forcestaff maybe. About the urn.. Use cold snap and use urn on enemy it will stun them and so you don't need to auto attack him. Get it?

          Here's the guide--

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          Meepo Lord

            Better take a look at my invoker stats. You might get something out of it. ;D


              personaly i find ur invoker weak i knew that all games will be EQ before i check them

              1) 1lvlQ 2 lvl W 3lvl 3 then skill ulty?
              2)u dont need aga in every game
              3) u dont need eq skill build every game
              4) i guess u eul ss meteor blast in every game .. u dont need this 700mana waste for 1 hero and then 45sec cd on meteor in upcoming teamfight
              5) u need a lot of practice but u seem u are in a good way anyways
              6) i can help if u have any questions feel free to add


                I land ss only not meteor
                my EQ built is for mid laning.. I need agha for spamming spells
                and eul just for debuffing (silence, slow) then going to ghost walk :3


                  Use eul to 1 shot ppl ez gold and that's why you buy force staff for escap and mana regen

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                    AM and Puck is feeding really hard, also my early game is so bad ganked by 3 ppl at top
                    lol haha
                    love that SS kill xD

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                      I played a lot of games with the Euls combo and while its effective its not the best way to get kills. Like 75% of ur mana pool goes away by doing the combo and 3 skills for the entire game is just a waste IMO. I recently began to play dagger orchid invoker. That shit is so fucking stronk, blink forge cold snap ss and that's more damage outpout than meteor ss combo. Ty fyyq omg new invoker so gut


                        pls dude, i'm not using eul ss meteor blast combo :(
                        eul only for +ms and debuffing aura
                        only using pure sunstrike kills :(
                        y u don't try to use urn cold snap combo?