General Discussion

General DiscussionLow MMR Captain's Mode actually being playable?

Low MMR Captain's Mode actually being playable? in General Discussion

    Aight, so I'm just gonna get this out of the way right off. I'm pretty trash, roughly 1.2K MMR (although I haven't played ranked in months). I know that I'm still learning, so don't be too harsh. Just for kicks, I decided to start playing some Captain's Mode in Normals. I've heard lots of people say that Captain's Mode at this level is a waste of time, but I was just doing it fun at the time. I've won almost all of my CM games since then (maybe one loss?), although that could just be a fluke. What I noticed though was that all of my team's drafts are actually pretty decent (good synergy, not having 4 carries, etc.). The enemies' picks were definitely more typical for pubby compositions, but not awful either. I was playing support a lot in these games, btw. So what I was wondering is, am I getting good team mates, am I playing against trashy enemies, am I lucky, or am I actually improving (yeah, I know, long shot)?

    future of the frozen city

      Kind of a combo of all four. Captains' Mode is very often more balanced, as one person picks heroes, and general knows that support AND a healthy amount of carries are necessary.


        ^ yeah in cm ofc u wont see 4 carries also drafts are similar to tourney ones cause people watch too many tournamets and copy drafts the good thing is that this may improve ur overall performance on dota


          I'd say just keep testing your luck with friendly people/acceptable drafts until it runs out


            Okay, thanks guys. I really appreciate the insight.