General Discussion

General DiscussionPretty good game, but need advice on game impact with AM

Pretty good game, but need advice on game impact with AM in General Discussion

    Statistically it doesn't look bad, but I had the lowest damage.

    My team early game was not doing too well, so I was mainly farming and pushing, but I've seen most of my AM games I have low dmg (even in good games). I have often received stick for my low damage and unwillingness to fight

    Do I need to fight more after the bfury, or keep farming like this?

    Any tips from AM players, or good players in general (except benao, keep your criticism for another normal skill player plz)

    Giff me Wingman

      Oh boy can't wait for benao.

      You went for a lategame build so i would say you did what you had to do. Next time i would go for bfly instead of HoT tho since you clearly were pushing and not fighting a bfly would have done more tower damage.

      If you want to join in fights early, you can go for the vlads + vanguard build and help out. I believe merlini had a guide for that on youtube somewhere.

      EDIT: was lumi not merlini, my bad:

      Этот комментарий был изменён

        its a mistake to waste 300 gold on poormans shield against an offlaner batrider. You had 2 supports i think? and you still went for magic stick, imo another wasted 200 gold. Don't buy that shit unless you're left to survive alone, like when 1v1 batrider. Notice you already wasted 500 gold by minute 2. This is the reason you get a 5 min ring of health -->super fucking late. Not only that you waste another 300 gold right after on completing magic wand when you don't need to make space in your inventory AT ALL!!, the extra heal it gives you is not enough for it to be worth it. So you waste another 300 gold and 1 more minute + hogging the courier to yourself and get a 7 min boots. DESPICABLE, truly disgusting, never do this again. After that you did pretty well imo, i suppose you killed razor when he ganked?. Also jugding by cs and the items he got i can pretty much tell you right now that batrider was fucking awful, mby even a 1k player and you still got those trash items, totally afraid of him. Imo you fucked up immensely. From what i can see he couldnt even get that close to creeps and you're sitting there with a poormans shield and magic WAND min 6 instead of a completed perseverance in a couple more minutes.

        SO worry about your laning phase first and then mby i can help you with midgame/lategame/strategic DOTA.

        You have to start somewhere, start there! You get early game laning phase every game so it should be the easiest and most important thing to improve.


          How does a vlads + Vanguard help early game fighting.

          I went for the heart, because, despite the exp advantage, we were actually losing the game, coz the team was getting picked off by nyx

          Giff me Wingman

            Just watch the youtube video, it will sum it up. No need to write it.

            L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

              @Benao - I was laning with ogre who , if you see the replay, was spamming ignite, and actively fighting me for last hits. It put me off last hits for the first 3 minutes.

              After that he went roaming mid leaving me solo to batrider, hence I went for the stick, which I got late coz courier was used in mid.

              The courier thing for boots was a mistake, since I panic bought it because razor ganked me and my blink was already on cd and he was still close.

              I generally am a little more afraid of batrider because I just don't seem to lane against him. :/

              L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                ^^Thanks for the video, the comment was posted before you posted the video


                  dude you're wrong... no need to be afraid srsly work on your assesment of the game laning phase, early levels and you will farm 5 minutes faster making a huge difference into midgame and farming speed later on! Just take a look at your opponent and think to yourself. Should i be afraid of this noob that cant even lasthit? does he have the balls to just stack me to death and then go on me? And if he does and uses up all his mana for that, am i stupid enough to not blink away and own the lane from there on? Force the laning stage to a point, cripple him and then that little advantage will turn into freefarm and a huge advantage later on.

                  Giff me Wingman

                    This is benaos attempt to not look like an asshat for once, yet the only thing he said in his first post was:
                    don't buy Wand + PMS
                    Lol everyone is aweful

                    Benaos world view is as simple as stupid.

                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                      Omg ur am game has a similarity to mine, laning with ogre, and lost xaxaxaxa

                      L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                        our team won that game.


                          lol :v why would u make a thread if you won :v



                            I wish I can play like illidan stormrage's antimage. He farms so good15min bf,vlads
                            And manta coming up. Best antimage confirmed well better than some of scrubs on dotabuff


                            Watch illidan and copy pasta his play style of farming and you don't farm after you get bf he fights once he gets his bf

                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                              I've had alot of AM's impact my game


                                So...I've played a little bit of AM during my dota "carrer" (over 100 games) and there is a lot to say about this hero:

                                - always get stout shield from base, you need that not to take damage from creeps
                                - 95% get the quelling blade 1st, it helps you with last hitting, denying and also makes you able to get off a lot of cool stuff like helping your supports pull through and such and you can clear some trees behind which people normally hide for ganks on lane
                                - if you're having a good time and getting good farm, try to max mana break as to harass enemy offlaner even more, if not, just go for stats like in the burning build
                                - PMS is good versus right click heroes, especially ranged ones since they are more susceptible to harass you in lane (mirana, wr, etc..)
                                - get magic stick when you got a hero on your lane who constantly spams spells to make sure you can always turn the tide due to a burst 150hp + 150mp
                                - unless you're having absolute free farm in lane, always get the treads after ring of health, after you push out your lane a bit you can jungle the small camp or even a hard/medium camp and net some more gold due to high attack speed
                                - always try to tread switch as much as possible: use agi when jungling so as to have more regen from ring of health, int treads just before blinking and strength treads when you're not feeling safe in the lane
                                - 90% time try to go for that battlefury, it is a very powerful item on anti-mage since you can not only jungle (which a lot of bad AMs do) but push out lanes fast, one of the most important things about AM is that you can hinder enemy team's farm and prolongue the game as much as it is needed due to threatening their towers and having those 3-4 man TPs just to defend a T2/T3 tower
                                - go vlads if you feel you need lifesteal to beat enemy carry (usually against a lifestealer it is pretty good)
                                - manta is pretty much core since it helps your ulti deal a lot of damage, blinking behind a hero and burning 900 mana with just 5 hits is a big deal !!!
                                - after treads + battlefury + manta and possible vlads the next items are very situational, if you're fighting a PA rushing MKB can make a big different, heart is good if they have lots of nukes, BKB if they got a lot of disables or butterfly if they got a hard hitting carry like void (if he doesn't have mkb already)
                                - your role in the very stages of the early game is to get that battlefury, threaten tower when there's nobody on lane and steal kills whenever posssible, mid game you should always have 2 tps on you to just go to a lane, push it as much as possible then get the hell out and push another one, this will buy you enough time to farm bigger items and will have the enemy team chase you around the map losing precious farming time

                                Other mechanical tips to be aware of are:
                                - if you're in a danger zone, never blink into the fog, always walk there as to have your blink ready if it gets hairy
                                - keep that mana void for the best target to use, be 100% sure that when using it, your target is missing a lot of mana
                                - never be afraid to use manta just for split pushing reasons, also, make sure you can micro your illusions to attack enemy heroes when they come to defend just to be much more annoying
                                - never go in 1st in team fights, let somebody else initiate and try to always be the guy sneaking around their back and going for the backstab, your role as a carry is to stay as much alive and do as much damage as possible (while also gaining exp/gold for kills/assists)

                                That's kind of it for now, hope this helps