PROTECTHIMFROMWHATHEWANTS 08.01.2015-For the following week, normal All Pick will use the same alternating picking style that is used in Ranked Matchmaking what the ....THICC BABY SHUM 08.01.2015link to source?PROTECTHIMFROMWHATHEWANTS 08.01.2015 08.01.2015good, why not273 09.01.2015Cause timePROTECTHIMFROMWHATHEWANTS 09.01.2015time is money B O Y STHICC BABY SHUM 09.01.2015no money is time, u have to stand in line in store to buy staff.Zahard 09.01.2015"-For the following week" does this mean we only have this shit mode one week ?Чтобы оставить комментарий, пожалуйста, войдите в систему.Войти через Steam
-For the following week, normal All Pick will use the same alternating picking style that is used in Ranked Matchmaking
what the ....