General Discussion

General DiscussionOkay. Help me.

Okay. Help me. in General Discussion


    I will not write another "mmr system is fucked" stuff.

    Just... nah.

    After i hit 5400 and got losestreak back to 5200 and then to 5100 i suddenly noticed what i began to play a lot worse.
    In this one - , i've missed 95% of my blackholes. , fed for unknown reasons, picked wrong support for the game , wrong support at all.

    Like... I don't know what happened, why my team is throwing ez games. , played PotM for 5th time of my life, hit 80% of arrows in the game and we lost cuz of troll , i should have been supporting AM, but still he got his early BF on 10-11 min afair. And he threw the game when we could still comeback in the game. Low-skilled Ogre was a fckn kid, always "USE YOUR SHIELD FUCKING RETARD WHEN SOMEONE IS LEASHED", when i know what Aphotic Shield isn't dispelling that shit.

    And i don't really know what i can do to push myself even more. Even on 70% wr heroes, perfectly fitting to the pick i'm still losing the games. I don't really know why my team can't pick Slark+Axe and get +25. I don't really know why 90% of >5k mmr matches i'm getting matched vs. Slark/Slark+Axe/Axe/ES/ES+Axe/ES+AoE support combo. And i got like zero idea why i can't do a shit anymore on 5k. It's nearly impossible to play roaming dota on 5k, because safe>risk, so i can't have any impact on the game, unless i'm playing ES(and i can't really play him on ~4.5k level atleast). Stacking jungle isn't always the best option, because in the moment when i'm going to stack some hard-midcamps my carry is eating shit/dying i'm the one who "not saved him". So - i'm forced to play like 3.7k mmr support, which is stupidly sitting on his lane, leeching exp, and doing NOTHING to make even little impact.

    I like playing Abaddon. Ouck Fmniknight. But people DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY WITH THAT HERO! I've lost ~9% wr because people just don't know what he can do.
    I like to make space. A lot of space. I'm dying a lot, and i know this.


    Help me to improve my gamestyle once more. I'm in despair tbh.
    I know what i'm bad, and i do want to improve myself, but i don't know where i should begin.

    playinginursockdrawer mm soc

      Stop playing ranked and just start screwing around in regular pubs, instead of predicting your own prophetical loss, just play regardless of what happens.
      I can't really say anything else other than that because I have no idea how 5k pubs play.

      Dune, the Desert Planet

        Wanna play on West sometimes? Need to raise my party rank, you look reasonable.

          Этот комментарий удален модератором
          Tiny Airlines

            Unfortunately even if you are the main carry and your other teammates are being stupid there's nothing you can do.

            I can definitely agree that Omniknight is getting ridiculous - his win rate is even higher than Necrophos for gods sake! Time to get the nerf gun out and rework this hero. Same with Earthshaker (I've said it many times, Earthshaker is bullshit)

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              Tiny Airlines

                No I get what you're saying about Earthshaker how he's just so common now. I'm tired of getting stunned everytime Earthshaker does something.

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                  Tiny Airlines

                    You mean Earth Spirit? I haven't seen a lot of him. I've never had problems beating the crap out of him.


                      he mainly a problem in very high mmr where people know how he works :)

                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        someonne tich me pls to ebola spirit


                          yae me too want to know how to spread the ebola spirit, ive already spreead the meebolaa


                            Why are you not playing carries yourself if you believe they are throwing the game?

                              Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                yes, because i suck at himmm

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                                    im a horrible player but perhaps you can try to keep a positive attitude in game at all times if you arent already. i may play ebola spirit to climb mmr, but not every game is winnable. however by staying positive and telling everyone they are doing great even if they arent doing amazing can change the conclusion of the game

                                    but as i said im like 2k mmr so im not the one to help you here.

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