General Discussion

General Discussionunwinnable game :(?

unwinnable game :(? in General Discussion

    Just an unwinable game ? I know my CS was not that high, but i was fighting a lot so idk did what i had to, to try and help team feedtard

    Jay Ashborne

      All games are winnable. You made mistakes.


        okay now thats a bullshit statement.

        The first part, i of course made mistakes, we all do. but im not sure this game was carriable...

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          Skill Bracket
          High Skill

          yes it was


            but no, not every game is winnable


              u had manta for no visible reason (if u get hit by drow gust or bs silence [what the fuck is the name of that spell] then u shouldnt play weaver in the first place since drow didnt even have dagger) which is a useless item, mb u could rat with deso but i doubt that ud win this game with weaver anyway
              so yes its unwinnable


                also this is a bkb game i think instead of linekns


                  I regretted getting the linkens for sure after i finished it, but i was able to get it at a pretty good time so i was ok with it, but the game went to shit really fast so i did end up wishing i had a bkb, the reason i got manta was for the drow silence and BS silence, and BKB was not SUPER helpful after i had a linkens sincce they had chrono and WD Ult but If i had gone BKB Deso i might have been able to blow them up more efficently im not sure.. I feel like i coulda done better NOW after cooling down for a little while, but im not sure if i could have changed it into a win..

                  Oh well only one game, thanks for the venting source dotabuff lol. i did bait out a chrono with the manta which felt nice lol :S but yeah i wish i went BKB Deso or maybe even getting a maelstrom first idk.


                    Not all games are winnable. This one time I was playing NP for my first smurf game.

                    I was a respectable 1-0 in the jungle @ 8 minutes w/ ~4k of items.

                    Team Score was 11-1 @ 8 minutes.

                    3 people abandoned. Then I got slaughtered.

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                    *FarizTampan96 5th

                      dota is 5 vs 5 men
                      from line up u will know
                      alche lv 13 with only aspd n damage item , with low armor of course , will die instantly -> ok remove him
                      lion n ogre is very strong support , now i confuse why u can be beaten so hard lol , ah i know , ogre n lion dont even have item to boost their hp
                      pffft :v the most funny thing is , BS Drow silence , Void crono , Tide ulti -> its like happy new year line up vs ur line up bro
                      i know why u confuse , coz u kill 12 times 16k networth n still lose right

                      its only 33 minutes
                      if u prolong the battle maybe u not confuse why u lose , coz , enemy have 2 midas in their team


                        lol silence is stronk
                        once silenced dire team can kill no one


                          fariz, im not certain wtf you just said to me but i think i appreciate the sentiment

                          Sup m8

                            i think I agree with you... some games are pretty much uncarriable.
                            Like this one:


                              try to avoid linken on weav, especially 1st item. it delays your carry potential by 20 mins. unless you play vs doom, that shit is useless

                              Sup m8

                                if the other team has targetable disable then it is not useless at all.


                                  omg LINKENS AND MANTA AGAINST THOSE HEROES GO FUCKING KiILL YOURSELF ALREADY YOU FUCKING NOOB. How dare you fucking post here piece of shit


                                    cant think of anything except doom thats worth getting linken. bkb is more effective.

                                    Jay Ashborne

                                      Listen to marlan guys. 51% of games aren't winnable Kappa.

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                                          Ok melody please PLEASE tell me how to win this game




                                            So simple to win that game. Delete system32 in your windows folder in your local drive :)



                                              i wanted to. i had a breakdown

                                              (but not rly, just laughed at the pure badnness)

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                                              Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                Don't feed 5 kills as a high networth hero.

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Your items suck. Daedalus and deso ftw