General Discussion

General Discussionauto stack script without controling at all?? ban him

auto stack script without controling at all?? ban him in General Discussion
    this guy (troll) uses auto stack script (imo it would be fine if he at least controled him via script), but he dont even choose his crip to stack, the creep goes itself in the right time :(
    u can see it from 12:45, noone at all controls creep, creep stays and then goes to stack by itself
    ban this guy..


      rofl ''but he dont even choose his crip to stack''


        you can share unit control bro


          "you can share unit control bro"
          u can watch replay bro
          do u think i didnt check every team member? noone controled creep..

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            maybe neutral was a player too

            the realm's delight

              i checked replay too, there is actually no one stacking the camp.


                with so many scripts im still amazed no1 made a map hack yet.

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                  it's all serverside.

                  im sure its possible but it would be incredibly hard.

                  you could probably trick the server into thinking you have vision everywhere or something, but that would get detected by vac very quickly. i'm pretty sure the only way you could do it is if you hacked into valve's server/vac server and added a bypass just for you.


                    did his creep run back to fountain after stacking?

                    the realm's delight

                      ^ no
                      i know what u talking about, shift queueing him to walk forth and back and arrive at 0;52/53 right? he just stood there and randomly stacked


                        hm. well i dno then.
                        id still bet there is some bug in replay mode rather than script being used.

                        Jorges Sanz

                          autohotkey macro is my guess

                          Jorges Sanz

                            and no afaik you cannot get banned for using AHK.


                              its not ahk man..
                              u cant control a creep without clicking on it and moving it by yourself...
                              its impossible even on ahk, and yeah, if it was ahk i wouldnt make a thread

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                                  you should search youtube of the shift queue creep stacking, then you can do it too, easier than messing with some script.
                                  you can make your dude walk to 3 points, queue it up like 4-5 times, and he will stack the camp for you for 4 mins straight.

                                  Not sure if this still works but i dont see why not.

                                  And replay mode is bugged I think, I watch brood replays a few times and you can never see them selecting their spiders either.

                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                    shift queue creep stacking is fine because ur creep always walks, but this guy doesnt control it, and it just stays and then goes at the right itself, Legit???


                                      Map hack is possible, because it turned out that server does send info about every projectile/particle, including those in fog. It won't be super accurate, though. I think i saw one of those somewhere.


                                        a dota 2 script site which im sure i dont need to mention managed to pull off a map hack for about a week =/