General Discussion

General Discussion4ks....

4ks.... in General Discussion

    4.2k players call carry and flame throughout whole game pls kill urselves


      Come to 4.5k where players suck buy try hard


        idk i always get at least one 4.2k or so on my team its annoying as fuck


          3K>4k<5k actually

          if ur below 4.5 u should just tank mmr and get 3k games r more enjyoable there

          Этот комментарий был изменён

            ive been stuck at 5.5 because of shit teamates

            Jay Ashborne

              Im 4k scum that calls support and feeds regardless. What does that make me kappa.


                its ok u support 4.2 potato carry cant farm and flame team

                Этот комментарий был изменён

                  im 4k and most of my carry games i win, i actually like to go offlane and i make a shit ton of space for retards (be it 4k,5k)
                  with es i rek my lane at lvl 6, with brood i get rax for my team at min 20, still they suck dicks like wht the fuck, i outplayed the enmy so many times, but offlane alone cant win the game...
                  4k void/jugger/antimage here i come

                  Meepo Lord
                    Этот комментарий был удален

                      i dont give 2 shits if you are 4k or 6k, if you can hit creeps and know when to fight and when to push - play carry.
                      if you get 2 cs out of 1 wave of creeps, might aswell not play carry.


                        hi guys im 4k retard