General Discussion

General Discussionmm so bad

mm so bad in General Discussion

    cant belive that there are absolutly no people above 5500mmr?

    when me and a mate duo quening (both 5,5) then we get quened with 4500-4800 like 90% of the time :D

    had in 10 matches maybe 1 person above 5500 :D

    dont get this system, gief hon matchmaking!!


      5k mmr is the new 4k, everyone gonna be 5k soon and people will start calling you 5k trash and top 1 will have 8800 mmr.


        no its not ^
        its just trash with trash fake stack mmr ruining solo players game by playing like the 3k shit they are


          @Baking soda

          No. The thing is the very best players won't stop losing. When they reach a very high mmr, like 7k, they get matched with low 4ks against middle-to-high 4ks. Meaning, they actually get worse enemies. This is obviously unless there is a lot of high 5ks and 6ks Queueing at the same time, which basically is twice a year.

          Just look at Meepo. SUPERGOOD meepos can win more than they lose, thus they will constantly increase in mmr.


            Elo system works so that when 1 player wins another goes down in ranks, thus mmr will never go beyond 8k, 5k will always be very good players


              benao garbage player lelelel


                lol 5k trash only knows pick imba hero
                real man pick sniper and win the game !


                  mm is shit and I would rather take a longer queue in ranked to have a more enjoyable game unless I wanted a quick game in normal.