General Discussion

General DiscussionMeepo too much potential?

Meepo too much potential? in General Discussion

    I've watched like 3 different meepo players stream and they all have 6500+.
    They just spam meepo last pick every game.
    In one games, meepo's early game was destroyed by Axe and lich. He went 1-6-1....

    In the end, he roshed without smoke and died of course, bought back and killed everyone, then roshed and won.

    Does Meepo have too much potential, or the three players just aburdly good. Well... the 1-6-1 game made me think
    Meepo is overpowered even if shutdown early game and made stupid mistakes at end.

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    "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

      simple to counter. bad focus costs u vs meepo. Communication and you win






            Id say it has a lot to do with the patch as well.
            It offers you comebacks where otherwise you would have none.

            Now the deal with meepo is if you get ahead you can snowball so much to the point your oponents wont even want to play, and playing from behind you can still have 1 huge fight and turn it around completely even after disastrous start.
            So in a sense the meta suits the hero. As for the hero balance itself, well he is unique hero so there isnt really a reference you can compare it to.

            Giff me Wingman

              guess we remove meepo cuz neo, devilish and w33 are good with him.
              guess we remove ta cuz waga and dragonfist are good with her.
              guess we remove ES because yond, w33 and jerax are good with him.
              guess we remove storm because sing and blitz are good with him

              the list goes on.

              Let's call all heroes OP and remove them from game, all we can do is play with lv 1 donkey.


                i'd prefer a naga autoban

                Giff me Wingman

                  i'd prefer a 4k ban.

                  Dire Wolf

                    A last pick meepo is pretty op. Without counter heroes he is one of the most powerful.


                      Remove ember because... Me.


                        Them normal skill ember stomps

                        Meepo Lord

                          Since watching w33 meepo i had meepo win streaks even i have es/tiny/sk/qop opponents. The main reason is he has potential on farming ,pushing, killing,ganking,counter ganking, early rosh, etc.


                            Lich ulti is the solution


                              nah, a good mirana rapes him from eearly to gg call


                                meepo is great because he steals your team's exp. so even if they are trash you can carry by stealing all their golds and expees.


                                  meepo has an absurdly high skill cap, insofar as traditional "counters" dont work on him as the player gets better

                                  nobody in sea unranked like playing against [url=""]this guy and his stack[/url] because no matter how much you shut him down he will rebound with retarded levels of farm


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                                  Abang Rey


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                                      meepo is way too fucking strong at the moment. Having a high skill cap doesn't mean that he should be as strong as he currently is. He can farm super quickly with just a few levels, and even if you kill him he respawns pretty quickly and you need to consistently pressure him because he just finds farm so damn easily.

                                      After aghs he picks up his items in a flash, two minutes later he has dagger and is instantly bursting down your supports from very long range, then he has hex and its pretty much gg. You can no longer farm any lane by yourself or even the jungle because he will just send one meepo to the next wave and blink and kill you or trap/kill you...its just stupid, so much burst damage, bulk, lock down and the right click from them all together is pretty solid.

                                      After so many buffs, he no longer requires good play to be effective, and with good play he is just way too good. The death timer reduction is one of the worst things about him. If you win a fight at your base while defending or something, you can't push because he respawns in time...such a nightmare to kill

                                      edit: there are a couple of way to nerf him, I would start with his death timer reduction being removed, seriously that is the most fucked up shit. I mean buy back is one thing, but to kill this guy and for him to respawn so quickly is stupid. Maybe further nerfs to the amount of xp/gold earned by clones or his armor/magic resistance. I hate this hero.

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                                        I know that feel Zenoth :(
                                        I pretty much won offlane as ember solo pretty hard but all went downhill when he got his manta


                                          "too much potential" yes, but he is THE hardest hero to execute properly


                                            Hey nkt your stacks pretty hard too

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                                            waku waku

                                              i saw blunt playing meepo against my friend once and my friend got rekt pretty hard

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                                              Remove Buyback from Dota

                                                I fucking hate this hero but he will never get nerfed unless he gets popular in competitive.

                                                Pom Pom 🍕

                                                  ^he got a minor nerf last patch. And it happens that the biggest pubstompers gets nerfed sometimes (slark, omniknight and tinker for recent and spirit breaker about a year ago).


                                                    I used to spam meepo with another smurf account, main problem with this hero is that you have to pick him last, everytime I picked him first there's a lich/ember spirit/earthshaker/kunkka on the enemy team.
                                                    Moreover you kinda needs good map awareness and be very quick about getting that agh+dagger because if you lose your T2 you're fucking done for. ( have fun getting ganged in jungle and unless the other team has no hard carry which is unlikely you're just waiting in your base for 10 mins then getting rekt because you've been outfarmed. )
                                                    And generally you really need to be on the safe/mid lane, meepo on offlane works in low level pub but against people who pull creeps and deny the whole wave you won't be getting much xp/gold .

                                                    TLDR : meepo is good cuz not many people play him and thus doesn't know how to counter him properly.
                                                    His winrate is actually quite mediocre , there aren't really good reasons to nerf him.


                                                      just pick ember and u rape meepo ez.


                                                        @Zenoth Have u ever played against jed? When I went to SEA Afu was the only good and well known meepo and he was like 6.1-6.2k. When I left there were quite a lot of 6k+ meepos emerging and now there's jed.


                                                          If you share the profile I can check with db+, anyway I think afu is around 6.5k now? I have a couple other 6k friends who grinded there using meepo though they dont particularly specialize in him.


                                                            he doesnt have dotabuff enabled lol


                                                              well then that's kinda hard considering how (relatively) popular meepo is


                                                                If player is good enough to win with Meepo, he can win with any other hero.


                                                                  Thats bullshit lol, I have a 3k-ish friend who plays like 3k on almost everything except his meepo, which is lacking in many areas but nonetheless still able to carry some of my games

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                                                                    ^We can't measure your friend's potential. He may have some psychological problems that hinder his skill when he plays on other heroes. We can talk only about Meepo's own potential as a hero (not a hero + player). So... when you think that way, Meepo is very weak: he has many hard counters, he steals gold/XP from teammates, he does nothing in teamfights, etc...


                                                                      Just went meepo because there weren't much carry on my team and there wasn't any hard counter on the other team.
                                                                      BH left because i was afk jungle for the first 15 mins, dunno why you would pick BH vs Zeus though , still won the game 4v5 with rat doto.

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                                                                        ^Your teammates won this game for you.


                                                                          Yes i know


                                                                            i would have lost if they tried to gank me in jungle , i went offlane meepo at first and i saw it wasn't going to work with slark and sniper fucking around so i decided to afk jungle and pray that my teammates could hold the other team for a while.


                                                                              He has bad basics on everything, including meepo, except that the hero itself can get work done

                                                                              Thats from a 100 games played with him



                                                                                ahfuu has 7k++ party or 6k+++ party vsed him recently


                                                                                  Not really Soultrap...

                                                                                  I play with this guy sometimes

                                                                                  He has played Meepo to a point where you'll notice in his match history that whenever he's not playing Meepo or Treant Protector, it's very likely that he's lost the match.


                                                                                    "I fucking hate this hero but he will never get nerfed unless he gets popular in competitive."

                                                                                    tinker was moderately picked and got destroyed by icefrog, so no



                                                                                      this is how you counter meepo : tell someone to pick lich and rush agh, buy the support stuff for him & win