General Discussion

General DiscussionAM vs PA

AM vs PA in General Discussion

    So how exactly are you to win vs PA with Anti mage? I mean at the end of the day, you'd can't just be even with him in terms of farm, you'd pretty much have to be Way more farmed than him. Anyone have tips on playing against a pa? I feel like unless an am has heart/butterfly + mkb , Pa can easily beat him in 1vs1 situation.


      no she cant kill him cause am can blink away
      u get mkb + abyssal and fak her. that after bf manta and mb tarrasque ofc or other items if needed


        You can get away until she bash's you and one hit crits you

        Linda | DotaExchange

          True what Ali said, but still i think mort > magina every time ( with SIMILAR) farm. Simply she does way too bigger dps, and mort doesn't need mana to kill people ( lets say, as few other heroes do)


            You can outrat PA as AM though, provided that your team can deal with hers.


              PA is better than AM, AM shines vs Intelligence and Strength heroes.

              With identical farm, 1v1, PA wins, better stat gains, better ult in this matchup.

              AM has a slight advantage in farming, but in your recent game, even though you had similar farm at 20 minutes, PA farmed much better the next 10 minutes (almost 100 more last hits than you). Perhaps there was stacking taking place so that her farm was accelerated.


                You need mkb and heart with bfly


                  pa wins

                  am is only good cuz he farms faster than anything else in the game and he peaks out at 35-40 minute mark when he is 6 sloted

                  onwards he becomes weaker compared to other carries


                    am with brain will never have same farm as pa, he will be ahead.
                    and btw pa needs mana, or she can jump on anyone and thus she can just be kited.


                      The only 2 things AM does better then PA are split push and farm. For everything else, better pick void.

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                      Pom Pom 🍕

                        PA has the lowest int gain in the game, so if you can initate on her with blink+abyssal/hex (before she bkbs) you can burn all her mana with manta style so she can't blink strike or use satanic/abyssal blade actives.
                        A decent AM should easily have more farm than a PA though, and if it gets too late so you're both 6-slotted you need your team to help you out. Even if your DPS is lower than PA, you can still win against her with a team to back you up (blink Lion, blademail Axe or Omniknight will help a lot in killing her).

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                          ez win for pa


                            Like this:


                            same farm, i acutally came back from 2 raxes down against a farmed pa. You must get a mkb. Probably take you 1 hour+ to beat a PA with AM.

                            Linda | DotaExchange

                              Radiance. A FUCKING



                                Radiance was only bought at the end of the game when the guy gave up and started trolling. VHS radiance wtf.

                                Linda | DotaExchange

                                  That makes it even worst. Buying radiance after 50 minutes is pretty much useless.

                                  Edit : a, i just saw trolling now

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                                    Sorry for the late reply but yes, i did lose the last game vs a PA as AM. The game was quite weird in many reasons: They laned a PA and Pudge vs our tri which was AM,AA and Lion. We ended up going 4-0 or 3-0 but my supports rotated to help Timbersaw offlane and i ended up soloing against the PA and despite how ahead i was, pa was still able to play aggressive against me. I fucked up a lot but they also had a pudge who i seriously think had map hack or something because i'd blink into trees and he'd just magically hook me. They had a put a lot of pressure on our team though so eh, the game was hard
                                    Edit: most importantly, they did counter pick me really hard in terms of their cores, pa rushed bkb after his battlefury as well as TA. The silencer getting a midas and pa raping me after my supports left made 2/3 of our lanes lose even if axe does okay vs TA in middle.

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                                      with the build messiah did, pa stand no chance against am, as she cann't engage him, while am can almost kill her without any bash, and can kill her without being hitted once, if he bash at the end of abyssal.

                                      Pa need both bkb and bf in order not to be ratted by am, which give an edge to am, as daedalus + 1.45bat > pa's crit.

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