General Discussion

General DiscussionSomeone play cs go?

Someone play cs go? in General Discussion

    I just started yesterday I guess I m close to 2k mmr soon:

    Who play add me if you want, help newbie a bit


      i know some gold novas but there might be a time-gap problem


        i find that warming up buy playing some dm or casual before starting the competitive helps a lot.


          im legendary eagle.

          can play if you want, but not competitive.

          ham strokers ejacula

            Master guardian = 3k MMR


              i used to be dmg. im probably mg now


                gold nova = 7k mmr


                  used to be ak (master guardian?)

                  now I'm back to gold nova 3 scrub


                    Used to be Master Guardian Elite (Double AK) but now I'm probably going to be Nova if I get ranked again so I quit playing. :crazy:


                      used to be a traveler like you
                      then i took


                        Global elite on two accounts, and I' have boosted a lot of people accounts legit from trash to lem / supreme for keys.

                        Decent game, but 1.6 is just 100x better. :-)


                          used to be king of cs 1.6, now in this shit only nova :))))
                          ez katka, ty volvo

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                            doto calibration system 300000 times better


                              im nova 1, its like 2k mmr :D


                                I DONT EVEN HAVE IT BUT I SUCK ASS... i'd say like 1,5k :D


                                  I play CS since 2003, but I suck playing GO


                                    1.6 boys said Source was sos hit, I'm a sourceboy, and I say GO is shit.

                                    Efex u onesixboy or wuta


                                      I don't like throw shit to another games, just play what u have fun and let other be free :P


                                        cs go is shit but i play it cuz i have it in steam library :(((((


                                          is it really that shit ? D:
                                          dunno, thinking about buying,
                                          last CS I played was 1.6, had fun back in those days


                                            you can have fun in it with friends, but the shooting mechanics are completely different from 1.6


                                              WiT.HiN_T its not shit at all game is fine and graphic as well


                                                its nice i play too with my cousin ( his gold nova 2 ) well nice we can play i guess im SL3 i played for fun but now im better :D


                                                  BOGI COME PLAY DEMOLITION ITS FUN SHIT


                                                    i need to get this game

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      GO is a really decent game, but some people just prefer 1.6 because pretty much every computer can handle it and you can at least choose what to look like.

                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          ^Babaevsky Patrushka potato farmer.


                                                            arturka es mi pastor
                                                            why does he play eu tho

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                                                              sam, some people prefer 1.6 because you can actually see where you're shooting and there's less rng involved.


                                                                that game is fucking shit everyone in gold nova to mg is either smurf or hack. dont expect to play anyone who is at your rank.


                                                                  so I just read about that rng stuff... interesting,
                                                                  still I don't think that game is worth 11€ so waiting for discount,
                                                                  imo it should be free like Dota2 or TF2 :p

                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                    It'll probably go on at least a %50 discount during Christmas.


                                                                      hows CS not worth 11€?

                                                                      That's the cheapest shit you can get for such an fantastic game.

                                                                      Compare CS to CoD, 11€ to 60€. Yet CS is way bettter. (Personal opinion)


                                                                        just buy a gift for a couple of dota 2 keys or whatever cosmetics u have left on dota2lounge


                                                                          well, it's not worth.. for me
                                                                          but anyway, as Sam said, who would buy games now when christmas sales are around the corner

                                                                          and not everyone have expensive hats.. my whole inventory is worth like 3€ lol

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                                                                            @perfectjar, cs go is like playing pa or void, lol.
                                                                            and really smurfs everywhere, like who would buy another instance of the game, just to stomp some noobs.
                                                                            and at the end of the game write in chat : axaxaaxax i am smurf so easy game.


                                                                              slim, I've seen some global elites and supremes intentionally losing 15 rounds straight just to drop in ranks so they would get lower and stomp some noobs. Source: got matched against such guys a few times.
                                                                              And smurves are for playing with friends or so. Like if you legit play on your smurf and you're as skilled as a global elite after first 10 calibration games you will get to legendary eagle

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