General Discussion

General DiscussionPA and mkb

PA and mkb in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    Im using PA and im wondering if game goes late, is blademail a good pickup? or nah


      4 important lessons here.

      1# Never think items for a Hero. Think items for the GAME.

      2# Blademail is good on all heroes. ( its a strange item ).

      3# Blademail is Extra good on heroes with alot of HP.

      4# Never think items for a Hero. Think items for the GAME.

      Этот комментарий был изменён

        yea is a nice item if u wanna return 100 dmg for 2k farm


          If you have 2k Hp you can return 2k hp for 2k farm. Tell me another item that has 1gold per damage ratio ;)


            Basically if you would compare items, which one shouldnt becuase its not fair. but if One were to.
            Blademail is the best item in the game. No other item even comes close.


              Another great point which i constantly tell people is.
              If you are in normal or High bracket or sometimes even lower Veryhigh bracket.

              You actually lose more then you gain by overthinking items. Focus on the game instead becuase the game is so complex so that When youre thinking about one item the other 9 players are doing the same thing.

              In theory When youre thinking about that 1 out of 6+ items. The others with their 54+ items Makes your Math irelevant becuase you fail to see the big picture anyhow.

              आप गे क्यों

                the difference being, in VHB - they actually stop attking when u turn on the blademail

                आप गे क्यों

                  to op, think of the role of pa..he is usually a glass cannon unless u really snowballed hard.
                  blademail on pa is like blademail on sniper

                  Miku Plays

                    i took it because of the refresher razor


                      If the enemy has bkb, your blademail is useless. Also if there are 5 heroes targeting you, blademail is not that good.


                        i dont think its worth it because not only ur a glass cannon, u have evasion percentages which means the dmg evaded wont be reflected on the enemy


                          PA needs a BKB plus a ton of right-click damage items.

                          Blademail doesn't fit into that picture.

                          Dire Wolf

                            "i took it because of the refresher razor"

                            That's a really good place to take it, as you are playing for the game. Razor's ult goes through bkb and your dodge but he can't turn it off. Make sure you have the lowest hp around when he ults, then pop blademail. I often am forced to go bkb on razor just to deal with blademail shit.


                              bm is good late game on pa once you get some solid life leech/hp. Really good against nukers with low HP obviously.

                              I consider it a all in item when you buy it on carries - there are better items to farm for but if you are down and getting pushed a last item bm for only 2k is a great option.

                              Slow Hands

                                "the difference being, in VHB - they actually stop attking when u turn on the blademail"

                                So using that theory, wouldn't blademail be perfect for PA given it means they stop aiming you? And the difference between PA and Sniper is lifesteal is almost core on PA and with the Crits you can heal a hell of a lot quicker, adding to the fact you've got a BKB which again, is a lot more popular on PA then Sniper.

                                That being said, it's not something I'd look at buying on PA very often.



                                  people have this item called bkb. additionally nobody cares about 2k-3k return damage if it means killing the enemy hardcarry. if you split up the damage its measly. 2k+ on a waste of a slot. bkb and linkens together make the hero virtually unkillable, if thats what u need. ive seen ppl go bkb linken skadi - hero cant die and still very strong (with one or two damage items obv)


                                    ^eh? isnt skadi a bad item cos you need damage to take advantage of your bkb timing?


                                      skadi is good for pa