General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you people stand solo queue?

How do you people stand solo queue? in General Discussion
    Этот комментарий удален модератором

      well those players are close to 5k, and clearly they think they all deserve to be there, while harboring the "i have to carry this shit team" mentality

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      bum farto

        The difference is beesa and swiftending who make these statements are mid, or carry players who wouldn't touch a support to save their life.

        I can't 1v5 while playing supports but someone has to do it.

        NextStep ®

          Sad to hear that.
          SEA server here are all the fucking tryhards. Random pick and fighting over lanes are pretty much non-existent ( maybe 1 out of 10 games ) after 4.7k

          And I agree with Melody. Morale and attitude are the keys to win games at higher bracket.
          It's all about communication and attitude.

          bum farto

            ^ I am/was at 4900-4800 till yesterday so that ain't true, people literally fight over lanes and shit talk 8/10 games. I do tend to be quite positive but after 40 minutes of hell 15 games in a row even the most patient have their limits.


              Have you ever tried to communicate with them? By voice specially, taking leading heroes like jakiro/ogre/storm/axe, a perfect way if you really don't want fustrations as the posters are saying, hence you're playing in a random queue, so defeats in a row will never be unavoidable.

              bum farto

                I communicate where appropriate as I personally hate going into games and there's one guy who's all talk telling people what to do. I prefer to leave people alone to just do their thing and will communicate when ganking or doing something of importance. Again, this is all stuff I know and stuff I do I was having a bad run due to massively toxic players last night and the night before.

                bum farto

                  Anyways thanks for the input everyone I think that's enough for now.


                    I am playing broodmother, try it.

                    Epic Sax Guy

                      I've been watching Admiral Bulldog's stream since he got back to it a few weeks ago, he's about 6.4k. He's pretty funny to watch because he's not mega-tryhard like EE but tries a lot of creative builds or picks heroes on requests regardless of enemy line ups.

                      After some time I was amazed at the number of thoroughly atrocious plays being made at that level of play. People yoloing and feeding like mad in lane, blaming 5th supports for getting killed when diving, going into the rosh pit unsmoked when the rest of the team has carefully snuck in there etc etc

                      Point is, there will always be players on all levels of play that are straight up toxic to their teams at some points. Likely this is brought about by certain hero combos that doesn't work out for them or other sources of frustration.

                      Этот комментарий был изменён
                      Low Expectations

                        ^I dunno if you noticed but "normal skill bracket" apparently starts at 3,9 at least for me. Dunno if valve changed anything up but all my games are suddenly in normal.


                          Nah, you see. I'm 4,8k but my team~mates are not.

                          What gives you right to act like that?

                          No, it's not team~mates, it's you.

                          About the part my SF is bad, okay. Your opinion.

                          But it's not about my sf.

                          So, point.

                          Somehow, players at 2k, 3k, cant be the reason for your loss, however, a 4700-4800 that?s legit.

                          Do you even realise how stupid that sounds?

                          Now please, don't hide in picking suppost all the time.

                          That's stupid excuse.

                          Btw, everyone who belives my sf is bad, feel free to add me.

                          Let's play friendly 1v1 match.


                            U still good bro, lets play togethdarr again sometimes and lemme feed XD

                            Midi Prill

                              Just stop flaming and stuff, or you will get matched with other "1 star" people. That's what that whole rating system is meant for, to keep the rude people together, valve even said this themselves.

                              I pretty much gave up on my main and have had much nicer allies on this old smurf acct.

                              Queue times are faster, I hardly ever got toxic flamers, and I haven't seen one intentional feeder all the way from 3.5->4.0k.

                              Always say GGWP and all that, if people get annoying I just mute them.

                              Plus once you get into that low-prio report threshold, your account is pretty much toast. Any mad kid can give you 10+ low prio games with the click of a mouse.

                              El Pollo Diablo

                                Most important thing if you think you deserve higher rating: spam games and stay calm.

                                60% win over 100 games is a really good win rate, unless you should be 1k+ higher. Even 55% is good. This gives you an average of 2.5 - 5 mmr per game, so it'll take a while to climb.

                                Bad and good streaks also happen. Having offlane ench + dual mid 3 games in a row happens. Just ignore it and go on. If it makes you mad, try listening to music.


                                  @Deadshot - I think Regular/Normal/High/Very High depends on your streak. If you suddenly start winning a lot of games in a row then you will be more likely to be matched into a higher bracket of game. I've had 'High' games show up in both 2-3k and 4-5k mmr solo queue games.

                                  @Havoc - MMR doesn't capture a player's depth of hero pool very well and I think part of what you are experiencing is some of these players being unversed in the particular heroes they were playing at the time. I know I personally have a shallow hero pool to choose from. At my MMR peak, I had 2-3 heroes I couple play at an acceptable level and maybe 5 or so more that were usable, but my teammates probably thought I was trash at. I could still climb the MMR ladder as long as I was picking my 2-3 cores heroes, but anything else tended to be thrown games.

                                  One of the things I'm focusing on this year is expanding that pool, but I've lost nearly 3k mmr in the process. (I play only ranked because I like to monitor my progress as I go. It's easy when you can just glance at your current rating.) On the upside, it's been interesting to watch how the player mentalities change as you move across the various ratings. There is a noticeable difference between actual 2k MMR players and those from the 4k bracket that you think are 2k scrubs in disguise. :)

                                  bum farto

                                    Yes because 4.8 players should know what they're doing most 2-3K players are literally rolling their arms over keyboards and expecting to win while complaining their team mates ain't good.

                                    Why are their laws for 18+ and then other laws for underaged people? It's because when you reach a certain point in anything you're expected to know what to do or what you're doing.


                                      I muted everyone on both teams, and unmute at the end of the game based on performance.


                                        Play heroes that can do a lot on their own, like strong cores that can gank like Puck, Slark or roaming supports like Ogre. Good thing with Ogre is that he can farm and he is one of the strongest non-carry late gamers.

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          It's not about what you pick, sometimes people just go into games not to win but rather to make their teams lose FROM THE START. They actually have this intention before the game even starts, they don't start doing it after you do something they don't like. Some people are just retarded, Valve can't do anything about it. Best bet is to just deal with it and still try to win, even if you don't wanna make that piece of shit motherfu*ker win the game.


                                            First thing, I'm not 3k player, im 3600-4000 player. I know wham I'm doing, I just do it worse then you, nothing to be ashame of, everyone makes mistakes, there is always someone better then you.

                                            Stop fucking comparting 2k player to me, because I know I'm not one of them. I have nothing against them in the other hand, however, I can stomp 2k games most of the times, with at least 60% winrate, which proves countless games I've played on my friends acc.

                                            Sec. thing, what the fuck is wrong with you. I thought you're really nice person, with a lot of expiriance and calm-cool attidude, however, it turned out completly wrong.

                                            I don't care if you think I'm a 2k player, hell, I know where I belong.

                                            What bothers me is that, you think that you can talk like this only because you have higher MMR.

                                            Just for the record, I played games against and with higher mmr players, the one I played with, was a lot more polite then you.

                                            So yeah, there are people around your MMR that actually has some nice and kind words for all people, not only for "high mmr players".

                                            Another thing, I still remember how you flamed your whole team when I was in your game, only because we made mistakes. while raghing to us like mad-chicken.

                                            "I;m done with you 3k scbubs, blablabla".

                                            So, if you're really done with us, stop fucking playin' with us. But it seems you don't like your skill bracket too.

                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                              I apologize for mistakes, since my English is not my native language, and I type fast, and most of the time from mobile phone, so I don't have time-entusiasam to correct mistakes, since you'll understand me anyway..

                                              Also, comparing law of 18+ and Dota game really disturbes me.

                                              If you can't see the difference, then hell, wtf is wrong with you, once again.

                                              There's been a 1000 topics about that. In every bracket, you can end-up with players that may be drunk, high, or smurfs and so on..

                                              You're talking like 4800 is some kind of high-impossible to reach MMR.

                                              I'm sorry, but that's not the case.

                                              You got over 6000 games. I got 1100 games on this acc, and about 1000 games on acc that I gave to my friend.

                                              I'll let you know what MMR I'm gonna have when I reach your number of games.

                                              There are people around 6+k mmr that is a lot more aware of things you arent, and I think thats whats brings you down to get your 5k.

                                              I actually thing that you have potential and knowlage to get 5k, and I don't think you can't get there because you don't have skill, hell, I love your style of playin' and I'd like to learn from you, but it's impossible, since you're acting like a dick.

                                              And if you acting like a dick, people won't like it.

                                              Этот комментарий был изменён
                                              bum farto

                                                You were egotistical and horrible to other players in all the games we played. You came to me asking for help and you completely ignored it thinking your 3k shadowtrash would stand a 4k game and it didn't and you proved this over and over. It didn't matter what i told you, your arrogance prevented you from doing anything and even deadshot has called you out multiple times on this.

                                                Everyone has their limits and your complete disregard for anything I said pushed the limits of my patience. I am calm and very well mannered but I do get frustrated as everyone does.



                                                  mute the shit talker(s)
                                                  unmute when you start winning


                                                    solo q is love solo q is life
                                                    the joys of flaming and getting flamed

                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                      told you havoc

                                                      stop with the solo q and surrender to the satie stack

                                                      bum farto

                                                        You're welcome to invite me anytime!


                                                          I have attempted to look this up but is there an option to only be able to see allies chat wheel commands but mute everything else ? Feel like that would solve a lot of solo q nightmares


                                                            I have a theory that people in general just get worse and worse as human beings, the higher you go in MMR. I watch one of my new-player friends play (he calibrated at 1.6k in ranked) and everyone is perfectly nice and reasonable in his games. They all know they're bad, there's no problem.

                                                            As people get better and better, they THINK they're even more good than they really are. By the time you reach 4.5k players everyone thinks they are God's Gift to Dota - they know they are better than most people (true) but they don't realize that this doesn't mean they're actually better than the current people they play with and against.

                                                            Havoc Badger, you're a good chum, and keep calm and carry on.


                                                              "As people get better and better, they THINK they're even more good than they really are. By the time you reach 4.5k players everyone thinks they are God's Gift to Dota - they know they are better than most people (true) but they don't realize that this doesn't mean they're actually better than the current people they play with and against.

                                                              Exactly that.

                                                              Now he's telling me I was egoistic and rude to all players when we played together, and that's not the truth, actually.

                                                              Wow, my Shadowthrash.

                                                              I've seen your Shadowthrash. The way you play him, it really gives me canser.

                                                              So I still didn't tell a thing about it. But I will now, since I belive your SF sucks aswell.

                                                              I won't argue with you anymore, since you're not able to understand what I;m talking about.

                                                              With your posts, you're dicrediting yourself.

                                                              You have nothing to prove to me, and to be honest, I don't care what you think about my SF or my gameplay, since I've proven to people that I'm an decent Shadow Fiend player.

                                                              I may not be able to play Shadow Fiend for top 5k team, but I don;t really care.

                                                              Not because I don't want to play better, but because I'm aware of my limitations, and you are not.

                                                              Have a nice day.


                                                                I don't know why people complaining so much about solo q. I'm playing solo q probably 95% of the time and it really isn't that bad. I don't play that much lately, only few games a week 2 - 8 mostly. Maybe I'm just lucky :D

                                                                bum farto

                                                                  Difference being I don't play shadow fiend and you main him, and you refused to change. You've proved nothing to no one, you're playing a sub par hero, in a sub par bracket, and playing generally sub par. I never once in my original post blamed anyone, you simply took the post as an excuse to take a weak stab at me because your butt hurt and salty that I said your shadow fiend was what was holding you back and you didn't want to except it.

                                                                  Your limitation is your shadowtrash and you're still not aware of it.


                                                                    i walk into the pub , pick my carry hero, ask for trashes to support me (only if they don't wanna, i am nice don worry),
                                                                    if i see someone typing in capitals = mute, i also know who is gonna flame from min 1 = mute.
                                                                    after that we usually win. sometimes i pick support and we lose(mb only with earth spirit support i can win)
                                                                    i rly think this shit is ez, probably gonna spam some es and get 5k when i start solo again.
                                                                    havoc my 4k mmr advice, play supports who transition into carries, wraith king, witch doctor rushing aghs, abbadon even,
                                                                    don't be selfless, be more selfish because that is dota, buy wards only when needed, better ask for the second support to buy them
                                                                    until he starts to flame u (lol).
                                                                    gl m9, when i ge my mouse we gonna play some dotas again


                                                                      Your first post:

                                                                      "I have been trying solo queuing after a long break for about a day now and I am losing my mind at the lack of skill, coordination or just basic common sense? What has happened to this game!"

                                                                      So , basicly, you're trying to tell me blame it all on you?

                                                                      Lack of skill, cordination or basic common sense?

                                                                      If that's the case, I apologise.

                                                                      If not, ask yourself one more time, are you sure about the part " I didn't blame anyone".

                                                                      There is very tin line between blame and what are you doing.

                                                                      You may not blame them, but you're angry. You probably belive that's legit to say your team-mates lose the games for you, just because you're fucking special snowflake at 4.6-4.7k MMR.

                                                                      How legit is that? While 1000 points less people then you have no clue how to play this game, and then again, they are completly shoted down by the fact the suck and it's not about their team-mates.

                                                                      Oh, shit. WAIT.

                                                                      Seems legit, my bad.


                                                                        I've really been enjoying solo q recently. Maybe it's because I climbed a lot the past couple months. (4500->5000) For some reason solo q is really fun for me. Of course in more games than not there are typical dota ragers and people with over inflated egos, but that's just a part of the game.

                                                                        More than ever I feel like people just automatically highlight 3 cores + a jungler and i'm left with a solo support which I don't hate, but it does get boring sometimes. The most interesting thing to me is that the mentality and confidence between a 4.2k and 5.1k or even a 6ker who snap picks a mid is no different. I guess that's the mentality to have, seeing how no one knows what the mmr range is without knowing other people in the game.

                                                                        Dota really is a social experiment on top of having mechanical skills and game knowledge/sense. Being able to work and interact with people is important (as it is in real life...) and is a critical component of being a good dota player. Even in competitive settings you would think this wouldn't exist, but how many times have you seen a pro team disband because they weren't able to keep their emotions/egos/pride in check.

                                                                        Couple tips I would have (may have previously been stated):
                                                                        - Have fun. Win or lose be able to laugh at yourself or teammates in good fun.
                                                                        - Mute unpleasant people or ragers/flamers. No reason to prove yourself to some guy most likely you'll never play with again.
                                                                        - Focus on your gameplay and learn to improve. You may be angry and focused on your under performing teammates, but no matter how good you are (unless you are 6k) you WILL be that teammates at one point. Play the best you can and learn from yours and others mistakes be so you won't be that guy.

                                                                        Low Expectations

                                                                          ^^Holy shit ur so fucking butthurt that people tell you that you suck at sf. Sorry but if u go mid and are 0-14-2 YOU MIGHT BE BAD AT SF


                                                                            Yesterday I played 4 ranked games solo, all of them quite good. People really tried to win, even when I fed like hell.
                                                                            Unranked is still a random feed fest but as long as you mute the complainers it's quite ok.

                                                                            Your hidden mmr is much lower then your ranked. I'm in same boat, it's not a problem because games are a bit more casual in unranked.

                                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                            waku waku

                                                                              i play like crap so i hold up to the other players on my level


                                                                                Sorry, what people? Most of the time people dont complain about my sf.

                                                                                It's just delusional Havoc, not people.

                                                                                Why I can't play good SF with him;

                                                                                He selects eu west. I got lag there for micro~intensive heroes.

                                                                                I end~up against 5k+ Storm as SF, while little Havoc is so busy randomly dying.

                                                                                While their storm wrecks me mid, because a 5k+ Storm is hard for me, I admit, Havoc refuses to help me out.

                                                                                Ofc. Why I go mid if I can't handle it? Because Havoc doesnt want to.


                                                                                  your sf is fine relative to the bracket you play in, which is fine. the problem comes when you start queueing with people with a significantly higher mmr than you (1000+) because obviously a 3.5k sf that's good is probably a 3.8k mmr that's average that's a 4.5k mmr that's gonna feed

                                                                                  hope you see what i'm saying there, you're not a bad player but you shouldn't stack with ppl lots of mmr higher than you and expect not to get flamed, because you are playing better players, its not really your fault. havoc probably shouldnt flame you because you are worse than him but he should know that going in.

                                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                                                    Same thing every game.

                                                                                    Want my laptop fixed so I can leave destiny cancer and return to dota cancer at least.


                                                                                      You are right, thank you for understanding me!

                                                                                      That's what I was talking about.

                                                                                      For thet mmr part, my average mmr last 3 months was 3.65-3.7k, and if you check it~out you'll notice I can hold my own as SF even against 3.8~4k players without problem.

                                                                                      When it comes to the 4500+ mmr,the thing is, there things happen a little too fast for me.

                                                                                      I can be decent sf on 4,5k but only if i got hard protection and some kind of hard carry to back up my mistakes.

                                                                                      If I got ganked, In my bracket, I can comeback.

                                                                                      If I got ganked in 4.5/k bracket, most likely I won't able to.


                                                                                        So yeah, in 2.8k~3.4k I can carry the team most of the time as SF.

                                                                                        In 3.5~4k I think I can do my job pretty good if I dont make stupid mistakes.

                                                                                        Higher then that, yeah. My SF can be really a problem if my team don't help me up with mid.


                                                                                          No one gives a f**k about how good or how sht your sf is now stffuu and stop showing off your Sh*te hero