General Discussion

General DiscussionJust Started Dota

Just Started Dota in General Discussion

    I'm new to PC gaming and everything, got interested in Dota from watching pro games, and decided i'd play it. Apparently teamates i guess get put at random and it seems very tough as my teams have always seemed a little bit hard headed and don't listen to communication and like to flame eachother. I was wondering, are there any players who know what their doing and can add me to play sometime. Don't have a mic as of yet, but planning on getting one

    My profile.

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      Australian Server?


        I don't think my connection would run too good on Australian servers. I'd prefer people who play US East or West servers

        Bad Intentions

          Youre new but ur playing hard heroes :O, try easy heroes first.


            I went from 2.8k to 4k and would gladly help you get started with some of the easier heroes and show you some mechanics tricks. US East, add me

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                What bullshit is dis he gets high skill on his 4th match and I still didn't get it after 500 matches VOLVO FIX PLEASE


                  Pls need people to add me. Team is always very hard to carry to victory, which I believe is because they are very unaware

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                    i want to add you and teach you what i know but im playing sea


                      how do you get VHS with only 3 games and are a beginner? smurf.....
                      and yeah


                        ???? Beserker what are you talking about? Can you explain.

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                          How do you get from "Normal" to "Very high" without winning games? All games were solo?

                          Bad Intentions

                            His starting KDAs are high, that might explain it.

                            bum farto

                              Obvious troll is obvious.

                              आप गे क्यों

                                hi, i am new to dota.
                                i will play invoker and randomly invoke spells that seem to be killing everyone

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                                  I'm really not a troll guys. Seriously need friends to add that are willing to play sometime, Why do so many people seem like such assholes on here.

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                                  bum farto

                                    "I'm new to PC gaming and everything, got interested in Dota from watching pro games"

                                    You could have just gone with, "I was really low tier on my main, and would like to improve. I have made a smurf account and am looking for better players to stack with" because no one is going to believe you just started dota2 and "PC Gaming" and went Invoker.

                                    No one is being an asshole just after two smurf accounts, and possible a failed main its time to face up that maybe it's not "them" it's you.


                                    आप गे क्यों

                                      most people here have been molested as children and lied to by smurfs who crushed their little hearts, so forgive the hard love environment.

                                      we nurture our players like spartans, if u have a deformed account like, bogi. You will be tossed and ravaged in the wilderness, never to hit 5k mmr again


                                        There it is again what is a "smurf" why do u keep saying that? Also that account is the first account i made yesterday because my irl friend said that i should after having played invoker pretty badly my FIRST FEW TIMES, that i should start over. Is there a report button on this website becuase this Havoc guy keeps flaming me for no reason?? Just looking for people to play with, if your gonna call me a "smurf" or a "troll" then don't post here.

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                                          yeah that havoc guy just needs to stop flaming people, its really getting out of hand

                                          i suggest that the mods ban him, or set his dog on fire


                                            Also why is it so hard to believe that im playing invoker when im new to dota? He isn't that hard of a hero, just need quick fingers and memorize his spell combonations so you can invoke with prescision.

                                            bum farto

                                              I have never once flamed you, if you're going to be such a cry baby then feel free to not post here either. I have seen 1000's of accounts and can peg out a smurf account from a new account.

                                              Smurf accounts all have somethings in common.

                                              > Random stupid names like xX420BlazeitSwagXx, or psuedo random shite.
                                              > Smurf always have pictures of "Rave" girls, rappers, or some inappropriate nonsense.
                                              > Smurfs always come across whimpy with easily hurt egos, legit new players wouldn't know who is playing well and who isn't
                                              > Smurfs always try and post as simpletons but one whiff of the word "smurf" and they panic, if you were new to Dota2 you wouldn't know what a smurf account is.

                                              Smurf account holders (like you) are easy to pin out cause they have no loyalty to their account. Take mine for example, I have had 3 avatars in 3 years and my name has remained the same for 3 years. Vroksnak, Wagamama, Zenoth, Matrice, all hold their accounts in high regard so maintain legitimacy, most smurf account holders will not as it doesn't matter what they call themselves 9/10 if the account fails in stats, or calibrates low they will just start again.


                                                This thread is funny.

                                                Linda | DotaExchange

                                                  lel this guys , Havoc just stated obvious things, and you went bezerk.

                                                  Yes, you are smurf.

                                                  First game EVER, takes invoker , goes 13-3-14 ( with a freaking agha ). After 3 games, he goes to very high, k bro

                                                  Now bye, and don't come here, again . Ty


                                                    Ignoring everyone who is calling me a smurf. No one has even told me what this means yet, and also Havoc you seem to know so much about smurfs please explain to me what it is because I have no fucking clue what you guys are even talking about. Also its fucking hilarious how just because I seem to know what im doing on this game everyone is getting mad and pointing out ridiculous observations like they relate to anything? Yes I have a picture of a rapper as my gamer picture and my name is oxi, but why are you guys hating just because im new?

                                                    And Havoc use some common sense, why would my ego be affected by something some random guy on the internet said. And also your saying that new player can't be good and do have to indeed suck? That seems a little bit farfetched

                                                    P.S. Im guessing smurf means new player.

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                                                      no it means that u suck bbc

                                                      bum farto

                                                        "No one has even told me what this means yet" yet you took offence to it but now suddenly don't know what it means? Oxi is not your name it is a name given to Cocaine residue that is used to make "rust". I don't find it coicidence either that I know a number of other smurf accounts that have Joc as their profile, probably due to his association with Swagg hence my previous assumption. Your previous profile and this one show signs of an egotistical player who can't accept that he is bad.

                                                        Your "friend" suggests you make an account after 1 Invoker loss? Are you sure? No one is mad, and why would they be, it's very obvious that your ego is a little hurt because you're being put in your place and you have to choices.

                                                        1. Talk smack back, but your not good enough to go toe to toe stat wise with anyone or...
                                                        2. Play the "I'm new" card to compensate for your horrific game play.


                                                          smurf means you're pro. havoc is mad because he's not as good as you


                                                            ^Guessing that isn't the actual meaning of "smurf"

                                                            Considering you know who Joc is im no longer going too argue. Think what you think, Il believe as I do. I honestly don't know what smurf means, I don't see where you see I took offence from it, when I don't even know what it means. Im done explaining myself.

                                                            If you would like to get to know me, add me:
                                                            My profile.

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                                                              This Is a smurf.

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