General Discussion

General DiscussionFor those of you looking for an upgrade.

For those of you looking for an upgrade. in General Discussion

    This could potentially be quite helpful, a little like PC partpicked but this guides your hand a bit more if you're a beta


      If I get all the nine different things, all thats left that I would need is, monitor, keyboard, and mouse correct?
      Also, how does one even know what kind of motherboard or case to get to fit all that together, etc?

      P.S. I clicked that douchebag's virus link or whatever by accident. (The guy who has horrible english in his threads) I deleted the file from my computer but could there be more to it than that? help me out folks!!!! -_- luckily I wasn't logged into steam or anything yet.

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      Linda | DotaExchange

        ^ if you didn't opened that file, you are fine.


          most motherboards fits all cases and vice versa, and all parts fit the motherboard. the only exceptions are when you are getting a compact motherboard.

          also you need to differentiate between amd and intel motherboards depending on which kind of CPU you want to get, but otherwise they are basically very similar with minor difference (number of slots etc)

          Dire Wolf

            You need a motherboard that supports your cpu obviously. Make sure you get the right socket type (AMD have several different sockets, intel several as well). Then the main difference is size whether it is regular ATX or micro ATX. Micro is ok but has less expansion bays and less space in general. Regular is easier to work with an usually only $20-40 more.

            Lastly the difference will be features. I'm not up on the latest and greatest like I'm pretty sure usb 3.0 is standard now but when I bought mine 2.0 was standard and ones with 3.0 were just coming out and cost more. Also you'll pay a lot more for ones that support sli or crossfire so only get it if you're seriously about doing that setup.

            Cases are basically three sizes, mico/mini, mid (standard) and full tower. A mid is probably what you want, micro/minis won't fit all graphics cards and motherboards so you have to check, and a full tower has a ton of space and won't fit under a regular desk. They are for enthusiasts who put a lot of extra stuff in their case like 5 hard drives and multiple media drives and water cooling, stuff that takes up space. Other than that just read reviews, some cases have fans preinstalled, are easier to work with like have snaps vs screws or whatever, or just look nicer.

            Ask questions on also. They are really helpful there.


              @Chu4Lyfe do this...

              1. Reset your browser to factory defaults and/or delete all associated cookies and browsing data. Identify your browser then google how to do this.
              2. As long as you didn't actually open the .exe you should be fine but you might want to also delete any unknown entries in your registry. Try something like CCleaner to do a full sweep.
              3. DO NOT download any virus programs or anything of that sort as it's not needed as this is probably just phishing or tracking exes.

              If in doubt and you notice things acting weird I think you have me on steam and I can walk you through it.


                Thanks. I didn't open it, I just removed it.

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