General Discussion

General DiscussionRight as I hit 50% winrate

Right as I hit 50% winrate in General Discussion

    Intentional feed lina, she just kept walking up to tier 2 towers and would stun and throw 1st skill around and ping us.

    As base was dying she ulted from base to kill someone.

    I won't even be surprised if valve try to arrange this shit to keep people fixed on 50%

    waku waku

      if you didn't abandon you wouldn't have so little winrate


        I abandoned in the past, when I started dota, nowadays I abandon only if I have pressing needs, like submission of any work or any meeting to be at.

        Bad Intentions

          Lenny, it's interesting you keep on getting "normal" type of unranked games.

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            then simply play more games so your abandons are a lower percentage of your total games instead of complaining about events that have already happened and just move on because you can't change the past.

            typical crap player thinking the illuminati is keeping them at 50% winrate


              >normal skill
              >expects allies to not be retarded

              L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                I'm not talking about my abandons, I'm saying right as I hit 50% despite my abandons, I got this Lina teammate. You guys have gone off on a tangent and have been stuck on my past abandons.

                @Bad Intentions : My skill level is probably true, I'm on a winstreak, but I make stupid decisions


                  Valve doesn't force 50% winrate, you are delusional, the end.


                    had you not abandoned so much you'd have a higher winrate and therefore you wouldn't have played with the lina when you reached 50%. i.e. you'd be at 50.5 or something and that lina would have made you drop to 50.45 instead.

                    we're not going off on a tangent, you mentioned forced-50 in the first place
                    "I won't even be surprised if valve try to arrange this shit to keep people fixed on 50%"

                    and we're explaining why it's not true.
                    you would not be at 50% winrate if:
                    - you didn't abandon so much
                    - you weren't shit

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Stop playing the same hero every game, it's bad for your brain. Also how the fuck people don't get bored?


                        Forced 50% ? Oh thank god its not forced for me


                          Lol these whiny threads are annoying af


                            i get a forced 56% winrate in raked :(((( fuck u gaben, reported volvo :'((((((((


                              yeee forced 50% ...

                              oldest excuse for being bad

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                              L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                "I won't even be surprised if valve try to arrange this shit to keep people fixed on 50%"

                                Didn't say anywhere that it was forced, just pointing out a fact that a large number of people coincidentally face the same issue right as they hit 50%


                                  ^ yes valve purposefully collaborate with this one player (who is near your mmr, because you are matched with him) and tell him to feed so that you (and this is forgetting about 8 more ppl in the game) don't get 50 percent winrate.

                                  Think about how retarded this sounds.

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                                    yah valve does set it up so that you have a 50% win rate, if you win more then half of the time you keep getting placed with better players until you win half your games, and if you loose more then half your games you keep getting placed with worse players....

                                    That is forced 50/50 right?

                                    PINGU NIDEPIGU

                                      I mean... I would agree that valve does try to force 50% wr
                                      However, if you're like that dude FRANZ up there.... he's not gonna ever be 50% because he plays with a set stack and beats the shit out of any unorganized party of people.
                                      In other words, some people are too good to be forced 50 lol.

                                      L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                        Everyone's just been taking it to ridiculous extends. No I'm not saying valve fixes this type of shit with "feeder accounts".

                                        Was just pointing out a common theme running , specially at normal skill games.

                                        Guess being "Very High" and "High" skill gives you guys the right of way to be condescending, technical pricks, and be one of the many reasons dota's community is so cancerous

                                        [The other reason being "whiny" posts by scrubs (such as myself), who should kill themselves because they have no right to enjoy a game they might not be as good as the others.]

                                        And there is no fucking limit to it, you're good, someone's better. There really is no ulterior motive rather than e-patting yourself on the back when you trashtalk someone at an obviously lower skill level than yourself.


                                          You get someone who intentionally fed - big deal!
                                          Maybe if you were a better player, you could have still won 4v6. Unlikely but your game contribution was terrible.

                                          Instead of asking why did this player make me lose, you should be asking "what could I have done better?"
                                          Your attitude to competitive gaming blows. You have the right to complain but you should only exercise that right when you have tried your very best but you sir did not try your best. Stop whining. -an ex 2k player who stopped whining and suddenly got out of 2k

                                          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                            @HiI'mDonna : First off, 21 games in, what's to say you're not just another bullshitter trying to smurf.

                                            Giving you the benefit of doubt, ok lets say you made it out of 2k and now wherever you wanted to be.

                                            That game, Slark was roaming mid, so he was ganking with our Lion and viper. There were no wards, but I had to keep farming if we had some shot at late game. Hence why I had the teams highest last hits; I was farming in our jungle, maybe pushing out a lane or 2.

                                            The reason why it's so much lower was that I kept getting caught out of position by them, who ganked me in groups. Maybe I should've bought wards for my safety, but that's not the point.

                                            The fact that you so haughtily claim my game contribution was terrible by simply looking at stats is so naive, I could actually believe you've only played 21 games.

                                            My role that game was to keep my head low, try to farm back the disadvantage, and hopefully manage to fight 4v5. Don't judge a game based on stats if you have no idea what happened in the game.


                                              Fallacies everywhere.
                                              What happened in your game is independent of whether I'm a 7k player or 1.6k player. You sucked in that game and you would still have sucked if I was 6.5k.

                                              Your role that game was to win the game - nothing more, nothing less. I know exactly what happened and you confirmed it. You afk farmed and lost. You blame everyone but yourself and you bring this attitude into the Dotabuff forums. I lost, you don't agree with my analysis so I will call you 'haughty', 'condescending' technical pricks. Well I tried but people like you were never ever supposed to achieve excellence. Your role in competitive games (and reasonably to say in RL too) is to aspire to win games without putting any effort in to improve yourself as a player and instead to fall back on the default position of blaming your teammates (or the patch or the game mechanics or lag or hunger or tiredness or basic-usb mouse).

                                              Feel free to reply but I will no longer be reading any of your posts because there is nothing you could ever say that would be 'insightful' or 'worth reading'.

                                              L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                In the basis of that game how would a ganking PA have done anything? Answer that before you go at the very least?

                                                NextStep ®

                                                  I'm pretty sure it's forced 55%, not 50%.


                                                    I never said you could win but you could have played a lot better.
                                                    Hotd is a terrible item - did you ask yourself if you needed life steal? If you did need life steal, did you need to upgrade it to Hotd?
                                                    Did you need to farm your jungle? Could you not have pushed top lane and enemy jungle which would have also made space for your enemy team - you'd have to pay close attention to blur because of io/np.
                                                    Could you not have bought your bkb earlier?
                                                    Is phantom strike really worth maxing before blur?

                                                    If you got blur, you would not have needed life steal to farm the jungle. (Gives you +2k gold)
                                                    You would have more EHP to survive against ganks.
                                                    If you bought a bkb and skilled blur, you could fight earlier, die less and you wouldn't need as much armour to fight dazzle+venge.
                                                    I didn't watch the game but if you could push out a lane safely (hard/impossible in a np/io game) you could have still farmed and made space for the rest of your team.

                                                    Could you have won this game? Nope but you could have punched above your weight. Look at the slark.
                                                    Now I'm done.

                                                    L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                      Ok, when put like that it makes sense.

                                                      Will keep this in mind.

                                                      I still don't see PA without any Lifesteal to be too viable, with crits she heals back a lot, helps in 1v1 fights.