General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is rat dota?

What is rat dota? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I can't remember the exact match but we were fighting like a slark or something and every time we killed him a guy on my team would taunt in all chat, get that rat doto out of here! And when we won taunted with rat doto best doto lol.

    I told him that rat doto is avoiding fights to push lanes and take towers only and he said no, a rat is any hero who runs away after a fight. I explained to him that's not right, that slark is a ganker not a rat, rats avoid fights altogether.

    So now I'm just confused and making sure I understand my dota lingo correctly.


      What u told him is the true thing low ppl think running from battles and fights is weak thing to do thus rat i guess that guy was low ?


        rat dota is when a teamfight starts that is 4 v 5, and whenit finishes enemy team realizez that there tower and 2 rax is gone


          He's dumb if he thinks like that...

          me, government hooker

            rat dota is furion bro

            THICC BABY SHUM

              but he is a tree, lycan with ult looks closer to rat

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                Rat means = i go for towers and rax and i dont care about how many deaths i will get
                Lycan 3lvl necro yoloing with ulty
                fura also with necro 3 ( or without ) is a annoying rat due to 20sec teleport cd..
                Terrorblade can take up t3 and 2 rax if he dont participate in a teamfight
                also rats are heroes that can push and have a good escape mechanism like Antimage ( i hate that bitch )

                rat is for the weak :D

                Miku Plays


                  this is rat doto :D
                  basically, your team still wins the game even you arent winning all teamfights

                  rat doto = team who kills ancient first


                    ^btw ur lycan was just like i was thinking above!

                    yolo towers/rax no matter deaths:D

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                      rats are no weak, you can finish easily baldur's gate in rat form ^^

                      But yeah, they are for the weak, armor of faith + rat form = 120% damage reduction xD

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                        ahaha im happy when i win ratting and im sad when i lose to rats xDD


                          Rat dota is to avoid fights and focuse making trades instead of taking fights; Make enemy rotate inefficiently around the map

                          Common heroes for rat dots:
                          -Naga Siren
                          -Nature´s Prophet

                          Heroes that are unusual, but are decent cause of their kit:



                            It can be worse! Win every team fight for first 30 minutes, have all lanes pushed permanently and still lose the game:

                            We took our first tower at min 30, lol.

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                              ^ well i forgot about master cancerino lancer :D

                              look at this graph xD u were losing all game:D
                              dat comebacks lel

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                Rat doto in a fucking nutshell. My ass just napalmed after that match.


                                  wtff ^




                                    By the way, after that game, list of people who hate me has been increased by nine names.

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                                      bum farto

                                        People disassociate ratdota with objective gaming. Why waste time, risk dying, and giving away gold to the enemy if you can dodge fights and push. I have seen teams go 5 man push early and get called "GG rats" which is totally stupid.

                                        Objective gaming: Team fight breaks out and you push their base solo.
                                        Ratting: Single focus on split push and pressuring lanes, and back dooring towers that you're able.

                                        I guess where the term comes from is the way rats appear somewhere and then scurry away and appear somewhere else but I honestly think that people are labeling this stuff wrong and there is nothing wrong with being objective focused.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          Yeah but they aren't mutually exclusive. If you are a rat then you will be pushing their base solo when a team fight breaks out. So a rat does incorporate your objective gaming concept. Though obviously you could be any hero and avoid one particular fight to trade a rax or something.