General Discussion

General DiscussionНе показывает матчи

Не показывает матчи in General Discussion

    Показывает только 2 старых матча которые были 2 месяца назад,и только те которые отыграл сгеодня(2 матча) всего наиграну 650 игр, что делать?




        And this fucking scum plays on eu west... 47% winrate and no englishskills.




            He is probably complaining about english speakers on eu west lmao

            THICC BABY SHUM

              First he has 47% because he abandoned 52 games, second he can play where ever he wants, third he played more in Russian servers then UE W servers, forth english skills?? lol wtf are you even tryingt to say. And this site doesn't say anywhere that its only for english speacking users.

              THICC BABY SHUM

                He is saying that he has a bunch of his games missing from dotabuff.


                  You can't really defend abandons, man, any way you look at it an abandon is a worse version of a loss because you didn't play

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    not always, I have shit load of abandons from my old intenet that turendoff a lot, got new one now its fine, 18 games away from 50% would had like 53 by now.

                    Linda | DotaExchange

                      Cyka, hui

                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        its xuyi

                        Linda | DotaExchange

                          Auf Wiedersehen

                          THICC BABY SHUM

                            So much hate on Russians and most of you are from EU, I live in Cali and ppl here are nice to Russians weird shit.

                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!