General Discussion

General DiscussionI swear Icefrog doesn't know how to balance.

I swear Icefrog doesn't know how to balance. in General Discussion

    When heroes are op, the nerfs are so selective. Doom is completely useless right now, just like how Alchemist got nerfed, whereas Razor and DP are still running rampant. Skywrath Mage Ancient Seal buff was also ridiculous. Now that this game is popular, this guy just toys around with balance, giving a semblence of "nerfing strong heroes" and people will still play.

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      He just doesn't want to accept the fact that he overbuffed some heroes. If he just reverted the buffs back things would be fine. But no, since he is always right he is gonna keep that buff and then nerf the hero in such a stupid way that it's not even a nerf.

      King of Low Prio

        icefrog does not look for equal balance. Even if a hero was perfect he would still change it to make it fresh. That is the reason why dota had been popular for so long since it changes so much so often.


          Doom useless please... Free midas, "u are doomed"...

          Agree for alchemist tough, as a carry he's bad, like huskar is, you need to snowball with him.

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            brewmaster is just ridiculos. Everytime he splits, he easilly kills 2 supports. I mean, which other hero does that? gets 100% a kill off an ultimate and barely gets even touched. And he barely gets touched in terms of nerfs either. The spiris should have less movementspeed and HP at least, becouse you cant do anything, you just might give up and don't even try to live.
            And about skywrath i don't even want to talk, what a piece of aids hero.
            Also razor, omfg i don't know why i still play dota. The most anoying heroes are the most powerfull in the same time...

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              If you look at the last patchnotes you'll see most popular/flavour of the month heroes getting some nerfes e.g. DP's ult cd increase, spectre nerf etc.


                People will never stop complaining about Icefrog's balancing abilities, despite the fact that he has consistently created and maintained the most balanced Arts/Moba game.

                Yolo Swaggins

                  People in MOBA communities are infamous for complaining about EVERY kind of balancing though, so it's not particularly surprising to see people whining about ICEFROG!!!!!!!!!!!! once again.

                  It's been going on for years.

                  Move along people. Nothing to see here.


                    He literally can revert changes, i.e. Skywrath Mage Ancient Seal scaling. But it would seem repetitive so he's gotta nerf him some other way!

                    I could balance better than Icefrog. I have no bias for Doom or Razor, at all, and he most definitely overnerfed Doom and undernerfed Razor in the last patch.

                    Here is from a old topic I posted:

                    Alchemist OP in competitive? Let's nerf.

                    Wisp OP in competitive? Let's nerf.

                    Spirit Breaker OP in pubs but shit in comp? Let's nerf.

                    Huskar OP in pubs but shit in comp? Let's nerf, then buff.

                    Warlock OP in pubs but shit in comp? Let's buff.

                    Mirana, Dazzle, and Invoker been top picks lately? "Nerf vision value on arrow/ministun on cast/delay on EMP by 0.3 sec"

                    Batrider OP in competitive? Let's nerf. Oh his pick rate dropped a little bit? Better buff again to top pick. Oh he's top pick? Let's nerf him again.

                    Naga Siren's a good carry. Let's nerf her damage. Oh she's a good support. Let's nerf her manacosts. Oh she's a good carry again. Let's nerf her illusions and riptide.

                    Abaddon and Lich absolutely dominating pubs and seeing decent play in comp lately? Super Aghs!


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                      Yolo Swaggins

                        There are certain heroes that contribute more - actively - to a team than say Abaddon. I am an Abaddon main, and I can certainly see why he gets the hate that he does. His ult is non-interactive and non-fun, but I think that the main reason his pub winrate is so high is because unorganized noobs don't know how to deal with his ult. Best way to deal with it is to stop hitting him. But everyone knows that.

                        As for the others - Spirit Breaker was just recently nerfed, Wisp was a huge propblem, Alchemist too. They deserved the nerfs. As for heroes like Invoker with a huge skillcap, that would just absolutely trivialize the large amount of time spent trying to perfect these heroes. And as for heroes who contribute WAY too much in general, like Batrider? The nerf is very well deserved. Naga? What can't she do?

                        As far as Mirana is concerned, she probably deserves something in the way of nerfs, but we will continue to play the game regardless. Compared to other MOBAs this is way more balanced.


                          I agree to many of your gameplay points.

                          But my complaint is about how Icefrog is /inconsistent/ with different heroes, even when they are both op in pro/pubs.

                          Yolo Swaggins

                            It's just to change the state of the game. I don't think that nerfs/buffs should be the focus, I think that keeping the game in a constantly altered state should be. Just gotta keep happy about it.


                              can i just say fuk u icefag


                                I presume you guys have not played LoL.

                                we are blessed,you just dont understand that


                                  necro ulty is a good skill. nice balanced respawn time