General Discussion

General DiscussionMy opinion of 3k people

My opinion of 3k people in General Discussion

    I'm currently boosting a friend's 2.9k account. Just reached 3.6k. Its for decoration purposes.

    The people here are... nicer? Or maybe they don't care as much because I'm repeatedly going Earthshaker mid and not that many people are grumbling. Some even say go ahead or I trust you etc...

    It was never like that in the mid 4ks :(

    4.6k real trench


      yup. low mmr brings out the best in people.

      Game is hard!

        silver lining

        Degrade your account. Either play with stupid retards like Wave or play with nice people @ 3k. I choose to play with wavetards, since i enjoy making them rage.


          First time im proud of my 2.6k mmr ty OP


            Usually when someone picks a hero in ranked, he knows what he is doing. People who random and people who try to force picks / setups are the plague in ranked at 4k- mmr.

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              3k people cry gg when they are down 1-5 and continue to throw the game.


                3k players dont know how to farm
                4k players are trying to farm but dont know where
                5k players well farm close and aware to potentional fights

                FEEED ME

                  Lol u can pick io mid at 3k n stomp..stop picking on nubs


                    Uhh no.

                    Unfortunately, I've had my fair share of losses even when trying my best (on non 1v5 heroes).


                      any replays of an io mid stomping 3ks? i would like to learn

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                        Dire Wolf

                          There's assholes everywhere but I think most in 3k (where I am) are just more casual and want to win but won't rage as much if they lose.


                            decoration purposes ?
                            so he can drop back to 2.9k while ruining some games ?

                            here is our broken mm

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                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              you can stomp ppl wirh io mid even with same skill, its rlly easy spam w no need to be 5k mmr lol. is it rlly needed t be 5 k to control spirits rofl dude. just need some practice and positioning.


                                io mid is legit why are u guys hatin lol

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                                  Probs so dude can just sit there with his 4k account and play unranked. It's basically what I do.


                                    Decoration purposes means he doesn't play Ranked.


                                      I just want to watch this smurf io mid dominance ;_;