General Discussion

General Discussion5k+ MMR team for a league

5k+ MMR team for a league in General Discussion

    Yo, once we wanted to go to this BOCE league, which was advertised (spammed) here as well by an admin. Now, they're starting their 3rd season with an even bigger prize pool.
    Anyone up for urning reel mony?



      except you need to pay 10 dollars and most countries can't play.


        I am always available as a support but the problem is that loads of people agree to playing tournaments but people have to agree to actually seeing it through and you have to commit to taking lead on this.


          I am also happy to put the money forward to getting in if you can get a 5.


            i can play and i will always make time.


              Professional Enchantress player reporting for booty


                "professional" "enchantress"


                  I want to join but i'm from sea :(


                    Szotyi3 - team? is probably a okay player with skill but his gaming sense is 0 won`t reccomend. He rather keep some 3k mmr 3-13 clinkz players in team than 4.5k-5k players


                      doesnt matter, he would just support anyway.


                        i guess i can play if u need me


                          mister op we're 4 now i think. we have 2 cores and 2 supports.

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                            I'll ask an admin if we can register from such countries and when actually will be the games played.

                            Btw Bogi, i think everyone knows it here, how competitive player you are. Back then (8 months ago?) i didn't know anything about you, even though Vaikiss said smthng when i told him you will be the carry. Anyways, WE decided to try out new players after you forced us to pick Slark mid for you, then didn't gank even once "because we didn't provide you enough sight for it with wards". We bought smoke 3 times, you kept farming each time. We had better early-mid game line up, but you just wanted to afk farm, then blamed us for the lose!
                            That roster was made from 3 or 4 friends who were playing pub together a lot, and we just looked for 2 more players who are good enough not to get knocked out in the first round but as i see you took it too seriously. lol, i didn't even had a certain position back then.

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                              Na, I was kicked cus I did `bad game with Bristleback` doesnt matter that clinkz 3600 mmr guy was feeding 13 times I was useless that game cus I didn`t did `anything` in team fights suddenly nobody of you 4 realized that I was doomed every single fight. Still did second best dmg after Vaikiss Naga that game. That has nothing to do with Slark games.


                                Bogi no offense at all but your gaming sense is pretty terrible as well. It was good before you but you've gradually gotten worse even though your rating may have gone up/down. I have been watching games that you play and some people may be mean about it but there are times where you will spend 5-8 mins floating round the map doing nothing.


                                  Well, Bogi you've been 4-4,5k the past 8 months.

                                  Most delusional dummy that thinks he's mucher better than other. Game wise, and real-life-wise.
                                  It's funny though. Dotabuff humor


                                    There might been a chance I've could play offlane, however I'm rusty as I've not been serious about dota nad just jerked around in unranked games as it's quite stressful having school and lot of homework, especially as I'm not a very good scheduled guy.

                                    At least for now.

                                    If you get stuck not finding one, I could maybe join.


                                      - ddsama. Are you retarded? Your comments doesn`t make any sense, Ofc I was better than 3600 mmr player who played 3-13 clinkz. And where I said I m better than everyone else? Please keep your kid non-sense comments for yourself. You are starting to act more and more like Blunt or Wave I don`t know whats going on with you, you must be on some drugs these days.

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                                        Havoc Badger | DotaExchange Good thing is I have you who have game sense on a pro 7k lvl(bad luck you just 4500 mmr system sux) so you will help me.

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                                          omg my chance! hold my beer

                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                            I like how actink like wave is a thing. lol

                                            one and half gun

                                              if i had to choose between albanians dying or bogi, i'd choose bogi

                                              one and half gun

                                                p.s i have albanian friends


                                                  how can i act lik wave, pls teach

                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                    FU LaViolette, done


                                                      we need at least one more player


                                                        who's in already szotyi?


                                                          you are


                                                            +Allison +Benao +Me


                                                              imo we need a core player, one that has time and is willing to listen :)


                                                                Professional core player, one that has time and is willing to listen :) reporting for booty


                                                                  I think

                                                                  You, me , allison, benao, arka is a decent enough team. We gucci?


                                                                    Can brits even play? Iirc only players from a select few countries can participate in this tour.


                                                                      I would ask to join but middle east is not accepted i think :(


                                                                        Arka do you even play dota, bro? havent seen you online for a long time

                                                                        Wanted to ask the admins about it but apperantly they don't give a shit unless you pay the registration fee. Only then will you have the chance to speak with them.


                                                                          There are better tournaments to play in. Go for the next Gigabyte instead. =)


                                                                            still sucks butt we lost the star cloud cause I wasn't online for the finals. :(


                                                                              So the registration fee was paid, I'll start inviting you to the team in game when i catch you guys sitting in dota2.
                                                                              Seats are still empty for 6th and 7th player.

                                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                I can play as a standin if I'm available so if you want just ask.


                                                                                  What server is this?

                                                                                  kanye went to uni

                                                                                    randomly, whatever did happen to vaikiss? did he quit dota or something?

                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!