General Discussion

General DiscussionI love how they started a Peru Server

I love how they started a Peru Server in General Discussion
"TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

    Enough people played bad and blamed Peruvians that they created a server for "peruvians" aka the scapegoat. I dont think iv ever heard anyone say they played bad. Dota is just the blame game on the Interweb


      I play in South America and yes the peruvians were a big problem, they had lag both on US and SA, wich got even worse by the fact that lots of them play from cybercafes.

      It was the best solution for everyone, no more lag for them and no more laggy team-mates for the rest.

      Not going to discuss all the flame they get cause i'll get labeled as a racist but IMO lets just say they dont take the game seriously enough.

      Этот комментарий был изменён

        If you call em ''taco'' they will ragefeed.

        go kill urself

          has this solved the problem though? like do they think they all suck so they play on east cause they think east is better or was it only lag that was the problem?

          one and half gun

            u know when peruvians say shit like "pls pause 5 min"?

            its because their time runs out at their local pc cafe and they have to beg on the street to find money which explains why they reconnect 15 minutes later


              LMAO ^^^

              I wonder what the excuses will be put on this time around. Say "3v1 sorry" when you feed rofl.