General Discussion

General DiscussionMEEPO GODS I Need Your Help!

MEEPO GODS I Need Your Help! in General Discussion

    I have been playing meepo for a few days now. Its really a fun hero that can easily snowball.
    Can you guys share your experience or advise on how I can improve?
    Check my games if you want.=p
    I know I'm not pro because I'm still stuck at 2kmmr. lol.
    I'd like to know your control groups for meepo as well.


      I am trash with meepo, and every thing I am going to tell you is second hand knowledge. You should get your blink poof combo down, lately you stopped buying blink, if blink doesn't seem strong on meepo it is because you are not using it right. practice blink poofing in a private lobby until you have it down 100% with out thinking about it. try to avoid buying vlads or mek unless your team really needs the item and no one else is going to get it, both of those items slow down your aghs alot. If you are making BoTs you shouldn't have regain issues, since you can send meepos that are low HP/Mana back to base instantly and then just poof them back once they are healed. if many meepos are low only one of them needs to BoT back the rest can poof onto him to avoid using more then one BoT cool down. you shouldn't be using right clicks to farm the jungle too much, just use poof it has a super low cool down and mana cost. don't stack HoTs every game there are other items that give good stats and only the main meepo benefits from the regain and bonus HP, try using skidi, E blade, manta and sheep stick from time to time see what works for you. oh and if a good meepo player gives you advice that contradicts what I am saying they are probably right.

      bum farto

        From the good meepo players i have seen, they put a lot of emphasis on farm early game and try to dodge fights till they have some of the core items because meepo's strongest time is from about 20 minutes on....

        From what I understand

        0-10 minutes lane and have a meepo or two stacking jungle.
        10-20 minutes light fighting and farming your stackings
        20-end of game split pushing and fighting.

        Alison, vrok, are the couple i know that are good with meepo. Mid preferred cause you level so damn fast.


          well if u play mid here are some useful tips
          stack closest hard camp at odd minutes (1, 3, 5, 7) because at even minutes (2,4,6,8) you will get the runes
          unless you need net for first blood, get poof at lvl 1. dont skill anything at lvl 2 and at lvl 3 skill ultimate and poof again.
          with lvl 2 poof and booth meepo poofs at same time, you do 400 damage. try take last hits with that if lane is hard (heavy harras etc)
          with lvl 3 poofs you will be able to clear waves fairly fast
          with lvl 4 poofs you only need 2 poofs to fully clear a wave
          send 1 meepo to top rune and 1 meepo to bot rune. take 1 rune then poof other meepo to the other rune. this way you can heal both meepos up and secure both rues
          dont buy any items at start, maybe have your team pool you some tangoes, and get bottle first, into boots, treads, aghanim, blink, hex, skadi, BoTs, eblade/ac/manta
          dont get vlads/mek
          remember you can poof to illusions, use illusion runes to gank while you still farm mid lane/woods


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