despite what my jokes implied i literally have 2 solo q cd + cm mode games this patch and maybe like 10 games of cm + cd solo q total since ranked came out (most of the cm/cd games i played with a friend or two)
i wonder if i can get 5500 before cm gets removed, it would certainly save me a lot of headache since I can just draft retard heroes like lich/ogre for 3k and 4k players and they can actually be useful. it's even better in fact since most of the cd mode playing population will migrate to cm and save some queue time
my only wish is they would get rid of ap as well and implement rd mode otherwise u see an entire chunk of the dota playing population picking flavor of the month heroes every time a new patch hits
"CD was by far the best experience for solo players looking for a moderately cooperative team. You instantly weed out the pudge pickers and prophet players who want to spend the first 15 minutes in the jungle. On top of that, the wannabe captains who have a brilliant strat that will break the meta wide open aren't going to force everyone to play a 5 melee team because "we've got stampeed to initiate".
Instead, the small hero pool forces everyone to work together during the draft to make sure all the roles get filled. You rarely end up with someone who whines all game about the picks, because there weren't any "perfect" picks left in the pool. You are left with 5 people who spent the last several minutes cooperating as they spawn in, and the game gets to start on a good note."
looks like valve is clamping down on a specific subgroup of 5k and 6k players, too bad most of the zealous redditors are 3k/4k so they wouldn't understand what's going on. irony at its finest
i don't care whether cm gets removed or not, i personally would benefit if it stayed since i go mid against their 4.3k mmr player which i win like 95% of the time regardless of matchup (and my mid is really fucking awful too, not going to lie). since i'm not a MMR wh*ore I'm in no rush to grind games to get to 5.5k/6k, assuming I even have the potential
as for ap mode, i happen to have a huge disdain for people who pick certain OP heroes over and over to inflate their MMR. Call it an irrational bias if you want; I just want MMR to be a better indicator of skill and not how many times you click a certain hero at pick screen.
I can understand one of Valve's reasons but not the others:
1) "MMR abuse" refers to planting feeders on the other team/sandboxie that is easily accomplished due to the low # of people queuing the mode, though it's interesting how I never ran into one of those cases to the best of my memory.
2) As for imbalanced matches - this also happens at 6k+ in -ap games especially on North American servers....
3) "Excessive wait time" - My wait time is like 7 minutes, it's not that bad.
i've been saying "remove CD/CM and disable zeus/spectre for TBD players" for the last 6 months both on reddit and on devdota2 but i always get banned and downvoted instantly
it also seems peru + chile got their servers but hey, thats going to be abused as fuck considering there is a 7k brazilian player who is constantly being queued with/against his brother and friends giving him MMR
I cancel search when it exceeds 3 minutes. That's why I can't see myself playing anything other than All Pick.
it was actually a balanced match because somebody in enemy team had same mmr as me but my team went carry/mid and yeah game was basically over since the enemy high mmr was carry
i wonder what my ping to Peru server is
and for those who say "lol huge mmr gap ez points" i happen to strongly dislike mmr gaps in -ap
the difference in cm/cd is that i can outdraft the other guy and pick some retard proof hero like ogre for the 3.9k mmr player and he can be more useful than these 4.5k mmr shitcans i get in ap.
yea lich/ogre/wd/jakiro
anything with over 50% win rate on dotabuff and has a good stun/slow
i like earthshaker too but he's kind of hit or miss due to the dire need for blink dagger and most pubs are bad at farming items on supports, sometimes i ask people what they want and as long as they don't say "pudge" or some stupid shit i'll try and accommodate them so they don't whine all game
venge tide lich ogre viper wk are top tier first pick in cd
wd i guess
jakiros are 50/50 if they get the op spell or not sometimes they max dual breath / ice path and ulti at 6 : (
a big part of these games also are securing lanes and getting strng earlygame, if they feel like they won their lane and the teams got a decent lead earlygame everyone will be happy.
if ur losing earlygame by abit but got sick lategame these people dont care because "omg i dont have freefarm but their viper is freefarming gg we lost"
spectre going to feed because he didnt get his 14 min radi rush on a 3v3 lane with qb level 1
also these are the people that will flame ur picks because "omg BAT ridER was in pool and batrider is TOP PICK in PRO GAMES!!"
positioning doesnt even matter in 4k cd games and the batrider will probably buy power treads - vanguard anyway so those heroes are useless.
i can share all the secret tips now that the game mode is removed :DDddd
feel free to share ur tips, i'm pretty sure i can outdraft most 4k's like 90% of the time, but there must be some things i'm missing. i'd probably agree with > 90% of ur advice if i don't know it already
the main points i've experienced in cm/cd mode:
- longevity + survivability for supports this version is really important since the exp/gold accumulates faster if they live through team fights. for example sand king with his invis + blink can live pretty easily, whereas crystal maiden is a no-no since she'll die most of the time
- retard proof/point and click heroes (no skillshot, i.e. no potm/lina unless the team is full of stuns already)
- farming mid (this is big, if i pick a hero that falls off quickly like qop i probably won't be able to secure a win late game, whereas ta/ember/drow/pa are all pretty useful)
- offensive trilane with an early game carry like jugg/razor/wraith king is optional, sometimes it's worth it if you think the other team's safelane is weak and you can exploit them by making their carry farm really slowly
i always take/ask for the mid position if i solo q cm/cd unless someone on my team is also 5k+ (hasn't happened yet)
naga siren can also be easily abused this version and if i wasn't complete ass at playing her i would definitely pick her since nobody expects her as a last pick. have fun pushing when her images cut creep waves and she farms 12 cs/min
i bet you wont share your secret tip to others on how you and vrok planted in captains draft
at least captains mode still running lolz
my sources tell me someone in this thread inflated their rating with cm/cd
xD wave talking about abusing
pretty sure ur exploiting every abuse in the book, how else could a low 5k player get a 6k account ^^
also i won 1v1 so im better
im sure u could get like 5.5k+ by picking only ta in russia server at night or something when every player is awful and still around 5k mmr but i wouldnt be surprised if theres alot more to it.
i remember playing 2 1v1s that day, 1 vs u that was over in like 3 min max and it felt like playing against someone with 4k mmr
the other game i played vs some nonamer below 5k that could still trade farm decently for 6 min +
it would be cool if u explained how ur getting account thats 1k mmr above ur actual skill too :D:D:Dd
oh right i do remember i 1v1d you, i was ahead of you in cs but since i was tired i let you kill me and i went to bed, congratz buddy i acknowledge you
ur dodging the question and ur excuse is retarded but as long as we both agree im better theres no reason to argue
whats funny is how you think you beat me when all you did was spam salves while having less cs than me, if i wasn't tired i'd get your tower down eventually, i also remember you were tilting against benao lolz
whats even more hilarious is how you got 300 games of 5 stacking in unranked russia during the spring/summer you disgusting trash
much amaze lies, dont backpedal to your "question", im 6k because im 6k, in fact im 6k on two accounts while your shitty smurf couldn't even calibrate past 5k+ when it was possible to calibrate past 6k+ which i did numerous times.
now get the fuck out of my sight before i link your steam on devdota2 so your account gets banned on the next update for abusing captains draft
nobody mentioned their rating until this little obnoxious kid started to baww on how valve removed captains draft and how im 6k, his master plan to get 5.5k or whatever is now forever ruined :'(
cant wait to for valve to remove captains mode so i can get these shitters against me in all pick for free mmr due to their inflated rating
omg u actually think ur better still even after losing that badly ROFL idk if ur just dumb or "trolling" me normal people would just back off after losing that game. im sure benao would win 1v1 vs u that game was harder tbh.
u will obviously try to make excuses for losing but "being tired and wanting to lose" must be the worst excuse ever.
im sure u have alot more normal games / russia games / limited hero pool / bot games / brazil games / whatever else mode u can come up with to abuse the system than me. ur countless amounts of smurfs are all getting banned because of this.
i stacked normal to help vrok get rank 1 while playing some relaxing games against worse players, ur doing it to boost ur ego / mmr.
my smurf calibrated at 5400 or something ur just posting random numbers
btw ur storm spirit is the worst shit ive seen, we played a normal 5stack russia and u had like 2-1-0 stats after 29 min afk farming 160 cs and u wouldnt even ulti to assist on obvious kills, got my roaming sk killed 3 times and i outleveld u because all u did was farm please stay away from storm spirit just dont play heroes other than templar i think that hero is most suitable for your playstyle: afk farm and autoattack retards without tp scrolls or brains.
I think a gamemode specifically for ranked would be alright, they are half way there with the altered ranked AP mode. Only question is how they can alter it enough that it's not a captain's draft but still a gamemode where the choice of a strategic ban/pick phase can occur.
The thought process of picks and bans really attracts me to include CM in my searches in case I land a lucky game. Never really experienced a totally unfair MMR game in captain's (lucky?) but then again my MMR is shite and I think the difference between anything 1k above me is little enough that I can play relatively the same as I always do.
this video is more intelligent and educational than dole
ur posts are truly demoralizing to me and i didn't read any of it
lets hope valve remove CM so you can fuck off from dota lolz
lets hope valve removes templar so u can drop from 5.5 to 4.8 because russian server is hard without templar mid
i dont play on russian servers since ranked came out, you must confuse everything with the shit you do because you're just that annoying
i actually give shitters like you an advantage over me when i instapick TA, but hey...... u calibrated at 5.4k when everyone calibrated past 5.9k+ during that time
truly amazing player lmfao
ill just stop giving u attention now and maybe someday u will realise that nobody actually cares about ur mmr
if it makes u feel better: ur a 100% legit 6k mmr player, no abuse at all. keep fighting maybe someday u will reach that legit 7k ! !
nobody except for you mentioned my mmr
thanks i guess, i'll get to 6.5k and start on my third acc because i need a new pc upgrade
@ fanofenvy
my team has 1 (3700-3999) and 3 (4100-4400) and my opponents are 1 (3700-3999), 2 (4100-4400), and 2 (4400-4700)
US East and SEA have similar distributions from what I recall so if you play cm mode you'll probably end up with something like this
omg i was eating my kellogs while reading this :D best wake up ever
pls everyone have my kids
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Removed Captains Draft mode from ranked matchmaking. There were too few players in this mode which caused excessive wait times, imbalanced matches, and potential for MMR abuse.
rip fucking abusers =)