General Discussion

General DiscussionWinrate on midas?

Winrate on midas? in General Discussion

    Do Db+ users have winrate graphs for items.
    I could swear that the winrate of midas drastically dropped! I think it was well over 50% now its 44%

    This could be due to getting this items when you are ahead and extend your lead, however the stronger the lead is the higher the reward of kills is. Can someone investigate!


      6.82b 42%
      6.82 41%
      6.81b 45%


        Thanks a lot


          Interesting. I would have thought that with the games lasting longer (at least in my experience) the Midas investment would pay off.
          Although with the new comeback mechanic that extra gold could possible benefit you opponents. They get more gold for killing you which they can use to invest in more "combat useful" items than a midas

          Flat is Justice!

            there are other ways for getting gold now
            1. getting functional items for killing high networth targets
            2. bounties runes
            3. more rotations = more free space for farmers


              Most ppl use it simply wrong.

              Midas is not for every hero and clearly not for every situation. Against push lineups midas will break your neck.

              Midas on lancer for example is just retarded on bloodseeker it is great! Reason:

              Midas is not only for gold, its the XP (!). Time it right and always eat a fat jungle creep. A faster lvl 6 or 11 BS will make a huge difference.


                midas is a comeback item on carries

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                Paid actor

                  depends alot on the lineup imo...if the enemy team has a lineup that fights early/midgame than midas can very well ruin the game, unless u riped appart ur lane and even on that case u could go for another item to further increase ur lead.


                    You are contradictive
                    You say it is the XP however name level dependent heroes and that its no good on them and then you say the level makes the difference.
                    You cannot heroes to be excluded for certain items. I can always see a scenario where a hero could consider picking up midas.

                    Midas nowadays is more dangerous if you are ahead to further extend lead since that actually breaks your neck. However getting a real item will actually back your lead.
                    If you are behind you need to choose whether the game will be active or not and from there on you should decide whether to get midas or not.

                    Low Expectations

                      Midas is best on CM


                        I get midas only, if I can have it before the 7 min mark on void/bs/tiny. I buy it to get a lead in gold and farm, not to extend one.


                          It's been kind of a bad item with the new bounty system. I mean getting it pretty much made you a target, and you didn't really have a way to survive a gank because you got it...and since your networth is clearly higher than funded the enemy team more than you funded yourself :x though improved fairly well with most recent patch, perhaps we'll see the winrate go back up.

                          Krazy Kat

                            Keep in mind that items listed are the items a player finishes the game with. People who buy Midas, get farmed, then sell it are not included in the stats.


                              @Krazy kat
                              Selling midas for a 6th item or so doesnt guarantee a win either but you are right, it only records items you have by the end of the game.

                              You can get midas whenever you want however you have to be aware that midas gives a big xp lead, and this is punished a lot. You can see it by the top 2 heroes omni and spectre, both greatlyyy use levels but are getting levels slower as well as being slow farmers. The xp and gold obtained now depends on the gap, which those heroes naturally have (in addition to other particular skills) and catch up it a mim within a small mistake the enemy might make

                              Strategy is now if you are ahead to keep the numbers as close to the enemy as possible whilst putting all the possible gold in the right places to win the game

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                                Midas is a "dead gold" item, with a systeme that give much more out of kill if you are behind in gold, an item that provide nothing by itself is pretty bad.

                                So it's pretty normal it's winrate decreased


                                  Well technically if your midas paid off completely, you've sold it! It's hard to judge the true winrate of midas, is it not?


                                    Before the gold systeme, when you bought midas you had to care:

                                    Will it paid off? (that's the least important part as it was not a gold item anyway, but an xp one)
                                    Will i not lose too much control of the game due to that dead gold item?
                                    Will i not give too much space to opponent due to that dead gold item?

                                    Now you have to care also of:
                                    If my teammate die, is the bonus gold and xp i earn better than the xp/gold that opponent will get in bonus.

                                    Ofc your teammate will die at some point (and you too ^^) thus a part of the gold/xp you earned via midas will be transfered to enemy team.

                                    If we wanted midas not to lose of it's power, we should have seperated networth of unreliable and of reliable, and using formula on unreliable (that would promote even more the kill, since killing would not increase the gab ^^)
                                    Or using different factor for both, like 0.1 for reliable and 1 for unreliable

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