General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR question

MMR question in General Discussion
Unity Chan

    just a quick question does ur mmr calculate base on KDA and wins or just KDA during ur TBD from those 10 games? i had forgotten so just want a conformation


      It bases it of a few things and hero damage (not kills) is a big factor whereas wins are not.


        freaking zeus abusers.

        Paid actor

          zeusing my way to the trashclub


            Mid 4k account, I'm not even kidding.

            It's all about that hero damage during ranked calibration games or how much you stomp your first normal matchmaking games. The higher uncertainty in normal mm rating before calibration, the more you can gain through calibration games by having high hero damage.


              Pretty stupid system

              Unity Chan

                i have learned one thing to never ever let a naga get 6 slotted i lost 4x with a naga 6 slotted and my team had no apporiate heroes for her :/ fucking naga pickers makes the game hard lol