General Discussion

General DiscussionCD and the removed heroes

CD and the removed heroes in General Discussion
Dune, the Desert Planet

    How come that heroes who are removed from CM can't be part of the CD hero pool? In dota 1 it wasn't like this. I remember getting Winter, Brood, TB, etc. in CD.

    I didn't play dota for some time, got back on it about 5 months ago or so... Was this changed in some version?

    I play CM/CD only and never ever have I gotten a hero that's removed from CM in CD. My mate did get Brood once in CD. IDK how.

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      A side question... When were the ancients with evasion removed? You know.... 3 dragon lizard guys who you could raze down with SF? Now there are only 3 kinds of ancients.


        The CD hero pool is like that because of the larger competitive scene over the years, IceFrog decides some reworks or heroes are not balanced and waits to put them in captain's mode so that they dont screw up the comp scene

        Dune, the Desert Planet

          ... Did you even read the question? CM =/= CD. I know why heroes are removed from CM. I don't know why are they removed from CD. Since I clearly remember having heroes removed from CM in my CD games. In fact, as a general rule, there were always certain removed heroes in CD pool.


            Sorry misread the question, would probably guess that CD is just a modified CM that they just didn't unban the heroes from, I don't really know

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              bump. I really want answers.


                because i dont play either one anymore. when icefrog asked me, i said w/e.


                  dunno, I'm gonna ask IceFrog tomorrow


                    icefrog told me he lol'd when @xan told him that so he asked me about it and i said w/e dude, do what ez'er for you