General Discussion

General Discussion6.82 and Comebacks

6.82 and Comebacks in General Discussion

    The comeback potential in 6.82 is too damn high, Even in the latest patch. Went from 4500 to 4000 in a streak

    Our Ember was 20/0 (44k Hero dmg).
    He died once and suddenly, silencer had aghs, PL had heart, The 0/8 Sf suddenly got items.

    Was 11/0 on morphling
    Died once, and suddenly Omni had aghs and kunkka was one shoting us with his newly found daedalus.

    We were dominating the whole game. 1 team ight mistake, and they were dominating us.

    Was ahead 20 kills, and one fucking teamfight turned the game around.

    Feed and Win = New meta.

    Midi Prill

      It's not fun, period, the whole game can change from 1 kill. This is retarded. Whole laning phase doesn't mean shit.


        funny, i'm still stomping most games while holding like half of my team's networth pretty often

        i guess this patch really depends on how well your farmed cores know how to play and exploit a farm advantage - though in 6.82b the comeback mechanic is actually really small.


          It was scaled down 3 times already.

          The comebacks are more possible but no where near what they were a few days ago.

          This patch today is fine.


            The patch is fine, it's just your excuse. Nothing new with dota throws. I almost had situations like you, where we were ahead but almost threw the game, as long as you kill that core hero late game in battle you should be fine. Hex, abyssal blade really good for keeping them in check.

            An Anti-mage can come back and win the game if farmed enough even if his team is down 30 kills. Win 1 late game battle, take a few raxes and hey it's smooth sailing from there. Rarely happens but it does.


              I played 5 games today, and there wasn't a single *enormous* gold/exp swing. There were some bigger swings than from 6.81, but nothing completely ridiculous. None of the games were determined by comebacks, and while all the games were longer than 30 minutes, none of them went past 45 minutes.

              The playstyle is completely different though. We were getting wrecked by a roaming Ogre/Leshrac...but then it didn't matter because they couldn't translate it into a push because of the Fortification changes. Everyone plays greedier, which is slower, but everyone has a chance to get items...I dunno. It seems like a nice change of pace.


                I'd agree that at first the comeback mechanic was completely broken. But at least in my last couple of games I think it's in a pretty good place now.

                Enough that if your behind your still probably going to lose but a handful of successful high ground defences and you actually have a shot to take the game.



                  Where has this game gone. Watch the end when we as radiant were pushing

                  EDIT: Nowadays you cant answer phones when you are stomping hard.

                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                    It was nerfed 3 times, there's no reason to complain about it anymore, at this point it's people complaining about throws


                      Boys.... these games are what you call "Throws." 6.82 was scaled back 3 times and now the new bounty system is fine. If you're stomping early game you should continue stomping unless you literally dick around and get caught out of position several times.

                      Stop blaming the patch, blame yourself and learn to adjust.


                        Interesting thing to note: if you have Truesight, you can see the total gold earned via kills, including Assists. And after a quick look at my past few games, the team that's losing/behind is earning 250-500g more per kill (so they're earning 1.1k or 1.2k against 750 or 900; assist gold is strong). In pre 6.82 the winning team would typically have something like twice as much gold earned from kills as the losing team - somewhere around 40k against 25k. Now the ratio is much narrower.

                        If you're winning, you're just more incentivized to secure leads from farming or map control, because your opponents can still get 50% more from kills than you. 1 for 1 trades are horrible; 2 for 1s only barely net a gain.


                          It's either you are a less experienced player or your team is horrible.

                          In this patch rat and afk farming is seen lesser and lesser as the time goes by.

                          Your team is probably the worst in some cases as they don't give 2 shits about cooperation.

                          Less experienced player means you don't play ranked.


                            Hello.3.6k trash here. Add me for free lessons in the art of throwing. lol



                                You ain't seen nothing yet

                                Orge Magi and BH decided to throw thinking they were gods