General Discussion

General DiscussionJust a observation.

Just a observation. in General Discussion
Ego complex

    Don't hate me for what i will tell you now.

    I have always consider my self somewhat decent player ( around 4.5 k, more or less ). The first time i heard about smurfing , was like year or more , right here on this forum. I wasn't aware of it, thus a bit awkward desire to check what was.

    Huh, i thought, i will play new acc, get more mmr, ez. Or not. every account i played ended around 4.3-4.5k ( i had a lot of smurf acc, so the % of simply having same mmr by luck isn't going to happen , at that number of accounts ). So i was , like ok, i belong there, time to try harder, to get more mmr.

    Few weeks ago, i had some problems with pc, and thus having to re install windows. I was tempted to smurf again, and after thinking, i was hey, lets try it, maybe fresh start will help me. I went to lvl 13, and guess what. I got around 4.9k mmr. Same player, same guy, same heroes, i didn't abused or anything. Just plain and simple playing. Losing. Wining

    So i was wondering, why now, suddenly, i get 500mmr more then my real one. I was thinking, then i remembered i reformated pc. After more thinking, i come to conclusion that maybe, steam puts some file on your system( with your mmr info, your first mmr ), thus making you unable to smurf, and get higher mmr.

    I don't have a single knowledge about this things, so is this even possible? I need someone who has big knowledge about it to say more ( maybe Havoc? )

    It is just observation, so don't hate me for bringing it.


      man, I heard some shit but this is new, 9/10 sir,

      inb4 back to 4.3k after 200 games

      btw 4.3-4.5k-4.9k.. ever heard of improving ?

      no u right it's evil file from Gabe lol

      Этот комментарий был изменён

        nah... anti-smurf algorithm might have been changed with 6.82

        waku waku

          try it in reverse by playing awful and see if your mmr is any lower


            ^ :')


              No, there's no files on your PC that have any relation to your MMR.
              You just got higher MMR, if you improved you'll stay there, if you're the same shit you'll go back to your original MMR.