General Discussion

General Discussiondoes anyone keep getting friend adds from [unassigned]

does anyone keep getting friend adds from [unassigned] in General Discussion

    how does that happen im confused.
    and only happens on my main


      Yea and let me guess, after you ask them why's the add they answer like bots with shit like "add my friend to trade"?

      Most of the adds are like that for me tho and these are scams, lately some guy added me and didnt even reply so just deleted him


        I had sth like a person who added me
        asked him who he. But he probably replied (while i was offline so i have not read the message) and then deleted me.
        So I had a pending message which i cannot look at.
        Simialar scenario ?

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          This was one of the reasons I had my entire profile on private for awhile I battle 2-3 adds a day and the issue is that some of them are people who are friends or adding me from Dotabuff but 8/10 times they try some shitty scam and I just get rid of them.


            i dont accept them its just annoying and weird since my smurfs dont get them. so i wonder if the bots are adding me from steam market or some shit