General Discussion

General DiscussionSerious advice needed for solo smurfing!

Serious advice needed for solo smurfing! in General Discussion
Orderabi (Muted)

    Okay, title says it.

    I can see there is a big hatred for smurf accounts but this is my first and there wont be another smurf account for me. I quit my previous account just because i got stuck between 3200 - 3700 mmr scala which means "high bracket." But the thing is, even thou im not that hard pro, i think i must be in a little bit better teams when i hit SEARCH GAME instead of grouping up with yolo*swag* players.

    I know, not every 3600 mmr player is bad. I know 4-5k -very high- can be worse than those players ive played with. And you can think that i deserve nothing better by checking my current profile. But i made serious mistakes when calculating my MMR, like partying with new players from my school, lose streaks, picking my weak heroes and blabla.

    So now, i need advice to get 4k mmr. Im trying to be nice every game, motivate people. I wait until 4 of my team mates pick, so i pick accordingly. THAT MEANS I AM SUPPORT. :) They say picking support is not good for mmr but ... sigh* What im good to play with, i guess it depends on my mood but im good with some mid heroes, carries and supports. My weakest part is offlane, though i like playing weaver, cent etc on offlane, my pool is narrow. Current games are on very high bracket and high bracket. If i keep on like this, what do you think my mmr will be?

    My highly respects for incoming answers, thank you.

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    Miku Plays

      isnt smurfing just for stats? why dont you just pick carry

      Orderabi (Muted)

        When i do, it makes us at least 2 hard carries and 1 semi.


          well to be honest i also tought in making a smurf account to improve my invoker stats faster.
          but after i thought about that i decided to stay honest and stay with my actual account. even i messed uo pretty much every game at my first games with this hero. (well u need your tiem to learn invoker).

          in my opnion if u want to consider urself a good player, u must also accept ur bad performances.


            this patch favors like the hardest carry, pick morph, spectre, medusa, and get easy mmr.


              idk about morph since new eblade is pretty fucked up, but spectre is actually very good right now.


                You won't reach a higher MMR by smurfing in the long run. You are 3 k, cause you belong there. Deal with it, improve. Even if your initial rating would be higher, you will drop down fast to your starting rating. MMR is pretty accurate. Some time ago a 6k player (Juice) proved it.

                He took over a 3k account and brought it up to 6 k with a next to 90% winrate.

                Orderabi (Muted)

                  No its not. Mmr was never accurate. Prove:

                  I had a friend who was partying us, pretty good solo mid player. We were always playing as 5 and win stacking like 9-10 times every time we play Dota, before MMR came out.

                  He had an operation from his arm, and quit playing for 2 months. During his recover time, we did not play as a party and whole team returned to play solo. We had %52 win rate for every of us. But by playing solo, our win stacking ended even if we keep it. So me, and 3 other friends calcuted our mmr solo. That guy started to play DOTA again with us. His party mmr was 3700 also, but he calculated his solo mmr first his and it was 4600. And he is no better than us.

                  If i was a high player dude, i would not reach very high bracket ever. But i can say %100 that im having better teams with this account. Never reached that in my previous acoount after mmr. (i had it before mmr when valve shows us in watch section)

                  one and half gun

                    buy me tb arcana and i'll get you 5k after calibration, after that you'll escape elo hell and play with awesome teammates

                    u can find my reputation on epicnpc


                      Just lose and keep losing!


                        If you are not good enough in dota you are not able to spot small differences. Between 3.7 and 4.6 there are no "big" things, that make a real difference. It is the small things, that add up. The ability to control the creep equlibrium, the willingness to spam heros, mapawarness, positoning, mindset etc.

                        You tell me something about your own view on a players skill, that you know, to prove your point of view. It was tested like 1000 times: Smurfing won't give you a stable higher mmr. With 3.7 k you are no way close to your 4.6k friend. PERIOD!.

                        There is not a single fact that you can bring to prove, that your games are "better" now. You have only played a small number of games and since you smurfed the first ones are simply easy to win for you.

                        Also you REALLY believe in smurfing, even though the facts speak a different language. Thats just a confirmation bias. You tend to overrate the games you enjoy to prove your point of view. In fact, you have a 52% winrate on nearly 100 games:

                        You won 4 games more than you lost.

                        I am sitting at 4.2 and have friends who sit at 4.7k and they are cleary better than me. If you can't see this, there you have the first reason, why you are stuck. You have no mental room to improve, because you imagine yourself on a skilllvl you do not match.

                        There is no Elo Hell. Give me a 3.3 k Acc and i bring it to 4 k in no time.

                        Juice proved it, many other here proved it.

                        Bogi spams the forum since 1 year that he will be 5k in no time, tried many different things and still won't make it.

                        A buddy of mine has like 5 smurfs and they all sit arround 4.3-4.6 k MMR. Very high means shit. Very high starts at 3.9k. You are no "3.7 k" player. You win and lose so your MMR will always be +- 200/300, considering that the longest streaks are usually arround 8-10.

                        So maybe you now cracked the 3.9k for a while. Maybe you fall back again on 3.7k. Maybe you improve. A drop in 300 is actually a huge thing. If i start losing enough and drop 300, I will climb it back in no time, since games get way easier.

                        Do not waste your time on smurfing, just improve.


                        You are not the first retard, that believes in smurfing, elo hell and that overrates the calibration. The forum here is full of players who managed to get + 1 k MMR in no time on their main account, by simply improving their own game.

                        But I have not seen 1 guy, that came out and said:

                        "Wow, i smurfed and I really cracked + 1k mmr by smurfing."

                        Get your MMR, and prove that you have more and that you can keep it.

                        And if you really believe that in 4-5k games get "better" aka more teamplay etc. you are simply wrong. The individuall playerskill increases, but the mentality stays the same:

                        Too many players tread dota as a deathmatch game: Kill most heros, get gold, get fat. Dota is a teamgame, the goal is to destroy the enemy ancient.

                        Sometimes you have teamfriendly players, that stick to their role, sometimes not. No difference in 3k or 4k.


                        0-23 on drow, while your team has decent stats. You are just scum.

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                          ^quality post (y)


                            Gl with your new smurf account, no matter how many new smurfs you make, I'll be around.


                              kitrak sleave and symphonia were all able to break higher mmr with smurfs and maintain it i think?


                                symphonia (if its the guy i remember) calibrated like 5 or 6 accounts, managed to calibrate one to 5.3 and dropped to 5.1ish where he barely maintained it, while his "main" (insofar as you have a "main") was around 4.9 at the peak, and he spent hundreds of games over various accounts.

                                he might have possibly gotten it normally if he stuck to one account tbh

                                anyway does anyone know if playdota is down for everyone? and if yes, how long?

                                feels weird without my daily dose of cancer there

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                                  ya its down.
                                  uh either maintenance or hacked no idea
                                  his main did get to 5k

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                                  one and half gun

                                    fuck no

                                    nadota and playdota are the least cancerous communities of dota but p1xlous is ruining playdota since 2011 or some shit like that

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                                      one and half gun

                                        if you want mmr in us west, you must go mid and stomp the 4ks


                                          Jesus christ. this fucking patch is so bad for farming MMR. every single game last for 45-60mins.



                                            get cost efficient items, end fast

                                            rapier on medusa is literally one of the most cost-effective way of spending gold in the game, if you fall behind during the build up it is easy to farm with cumback gold, you can farm phase/aquila/MoM/rapier in under 20 minutes by jungling from level 1.

                                            people love picking greedy heroes now, so they can't actually defend that well most of the time, and a Rapier easily gives you the edge needed to go high (WHO THE FUCK WANTS TO RUN NEAR YOU)

                                            in pubs it has the added bonus of making your teammates stick

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