General Discussion

General DiscussionAre these games winnable?

Are these games winnable? in General Discussion

    Ranked US East

    I'm solo off and doing farely well, though jakiro pushes hard

    Invoker mid doesnt gank 1 single time despite me requesting one at multiple times

    And I don't even wanna talk about CK?

    What do xD

    Primordial Soup

      In coming Wave in 3...2...1... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


        xD invokerf was right you had to gank xD he is exort you cant request him to gank, plus chrono and his sunstrike could be very easy kills once you were 6
        xD xD xD xDDD
        basically all you have to do is get near a hero whenever your chrono is up and press r, and let invoker know so he can sunstrike, then you hit it with your mace. not hard xDDD

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          Fuck it I'm adding to the QQ thread. Silencer bitches all game that I'm afk farming.

          Idk how u afk farm while getting the most kills, hero damage, and assists.

          Don't get me wrong I made mistakes but so did everyone else in the game fuck you silencer.

          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

            it's winnable, just play a hero u can actually win or carrry with.

            L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

              It's not like I can't carry with Void, I have on multiple occasions, and i'm still playing in the same skill level (2.8k)

              Solo Offlane im fine with , 38 last hits in 10 mins is decent at my level, against a Jak no less.

              Mid game when we want kills to set up, we cant coz invoker isnt cooperating and CK's feed was too beautiful


                If you're going 1v2 a stout/pms will do much more than a fast qb.
                Your support gives you a ward and you put it in the worst spot. If you put that ward near radiant ancients camp or in the edge of dire sidestairs, both in midlane, you would have granted rune vision for your midlane as well as lane vision to prevent ganks. You could have put it on the pulling camp so you can secure yourself xp and farm, or in the woods so you can farm safer knowing where the enemies are.
                Jakiro runs out of regen at four mins. This means that you can be way more aggressive but you aren't because your never checked his inventory.
                At 5.30 you got chrono. At 5.50 the lane was under your tower, jakiro was half health and wk was missing - this is the perfect example of how little things make difference: If you would have placed your ward in the woods or near the pulling camp you would have known that WK was pulling. If you checked jakiro's inventory you would have known that he had no regen. This would have granted you an easy kill as offlane void, you hit jak once or twice, you chrono him and he's dead.
                You lose your T1 and jakiro even tries to push your T2. He hasn't got regen at all since four mins in, but you do nothing about that. You have higher base dmg, backtrack, PMS and chrono and even then you let him do whatever he wants. What's funnier is that instead of pushing the lane so jakiro doesn't do cheap dmg to your T2, you still wait until the creeps are low health to last hit.
                Once again, you got chrono at 5.30. It's 11 mins in and you haven't done anything but sitting in lane missing last hits as offlane void. This is wrong because:
                a) As an offlaner you're supposed to make things happen on the map. Hit 6 and go gank nonstop whenever possible. Mid is not supposed to gank your lane, YOU [offlaner] are supposed to gank his.
                b) You have a huge aoe-long duration disable that you should abuse everytime is off cooldown, yet you still sit in lane for five minutes doing nothing (because it's not like you're getting good farm, you still miss last hits).
                BTW, thinking that QE Invoker should gank is retarded as fuck.

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                  zzzzz.. Olek said everything already there.
                  You got to lvl 6 at 5:30 so it meant the opponent must be doing something retardedly wrong already. Therefore game was supposed to be won lols. Chrono anything = dedu.

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                    L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                      OK regarding the ward, I generally ward the Jungle point near the side shop, because I was expecting roaming to happen through the Radiant side shop.

                      I ran out of regen, and Jak's liquid fire was chipping off a lot of health

                      And if Invoker could've atleast done a sunstrike or something when I pinged I maybe would've got the kill , because at that point I wasn't attacking fast enough to take him down solo

                      And also, thanks about the input about mid not ganking. This is what confuses me, when does mid gank top/bot and when does top/bot rotate mid?

                      L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                        KiTrak : Thanks a lot bruh, I didn't know 2.8k is below 4k :)

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                          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                            There's teamwork at higher level which is just missing in lower levels.

                            What I wanna know is, do higher levels flame?


                              "(...)Because I was expecting roaming to happen through the Radiant sideshop". I guess you meant the radiant secretshop, because the radiant sideshop is in bot lane. Anyway, why would you expect a rotation from there. Half the time your lane was pushed so anyone could have smoked up in their jungle and ganked you through the river. And even more, nobody left his lane in 10 mins so with a little map awareness you would have known that no one was roaming, which means it was a horrible ward. Warding pulling camp, woods or mid spots that grant rune vision is 10x times better.
                              You didnt need a sunstrike. Jak's hp at 5.50 was 411. At lvl 4 he has around 2 armor, which gives him an ehp of 460. With your 71 dps, you needed 6,4 seconds to kill him. It would have been an easy kill if you hit him once or twice, use chrono (4 seconds) and position yourself so you can block him after chrono and finish him off and if it wasn't enough you could have used timewalk either to finish the job or to escape. Even then you had nothing to lose, it's not like you used chrono in the next 5 minutes anyways. Maybe if you focused on your own gameplay instead of invoker's you would have gotten a kill and, why not, snowballed to the victory.
                              Mid is a core position, which means he gets farm priority because he scales well with gold. Ganking without vision or runes (as offlaner you didn't check runes not even once) is incredibly inefficient since mid has to spend around one or two minutes to get one kill, two if lucky which is, at most 500 gold (if he gets both last hits); in lane this means 2-4 waves which grants between 320 and 640 gold. Guess which one is better in terms of farm.
                              Offlane is also a core position, but his farm priority is lower than mid's. His job is to stay alive and get xp - if he can get farm it's excelent, but staying alive is the main concern.
                              With that said, what do you think it's better: Mid giving up safe lane farm trying to gank when it's not a secured kill OR offlane shutting down the enemy mid negating him farm and xp?
                              Also, don't get me wrong, your mid and your bot lane were garbage, but you could have done much better as well. You can't make your teammates any better so there's no point on trying to help them or flaming them or anything, focus on your gameplay and you'll improve.

                              Edit: The higher it goes the more toxic it gets. It has nothing to do with actual teamwork. I climbed up 1k mmr being muted.

                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                "What I wanna know is, do higher levels flame?" Do you ever watch games through the game client???

                                Also, don't play void, just fucking go mid with heros that can win the game 1v9. Look at my recent terrorblade games, most of which are mid. I am right near your MMR, and you can win games with shit team mates who get raped from min 1 onwards with the right heros.

                                Void can do it, but it requires much, much more farm and if your whole team gets raped it is hard to be effective with void.

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                                  one and half gun

                                    much amaze

                                    it is very important for the mid player to gank the other lanes or else its Gg