General Discussion

General DiscussionTips for Techies?

Tips for Techies? in General Discussion

    I find when I play them I do well but I end up playing super defensively, and my only offensive potential is force staffing de-miners into my minefields. Because I can't contribute as well as others offensively my team struggles and the game ends up in the enemies favour. Any tips?


      1) Pick techies
      2) Ruin the game




          1. try to give fb on lane. tp and put mines on the road in front of secret shop for dire and close to map corner if radiant.
          2. go for soul ring. best item
          3. stay on lane until lvl 6 if they got wards on map. if the other team doesnt have wards, you can bomb runa/ walking spots before lvl 6.
          4. put 5/6 ulti mines in good spots on your lane, then leave and try to do the same on the other lanes. make sure creeps dont see you.

          this is the safe play tech, thats never seen on map. after you master this try to stay with your team.

          you can help your team by def/pushing and spamming stun bombs before team fights.


            1. plant many many mine with 7 mana pot all map
            2. lvl 1 mine = 300 damage , 300 x 5 = 1500 damage can 1 hit kill the any tank
            3. max suicide , 1500 damage is very pain , free kill every 2 minute 30 seconds CONFIRM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            4. do not level ulti
            5. suck, waste many mana
            6. max 1st and 3rd then stats for bonus mana so can plant more mine

            source; i am pinoy techie player

            good luck (y)


              If someone could watch a replay and see what I could do better :p


                Max mines and then suicide. Sometimes it is good to get 2nd suicide at lvl 3 and get easy first blood. Get manaboots and soulring and start running around setting traps when you get lvl 4 mines. Farm kills, get blink dagger and win every fight by blowing yourself up on biggest pile of heroes you see. Works especially fine with magnus, enigma, shaker and others. You get bonus point if you are able to plant stasis or throw some mines before you blow yourself up.

                I'm 7-3 so far with Techie.

                Этот комментарий был изменён

                  I'm 0-5/6 atm lmao!


                    you dont need more than a point in suicide in many games. that skill should be just to deny yourself when you cant escape, not to make kills with it.

                    Sugar Show

                      farm as carry and let enemy team drive to the mandess.


                        Stay in the lane.
                        Farm creep waves with mines.
                        Push the heck out of your lane and always lay a mine on the enemy tower if you can without taking much damage.
                        Don't waste mana on random obvious lane spots for possible future bombs.
                        Place a few mines in small areas propel sometimes go but make sure you put 3-4 to kill an enemy.
                        Place a group of mines in escape routes.
                        Your ult is really nice for gaining sight.
                        If you can get a Ds/Magnus on your team to get the entire enemy in a close area a high level suicide can do sooooooooo much damage (5 man reverse polarity = 5 heroes all within max suicide damage range and possibly a team wipe).


                          i wanted to try techies out, i guess ill have to play some normal games :)))


                            Sup ol' comrade!

                            Remember this game? :D

                            By the way, what mmr are you now?

                            I played an unranked Techie game yesterday, and the average mmr probably was around ~4k.
                            I'm horrible with him, along with being tired, but I guess the replay could give some insight to go from terrible to horrible.

                            wasted penguinz

                              1.pick techies
                              2.repick it


                                Dont play this shit