General Discussion

General DiscussionHack is real

Hack is real in General Discussion
I'm 14k mmr let me mid we all kicked and no1 can reconect :DDDDDDDDDD
    Too nice for be truth


      same shit on my smurf

      I'm 14k mmr let me mid

        The only1 who stayed was darkseer, why the fuck it happens?

        Jorges Sanz

          Probably ate a vac>wall whilst pudge had rot on or fade bolt bouncing creating infinitely many images in a short span of time causing some sort of overload.... just a guess

          I saw something similar before but with Sf's requiem

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            Blank: do you have any Slark tips?


              please dont rush blink on TA


                phase boots into blink =D

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                FUCK RUSSIA

                  I lose 3 IQ when i see phase into blink TA,

                  I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                    My TA is inba in high skill, and when i trust u about void no bf+mollojinr all went wrong.
                    So fuck u my Ta is da best.

                    @Scrubby the Scrublord
                    Yeah i remember darkseer doing wall on 4 heros then it crashed

                    I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                      cuz u dont bf+mjollinr :D

                      Yeah i just look the replay and that was after the wall 5 players out


                        It was a server crash and happened to everyone