General Discussion

General DiscussionSo i decided to go back to unranked solo que

So i decided to go back to unranked solo que in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

    Holey shitznit, is is bad. They que u with 0 wins and 1200+ wins at same time. Desolator first snipers and smurf PAs... Wow I'm not complaining about how bad 3.5k mmr CM mode is anymore.

    Last picking is 4 pussies

      Don't forget your qued with that and then matched against 5 man premades.

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          You dont look that good either. Yes you have items but if we be honest if you get a midas to alch no matter what if you drag the game he will get some items.


            Also dont forget, most people love pressing that find ranked match button, so they only queue to normal when they for some reason cant play ranked. Being drunk, exhausted, feeling a need to feed and troll games or simply... you know... trying out new heroes or ideas, practicing stuff they are bad at. I hate people who flame in normal games for picking a hero someone isnt that good at. I mean, if its an invoker you should practice in bot games first but if someone misses hooks or arrows in normal games, doesnt land the perfect chrono, ruins a gank with a failed relocate or glimpse... eumm... thats not that bad (im talking about 3k games, not 4.5k+ where youre expected to be able to play dota...). You shouldnt flame in normal games, they are for practicing stuff youre not good at. If you want to tryhard you either stack as 5 or queue ranked and hope. I wanted to learn Mirana but even in my slightly below 3k solo normal hidden mmr (should be there, my soloranked was there), ppl instantly flame me for missing arrows and i have no idea why, were they born with perfect arrow/hoook skills? All of them sucks anyways... So i got a smurf, fed first some games and now I can do whatever... But normal should be for this, not for blame games...

            ICE SKULL

              damn 1200+ wins and you're in the bracket where they put new players, talk about autism and not willingly improving

              i guess whining will solve that!


                ^ I was around 3.7 in ranked, not rly playing normal ever, so that should be where i calibrated.
                And ye, I suck at this game, never said i dont. Dont care enough.


                  4k games 6,2k hours and 3,5k mmr on US LOL ARE U FOR REAL


                    when i play unranked its usually low priority and i build dagons :)))))


                      I play unranked, everything the OP said is so true. You can literally win games just by farming all game then fighting once without being Medusa.

                      Hex Sigma

                        imo unranked can be really fun IF you're with a team.

                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock


                          in my defense, after first blood my support started fucking with my last hits. Then they rotated top to help weaver. WD was never in a lane and all game he did like empty ults.. no cast or maledicts! I think there was 2 ocassion where he coulda saved me with cask but choose not too. He was getting flamed for not rotating top and he wasn't really helping me bot.


                            ^you think you get all the bads on your team and every 3k pro is in the enemy team :DDD
                            dude open your eyes, gaben didn't curse you, work with what you have and try to have fun in normal.
                            but play serious in ranked or report :)))

                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                              I love my haters, 1 guy a 73 wins smurf, another a invoker dick rider 64% winrate yet still at 53%. fuck off douchebags.

                              We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                I like unrank solo queue, I don't have to try hard and I can experiment with builds. :3

                                ICE SKULL

                                  im flaming OP lmao he has 1200+ wins and is in the bracket where they put new players

                                  thats fucking sad


                                    The guy with 20 wins and the guy with 1k+ wins are equally bad in your games. Most people play thousands of dota 2 games and they are still horrible at the game, but still they can't comprehend it. Kind of sad actually.

                                    Primordial Soup

                                      I love these kinds of threads. People trying to help the OP but he just can't get it through his thick head.


                                        I noticed the level is way lower on unranked as well, thats why I always go there if I just want to practice, play with some hero for fun or maybe que with my lower mmr friends (basically all my friends are lower than me and im 3,6k... that feel man) and do the previous listed things, no idea why would I tryhard on a normal game.

                                        Whenever they flame and Im like "chill, its just unranked" theyoften go "i dont care i want to win" - oh well

                                        Some people flame even in an ability draft game, how sad they have to be...

                                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                          Honestly AD is actually more stricker and tryhard than ranked.

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                                            Dire Wolf

                                              I only play unranked to try new heroes. First time I play zeus I was awful, started getting flamed. My response: Unranked LOL who gives a shit? People get way overexcitied about non ranked play.

                                                Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                                  rofl 4k games 3,5k us trash with 2k alch hero damage in 40 minute game calls my 53% winrate out so fucking sad

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    "normally ppl who say theyr messing around in unranked are as good/bad in unranked as they r in ranked from my experience"

                                                    In ranked i spam mid

                                                    In unranked i get orb of venom and aura first on omni and i roam

                                                    So i woudnt say is the same thing

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      Like I said I try new heroes/strategies in unranked I would never play in ranked without some practice. Latest results were zeus and a jungle alch.

                                                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                        Allison do you have someting against me? u invoker dick rider.


                                                          @Flender Skarluet
                                                          Ah lol, Ive read games instead of wins somehow, even checked that op had a lot more so you mustve flamed me :D Gg me.

                                                          On topic, I had no problems with op until he started to flame others for no reason... ok. Why you do dis everyone...

                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                            bitch nigga ding dong honda civic kentucky fried rice.
                                                            this is what i read in this thread

                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!