General Discussion

General DiscussionLycan?

Lycan? in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    I never had a problem against Lycan, but can someone tell why he's top tier pick/ban material and what patch made him "overpowered".

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        He is R[A]T

        kanye went to uni

          he makes your team rage apparently

          I'm 14k mmr let me mid

            Huge push too early


              Well yes I guess there is no problem with Lycan in normal skill


                He needs a team that understands what it means to group up and push or distract the enemy while he pushes.

                Treefolk Legend

                  People often doesnt know how to play with him in pubs

                  ICE SKULL

                    i dont like lycan with necrobooks

                    lycan with armlet is probably the strongest mid game right clicker


                      Lycan gives necro summons like +70% dps with only feral impulse. Not to mention howl an max ms from shapeshift.

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                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        6.79 and follow up 6.80 made him OP.


                          97 games and 72% winrate here, basicaly:

                          - beast jungler, 1 level per minute (if i get lucky with camps even more)
                          - takes roshan easily and early (7-8 minutes)
                          - invisible wolves for stacking, rune control, avoiding ganks
                          - ulti that gives you full speed, pretty much impossible to catch if he's escaping unless you have 2-3 stuns and stack them, slows dont work
                          - becomes THE BEST pusher very early and a brutal right clicker (wolves + necros + lycan with ult + howl = you're dead)

                          I main necro whos winrate at pubs is 60%, and i got 66% winrate with him but lycan is on a whole different level, he becomes way too good way too early and only gets better.


                            How do you manage to get that kind of levels if his jungle at lvl 1 is shit?
                            How do you stack with invis wolves? O_O