General Discussion

General Discussion"valve doesn't enforce 1vs9"

"valve doesn't enforce 1vs9" in General Discussion

    because us east can be taken seriously? go kill yourself, i can't even tell if 99% of your post is low quality bait or you're actually serious since ur legit 3k and trying to say anything about dota in general is just awful


      yea warlock definitely beats ta in lane, the only issue is that wl is fucking worthless without his ult, so during your downtime you're basically dead weight (unlike krob who can spam swarm to clear creep waves)

      Quick maffs

        what ? lol i thought you liked the guy

        I really thought warlock was really good against TA cause i saw zenoth talking about it, but when i saw dragonfist saying that he had no problems i didnt know what to believe. That its why i was ASKING people opinion about this.

        Anyway i like the fact that you are mad again, at this rate you are going to die from a heart attack, one less retard in the forum :)


          well that's dragonfist, who consistently wins against razors and vipers mid with ta....

          an equally skilled warlock against an equally skilled ta, warlock will win vast majority of the time. you literally press q and r once you hit level 2 and ta loses more than half her hp, you repeat the process and win the war of attrition

          same with veno vs ta mid, all veno does is spam wards and slowly push down ta's tower, it doesn't really matter if ta will outcs veno since tower gold + map control is far more important than having an extra 10-15 cs by 10 min

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            I don't think Warlock is much of a deadweight without his ulti. Upheavel alone is extremely annoying against heroes who need to keep moving and repositioning themselves but don't have spells to do it, like TA and Razor.


              most likely you will max out q and r so you won't even have a single point in upheaval until 10

              plus, upheaval is a channeling spell so it can be canceled

              ICE SKULL

                yeah dragonfist is good but read your comment again if you dont get it

                ICE SKULL

                  and it snto the ulti that only fucks over ta, it's that warlock will have more farm vs ta mid

                  ICE SKULL

                    + any decent mid would buy ghost scepter and bait out TA with warlock, venom, sf etc

                    its only 1600 gold which almost guarantees a kill on TA since she wont be able to do shit



                      well guanzo's been spamming naga siren against ta mid and he's still winning LOL

             6463 MMR

                      idk if he plants, i remember 2c accused him of planting a long time ago, but in all honesty he probably doesn't need to in order to win against 4800 MMR players cuz most of them are braindead

                      so yea moral of the story is u don't need razor/viper to win against ta, u just need to be a better player with some insight on what to do if you happen to get out-csed

                      (off topic)

                      dragonfist disabled his dotabuff D:

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                          Sorry blunt, I'm afraid everybody will think I'm ugly if I post pics of myself here... Insecure as fuck

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                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Quality thread.

                            Ples Mercy

                              @autistic dd:
                              Sad part is, u're being serious.


                                fuck off blunt