General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do QW Invokers refuse to put an early point in exort?

Why do QW Invokers refuse to put an early point in exort? in General Discussion


    I mean if there is no need for that added versatility then yes I understand, but sometimes DB or icewall would do so much more especially playing from behind


      i always get it at around level 5
      really helpful, usually need deafening blast


        usually get it around level 10 onwards, early on its not worth it


          so you prefer to do some shit spell when invoke cd is still high
          looks legit


            There's no need. Before you have three or four points on invoke, you rely on three spells. As QW Invoker all you have to do early on is tornado -> emp -> coldsnap.
            Also there's no such thing as value exort point because exort spells are really level dependant (that means that they're shit with one point on exort). As a QE Invoker you can put one value point on Wex just to be able to invoke ghost walk.


              I'm not talking about getting it for meteor/sunstrike/forge but for extremely powerful CC spells; ice wall and db. And you're wrong, QE invokers don't add just for ghostwalk lol, early access to meteor/db when you have teamfight heroes like enigma.

              1 point of wex barely removes benefits from your EMP or Tornado... You're unlikely to notice any impact at all. You're more likely to lose a teamfight because you used coldsnap instead of icewall/deafening blast than you are to lose a teamfight because your tornado wasn't long enough (rofl) or your emp came out .3 seconds later.

              From a logical point that pros outweight the cons but it just seems to be the trend.


                "1 point of wex barely removes benefits from your EMP or Tornado... You're unlikely to notice any impact at all. You're more likely to lose a teamfight because you used coldsnap instead of icewall/deafening blast than you are to lose a teamfight because your tornado wasn't long enough (rofl) or your emp came out .3 seconds later."

                cetain points of quas is critical for tornado emp/emp tornado combo to work.

                early qw is mainly cold snap emp tornado ghost walk 4 spells is more than enough when u have high cd invoke


                  yeah man i like ice wall early too
                  idk man i dont know about specific calculation but i would prefer to have exort at lv 10 :/

                    Этот комментарий удален модератором

                      The chances of losing a teamfight with one build or the other are close to zero because most of the time you won't be teamfighting before lvl 10 either way. The only reason I'd get a lvl 1 point on exort is to be able to last hit better, because QW invoker's base damage is horrible.

                        Этот комментарий удален модератором

                          not teamfighting with qw invoker ok.


                            Teamfights =/= skirmishes/ganks.

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