General Discussion

General DiscussionMekanism Doom is broken

Mekanism Doom is broken in General Discussion
Madoka Dota

    Currently 4-0 in high matchmaking using mek doom, jungle support. Abuse to the max

    Ples Mercy



        Stopping doom from buying mek = Doto saved

        Give me a fucking break

        Madoka Dota

          nice 49.72% winrate lmao

          bum farto

            Mekanism Doom isn't all that, and while a good pick up it can be much better utilized by someone with a better mana pool. Even with drums and something else until you get either sceptre or shiva's you have to be super mana efficient to make it work and in lower brackets.

            IMO, the best doom items as bought and played by me.



              King of Low Prio

                typical smurf

                bum farto

                  @Madoka Dota You're in High bracket, probably low 3K MMR, please don't start trash talking other users of the forum if you don't want to receive the same treatment.


                    3.2 to 3.8 but I'm normal so


                      iron branch best doom item


                        I'm never able to see any pic Havoc posts :(


                          That helps :)

                          Dat ironbranch.

                          bum farto

                            It's not called a GG branch for nothing #TI4

                            Low Expectations

                              Looking over the items must say I never build S&Y on doom, is it any good/when?

                              bum farto

                                Nah, don't build it. It was a short lived right click doom build I did for awhile which was fun but required Doom to be played as a safe carry which I would advise against.


                                  nice 56.52% winrate pls coach me

                                    Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                      Utility-teamfight-gank doom is the best. Arcanes and Mek for the fucking win - just grab an Alpha wolf buff and you're sweet as candy. Do it for the boys brah.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Just go vlads and let a real support build mek.


                                          I believe your confusing mekanism doom being broken, with doom being broken.


                                            Well, doom in competitive is broken, and will be till the time he no longer is able to offlane. at least he is not broken in pub :)
                                            On the other hand, mecka is broken.

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              My favorite doom is right clicker, midas, phase boots, vlads, halberd, ac/shivas/heart/abyssal. I used to build mek often but hard to have mana for it.

                                                Этот комментарий удален модератором
                                                "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                                  I think like Bristle mek is just ridiculous.

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    If someone stays in jungle more than 10-12 mins with any hero he's doing it wrong, not just Doom. You can get midas at 7-8 mins and get phase boots and bassy by 10-12 and start pushing towers. You are very strong at that point. You finish vlad's and halberd with tower gold/lane gold from pushing t1s. Shadowblade is a gimmick item on doom, only really useful for a big disable on an initiator like a void but other team will wise up and start using sentries. Halberd + vlads makes you really tanky.