General Discussion

General DiscussionSome people have anger issues.

Some people have anger issues. in General Discussion

    Damn, do some people have a problem with anger issues, just had a guy get so angry and rage that he was incoherent. What makes it stranger was that we where winning.

    He flamed me for 5 minutes strait for Tp'ing out and leaving him to die, when I tp'd out to defend mid tower from Furion. He flamed everyone in the whole team, because we didn't do what he told us to do, it was the Shadow Demon in this game.

    Basically the entire game was him flaming and bad mouthing clinkz and disruptor. He died because he was text flaming people, he was muted :)


      It's because people in the bracket genuinely believe that they're better than the people they play with. I played with an american group of 2.3K friends and the amount of shit talk coming from the enemy team was laughable.

      Things like...

      > I am almost 3K you trashcan, please don't talk to me till you get high MMR like me (directed at me on 4.9K at the time)
      > Nice blink dagger on Doom garbage, GG you didn't go Vanguard.

      This is actually what gets said in low games I go to and I personally am astonished by how blinded people can get, if someone like DragonFist or W33 took a 2-4K account and played on it, they would get trash talked to shit regardless of the fact that they are currently the best players in NA and EU respectively.

      People should not try and give advice or force their opinions onto other in their brackets. Its basically like beggars arguing over who has the most money, it's pathetic to everyone around them but themselves.


        A snippet like this...

        38:17 Slark Slark: LOL
        38:20 Slark Slark: noob enigma
        38:21 Slark Slark: shit
        38:24 Slark Slark: what a team
        38:28 Lina Lina: Buys sb on slark -.;-
        38:29 Beastmaster Beastmaster: he is by far
        38:32 Beastmaster Beastmaster: your best player
        38:35 Enigma Enigma: :D
        38:39 Beastmaster Beastmaster: like
        38:41 Beastmaster Beastmaster: by a long shot
        38:45 Lina Lina: ^
        38:49 Enigma Enigma: tfw not sure if sarcasm
        38:53 Beastmaster Beastmaster: serious
        39:09 Enigma Enigma: tfw still not sure
        40:38 Slark Slark: holy shit
        41:14 Nature's Prophet Nature's Prophet: jerks
        42:31 Nature's Prophet Nature's Prophet: jerks
        42:40 Lina Lina: opa dendi
        42:49 Lina Lina: sais fearSpear
        43:20 Lina Lina: :O
        43:50 Slark Slark: LOL
        43:54 Slark Slark: this enigma
        44:00 Slark Slark: so pro
        44:03 Beastmaster Beastmaster: stop bitching
        44:09 Beastmaster Beastmaster: you're all 2k
        44:10 Beastmaster Beastmaster: please
        44:16 Slark Slark: lol
        44:19 Slark Slark: im 3.5k

        Oh Shit Waddup

          I was never that bad but i did used to be a self confessed rager. i wasnt normally the first person to strike but if someone had a chop at me then it was game on, fuck the game of dota, all it is is proving that this guy is wrong. Then i realised its a game and to enjoy it rather than getting shitty etc so i made a new account and told myself not to rage anymore. havent ever enjoyed dota more since starting this acc and changing my attitude :D


            well sadly its true ^
            most of the trashes are like that, typical garena players


              just mute them


                I don't like muting people on my team, especially on a close game like this was. Early game it looked sketchy with bad engagements etc. So I felt that he might say something useful, he didn't! but still :P


                  when i lose a shit ton of games in a row, i flame a lot when we start losing, but that only happens when someone starts it saying stuff
                  to me or someone on our team. i usually repeat 2 or 3 times "please, don't talk, just play" when they don't stop i say "shut up please"
                  then follows "shut the fuck up faggot" and then i start flaming a lot.


                    I sometimes suggest stuff to people but for the most part avoid communication cause in a way it can turn into a lot more toxicity than it's worth.


                      some people of the same level (mmr) think they are soooo much better than their teammates and they are like "use x spell now, why u no stun, omg retard wtf, team wtf why no help, etc etc. this stuff gets me flaming most of the times.


                        I'm actually angry if someone random'd in ranked MMR


                          I'm a peaceful man with bad intentions.


                            when someone randoms in ranked i want to say bad words to him, but when 4 guys in your team random and expect you to support, thats some next level shit.

                            Sugar Show

                              people who can't handle doto must not play doto.


                                Hell I watched dendi stream under a random nick and HE was getting flamed as being noob, terrible, etc. by his team. Pretty sure ppl will rage on and flame anyone who doesn't play how they want them to, regardless of skill.

                                Spinach Rag

                                  There was this one game where the Venge was solo farming and basically assigned himself as the leader of the team. He started making a carry build despite the fact that we had a Phantom Assassin. He kept teliing the PA to 'stop farming' while himself is farming solo on a lane, so I was like 'she's supposed to farm, you idiot'. When the same PA dies from a jungle gank she says 'GG no wards'. So I was like 'If you check the shop you'll see that the wards are out of stock. And if you were paying attention, you'd know that they were 5-man dewarding our jungle with their own gem you idiot.' Later on in the same game one team-mate told the Venge to stop swapping the Tidehunter to the center of our team, and he was like 'Swap does damage, you idiot.'

                                  I don't understand why anyone would want to mute chat when it's such an infinite source of comedy gold.

                                  After having died 3 times early game one of my team-mates said 'stop feeding', I basically shut up and acquiesce because it's a factually accurate and valid critique. My flames are purely reactionary to stupidity and not valid critiques.

                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                    I play on 3.5k MMR. But man the few times I dipped to 3.0k and had 2.8k and 3.0k.. IT was so HARD to win games. Cuz 1, the team doen't not how to gank or coridnate ganks. 2, no one has mic or even follows any sort of teamplay, and by luck the othter team does. 3, supports aren't buying wards or blocking pulls. 4, supports are taking farm from carries etc...There seem to be a 3.5k-4k smurf in every game playing in 3.0k game. In fact I made top tower damage, top hero damage and top kills all in this tier. In hon it would be the smurf/shit trench of 1550 PSR. in Dota 2, its 3.0k mmr. You get anywhere from retards to super smurfs.

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                                      i just played a game as pudge and the necro on the other team started abusing his team calling them all feeders his score was 0-2 and qop score who was apparently feeding was 0-2 lol so i didnt see any sense in it so i then camped his lane for a good 20minutes killing him 5 or 6 times and typing feeder as i ate him lol it was amusing watching him lose his shit :D and he was no better then anyone on his team and was feeding just as much if not more :D but still he had a reason why everyone was noob but himself he was clearly dillusional

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                                      ICE SKULL

                                        Australia 132
                                        Europe East 43
                                        Europe West 35
                                        South Africa 13


                                          yes this is a stat padded account :) havnt played on it for some time tho just happens to be the account that is logged into forums :D your point :D? everyone allready knows im a filthy stat padder :D


                                            I hate it when people jump in 1v3 or something and expect you to commit sudoku with them.